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Has Saline got ¦ marshal ?- Observer. Don't know. Yon teil. A valuable borse belonging to Geo. C. Page, ot Lima, bled to death recently. Upwards of a quarter of a Ihousand Ypsilantians went to Detroit to see Blaine. Wm.Atkinson and Miss Sarah Jane Patteru were niarried at Chelsea on the Uth. E. Stubler has rented the farm of Win. Stockbridge, of Lima, tor a perlod of three yeais. A "New England dlnner" is on the program for eicction day bv the ladies of öt. JLuke's chnrcli, Ypsilanti. The man Chas. Brown, of Ypsilanti, an account of whosc attempted suicide we DOted last week, bas since died. The Congress st. bridge at Ypsilanti, bas been rt-timborcd, and is oxpeeted to endure a sixth ofacentury ur Bolbnger. Rev. Fr. Siminons, of Dexter, luis been surt'ering fiom an attack of typhoid malaria, prevcnting au intended easteru trip. Corn liuskmg is nearly or quite completed thioughout the county, and tbe earg turn out like those of a donkey- very large. A Sunday school ins'.itute, of great interest to Stinday school workers, was held in the Baptist churcli, at Dexter, last Sabbath. The Dexter Leader acenses Harry B. Hutchlne of being the "gay" professor of law. He isn't so "gay" as heis"Jay" on the law business. Mrs. Omar Warner and children have gone to California, where Mr. Warner bas been for some time, and where Ihcy will reside in the future, going trom Milan. G. Ahnemiller is no slow gardener. Daring the f'no part of the week a eabbagp, welghing 30J pounds, has beun on exbibition at Loom is' store which Mr. A. raised.- Chelsea Herald. Over 100 memberaqffte old 20th Midi. last Wednesday, and the event was an execedingly pleasaut allair. The next reunión will be held at Jackson. A few Rus?ian pumpkins, that are " some pumpkins," were to be seen atCostello's last week. They weighed 184, 113, 87 and 83 pounds, and were raised by John Doody, Dexter. - Dexter Leader. The Leonard Fruit Co. at Milan, are einploying 10 bands and running one evaporator, but expect to have three new ones in operation soon. They have already purchased about 4,000 bushels of apples. TheSiline common cmincil has adopted the following extremely sensible resolution : "Jlesolocd, That we organize ourselves into a board of bealth for the purpose of abating such nuisances as oiay come under our notice." For the past month there has been an alafming amount of sickness in this vicinity,owing probably to the unusually warm weather, but we are pleased to learn from our physicians that the general health is improvin with the ari'ival of a cooler atmosphere. - Saline Observer. Every fall there is a great deal of refnse gathered around the tields which should be piled up and burned. Much of it will consist of weeds whoe final cuttiug has not eutirely preven teil seediug. If left till spring these seeds will fall to the grounü, and buining the refnse tlien will miss one of its important object?.- Saline Ob3erver. A dwelling house belongiug to Samuel Siuiih at Sharon Center, was burned Friday. The con ten tl were all saved. The building cauglit lire from a threshing engine at work there. The same day the entine íired the town hall, church and church sheds at that place. They were all extinguished with sniall loss. The house was insured in the Washtenaw Mutual. Loss, $700. The man selling three gold ( ?) rings for $3, with a chance of chooslng tliosepackaires containing tbe $10 bill, was in town Wednesday, and when he left he carricd away some of the surplus ïvealth of some ot our sharp citizens wbo were willing and anxious to bet on another man's game. The rings, however, were really fine ones, and, perhnps, would not cost less tba.ii $1 per busbel. - Milan Leader. The village loek up at Milan is being built rapidly. It will be 12x10 feet in size, with two cells, "jixS feet, and another room 7x12 feet.' It is buïlt on a brick wall with piecesof wood4} inches wide and l} inches thick, laid one upoo the other and spiked. This will be ceiled on the inside and boarded, battened and painted on the outside. Milanites and visitors who get half-seasover sometimes, better be warned. The Ann Arbor correspondent of the Detroit Post, bas this to say of Capt Alleri's chances: "Capt. Allen was in the city Friday, having just returned from a eanvass in Hillsdale and Lenawee counties. He expresses the utmost confidence in bis own election to congress in November. The can rad is very favorable every where; the people are thorou'.'bly awakend to the importance of the questions before tbeni, and everythiug auguis a large vote for Allen and protection. " Voters tlus year," said Capt. Allen, "are going to vote for their own interestg and not for their party. The same influenees which induced Ohio woolgrowen to vote the straight republican ticket are at work in the second Michigan district. The wool-growers - and tbere are a great many of tbem in this district -don't like Eldridge's record and principies, and they distrust the democratie party. Protection, good prices for wool or democratie tarilï tinkering with the present low prices for wool, is the leading guestion in this district." " Do cats reason ?" asksa writer in natural hiftory. We don't know whether they reason or not, but for pure, unadultpratcfl ariumentation tliev take the cake.


Ann Arbor Courier
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