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LOST - While travellng throujjh Ohio lor my healtli (ha ving a hole In my pocket), tüe Germán vote. A liberal reward wlll be paid If retnrned before Nov. 4, 188-i. Addresa (.'ahí. Schurz, care of " Mul " Bitrnnm. Will sonie ot' our probibitlon frieoda please ezplain the attitude of tlíeir organ, " Tbe ProhlbItlonÍ8t, " publishod at Detroit? That paper iastead of advocating prohibition naea8ures, spends all of its breath in abualng republicana and the republican party. Is it really in the interest of the temperance people, orofthe (leniocracy f M. ff. Brcnnan, as prosecuting attorney toiU be found at thé county stat ihere tlte county busines is trantacted. AmoiiL the Whltesi Thlnga on Eartk Are teeth, benutlfled and preserred by SOZODOXT; and the rose ecarcely sweeter than the breath which becomes I aromatic through its Influence. It is the very pearl of deatifrlcea and the surest preventive of dental decay in exUtenoe. It remedies with certainty canker and every species of corrosive blemish upon the teeth, and counteract the hurtfol iniliience upon thera of acidity of the Btomach. The formula t it preparatron Inclndea only botanie Ingredlenta and it containa only the purest and most salutary of these fr in 1215-1210. Kemarked by R. C. Joiner, of Alleu P.O., Hiltadale Co., MIch.: "Nothing : gave my rheumatlsm such quick relief as Dr. Thoma' Eclectric 011. Bartholdl's Statuie of Liberty li;.s oyes whicli mensure s. íeet from corner to corner. And yet she is unable to see a fund large enoagh to complete her pedestal. STATU OF 11I0H1GAM, oi' Washtenaw, H. A a sosaton of the Probate Court for the County ol Wuhtenaw, holden ut the Probatn offlci-. in the City ol Aim Arlior, on Monda;, Iwentietb Any ofOctober. In the yemrone thousand eiehl hundred nuil elghty-fonr. Present, Wiliiam 1). Harriman, .Indj,'" (j Prob&tot ' In the matter ol theetatoof Mlnn!e e .and Nina II. 11-nUy. minor.-. Johnson W. Knlght, (lu'imr dian orsniil warda comea Into conti and represente Ihathala now preparad to nioder olí aucaalaocoiint at buco íruardian. Tnereupon It I ordrrod, that Tnegdcy, the eleventb day of November neit, Ht ten o'clock In ibtfuronoon, bu asslgned lor ezamlninf; and allowlne men ccount, and tbat the nxl of kin oí salo warda, and all other persona Interested In estáte, are reqnlrea to appear at ¦¦ :mo of satd coart, Uien to bc bolden .:t the Probate Office, in ; the city of Ann Arbor, In fnid ronnty, and show cnue, il any thurc be, wi,y the Biiia account should uot be allowed. And it 1 luiilier ordered. thnt paid goaidtaa ! give notice to the persons In terested In ud estáte of the pendenc; of ?Md accoant, and the hearing thereo!, by cuasing i copy of thi order to be pnblihcii in thcAnn.rhorf"Vjri -.;i newspaper printed ai.d clrcnlatlng In isld county, two snecessiva weeka prevloat tosaidda; nf hearine, (Atruecopy.) WILLIAM t). MAIdUMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register! r" :U' Ql'ATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WasliUnaw At. a Bession of tho Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden al the Probate Office, In tha city of Anu Arl)or, oo Monday, the twentieth day ot Ooiober, in the year one thoiiand elght hondred and elghty-fonr. Present, WUllam i). üarrlman, Jadge of Probate. in the matter of the eatats of Hosea ï, deceased -n readlng and fltlng the petltloiii duiy vt-i i'ii-ii, of Pinnitu Green, praylnu tlnita certaln ' Instrnmenl now on file In thi oonrt pnrportlng lo bet! e lal wlllsnd tettamem of satd aeceased, ma] beadmltted to probate, and thot admlnlstratlou with tite wiU annexed, may be granted 10 bi or lome otber BQltuble peraon, ThereupoD il la ordered, that Monday, the seven tsëntb day of November oext, -it ten o'clock la the foreaoon, be asslgnod for the hearing of said 1'tltion, and th:it the devíseos, légateos and hi'lrs at law of sald deceaaed, and ftll other peraoua Interested in sald estáte, are raqnlrad to appear al a ocasión ol said coart then to be holden ii the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, and show causo, il' any there be, whj the prayerof thepe tltloaer should nol beirranied. And it Isfurther ordered, thal nil petlttoner (tlve notice tothe perpons interested In aald estáte, of the pendency ol said peütlon, ii n l tho hoai Inu then ol bj canslng ti copy of thts order ti bepublished In the Anv Arbnr Cburiw, anewspnpet printed and circulatinglo suid connty, thrae sacceüslve weeka prtvious to sald day of fieariuff. (Atrnecopy.l WlI.l.lAM i). UAKK1MAN, Judge of Probate. WM. B.DOTTi Probate RedaUr. 1200-1208


Ann Arbor Courier
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