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LH. freshman election Saturday. " Black plug " is ihe official junior liat. "Bibliography " i-i expounded weekly by Librarían Davis. Prof'. DuPont entertains sooie of liis friends to-morrow afternoon. A juvenile orchestra has been organized by Prof. Oady, from among the city youiisrsters. Students are happy over the ncws thut Dr. Palmer is convalescent and will soon meet theni again. Dr. Ford is getting out a syllabus of bia lectureson Odentology, for the benefit of the tender hearted tooth puliera. Mr. L. T. Ives, of Detroit, is painting a portrait of the late Gov. John J. Bagley, wliieh is deaigued tobe placed in tlie university. The junior and fresh man medies engaged in a game of loot ball Saturday, to the complete discomfiture of the freshmen who were besten. The students lecture associaüon has choseu P. P. Blackman, of '85, as treasurer, in place of ü. K. Cochrane, who has not returnef'. " Wonien In the South siuce the War," will be the subject of Rev. A. D. Mayo's address before the political science association this evening. The closing inning between theliterary soph. and fresh. was playecl Baturday, the former being the victors. Thesketcliing club is ander the supervisión of Prof. Dennlson, and nitets in Alpha Xu hall. Occasional country sketching jaunts are to be taken. E. L. Lockwood lias resigned his place as one of the cditors of the Argonaut, because of ill healtli, and J. O. Reed, of '85, has been chocen in his stead. The numeróos games of the students on the campus Salurday callecl together a goodly crowd of people, who looked on with inuch apparent interest. The Kappa Alpha Theta society is composed entirely ot' young laclies, and they Indnlged In a trip to the neighboring classic abades of Ypsilauti, Thursday last. The October number of " The Drugs of North America," a quarterly journal published at Cincinnati, has two full page illustrations by Mrs. ötowell, of the uuiversity. Palé faces and sbakiug knees are in order with the frcslimen medies, because the day draweth nigh wben they will be initiated into the mysteries of the dissucting room. The Thursday evening prayer meeting in the student's christian association room, is especially set apart for the students of the medical department. A large number are in regular attendance hut there is room enouglt for more. It has been decided by the Rugby association to hold field day sports on Saturday, Nov. Sth, and many of the boys have already comrnenced toget their bodies and limbs in proper oondltlon for the various sports and games of that day. At the Presbyterian synod of ïlichigun at Monroe, it was announced that steps would soon be taken for the establishment of a theological seminary in this city, to be ander the direction of that body. A course of lecturas by six noted divines from abroad will be given this year. In the tennis tournament last Saturday, two badges were offered to the victors In the doubles. The first was won by Hawley and Hamill, and the second by Dennis and Wilson, who had to "saw off'' a tie with Hodge and Muir. Owmg to the creat number of entries the singles have not yet completed their games. The action of some of the democratie hoodlums at the depot Saturday morning, at ihe Blalne reception, ought not to be passed by in the newspapers without notice The action of the republican students in marching to the depot with a bañnerlnscribed, "The Law Students Sol 1 for Blalne," was not perhaps n Bood taste, because it was not stnctly Ce but it s a eommon fonn of expres ön'used bv both parties, and by the use ot "uci. banuers, (which are to found m nea rlv V political processions respect. ng ceñían clases of pcople) one party sutfers misrenresentation as nmch as the otnu. AfteTthTdtosenters had shown t leir d smmwl bv tcaring the objectionable ?, to preces, it would see.u they m t to . ave been satistied. But when thitlün a ríi ved they proceeded to show e rtSff ont of which they were ed, and not content with bowling üke a flock of night hawks, the}r Interrupted the speakers wlth insulting remarks. The same petty spirit of intolerance, displaycel toward Mr. Blaine and party Saturday, once drove Charles Smnner from an Ann Arboi platform. For their own good these fi-llows should studv tip the mies ot coniinon decency, to say nothinr of common courtcsy. In addition to the above it is hut list to remark tbat it is a shame that a haif dozen loafers, bent on evil, can counteract the good deeds aml Kentlemanly demeanorofOfl-lOOtlisof the students, who always bear themselves with dignity and self-respect.


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