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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. ISACH & ABEL. American Black Silks markeil down 25c. a yard. Quality 1, hitherto $1.50, now $1.25. " 2 " 1.75 " 1.50. " 3 " 2.00 " 1.75 They are the most durable black silks in the world, though not so brilliant as some. The manufacturar of these Silks is onc of the laigest in America, in a sense the fatlier of American Silk industry. ïheir Silks we guar.intee in the most liberal inanner, and in tliis gunrnntee the maker atandi behlnd us. B. & A. A tam ble in colored velvets. Tliis week we put on sale 10 pieces 1G inch, hand niake, colored velvets, al 91.26 per yard; real valué $1.75. Tliis is not an accident. It is somebody'a stupldlty. There is no reasons in the world for it, and we have no objection in telling the tact. We like nothiiig better than putting down a price when we can do so without loss. We do, if anybody else does, whether we like it or not, because we won't be undersold. We are selling a real Kid Glove, 4 button, at $1.00; it would be cheap at $1.50. Rcmember tliey are real Kid and not Iamb skin. Our Blanket Sale commences tlns week. Examine our large White Blanket at $1.50, real valué $2.50. Our all woo!, White Blanket at $4.00, never was sold before for less than $0.00 We would like to hae yon examine tlieni whether you buy or not. B. & A. Plaids are very stylUii. We show all of the desirable styles In the market. Look at our 40 inch plaids at 50c. 75 and 85c. These goods were bought cheap and we are selling tliem clienp. B. & A. Our imported Jerseys at $400, $4.50 and $5.00, are astonishers. B. & A. Our Misses Jersey's have at last arrived. Colors - black, navy blue, and cardinal. We have all sizes from 4 years to aweet 1(3. BACH & ABEL.

N0T1CE s herehy given that the flrm of R. K. Ailes & Co. 18 ttiis day dissolved by mutual consent, K. K. Ailes retiring fiom ihe same. The business will hereafter be contiDtted under the firm name of Ahnendinger & ïrichneider, wbo will pay alt dehts and oollect all accounts of tDe old firm. Thoae indebled will take notice thut all accounts must be settlad at once.
Dated Ann Arbor, Sept. 30th 1884.

GET THE BEST ! LEADALLOTMS! EveryStyle& Price. Guaranteed TJneqiialecl FOR OPERATION, ECONORflV, DURAB1LITY and WORKMANSHIP. Impruvssieiits and Convenienees found is no others. AiwaysiBeliable. POPULAREVERYWHERE. ForSade nEvery City and Town 'in the TTnlted States. For Fjile by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Midi. ïau-isffl Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT IIAVING BEEN MADE IN THE couditlons of a certain mortgage execated by LydiaKirclihofer.of Manchester, in the Couuty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. I.apham, of Northville, Wayne County, In said State, hearing date the Seventeenth day of Aptil A. D. 1S79, and recordeel la the office of the Retrisfbr of deeds for said County of Washtenaw, in líber 55 of morlgajjes, on pageöitö, aad by which default the power of eale cont'ained in paid mortÉrage havini; become operative, and no puit or proceeding at law or in chancery havinp been JiistitnU'd to recover the timount due on pald mortpaije, or the note nccompanylng tbc fame, and there beinir now claimed tt be due on aid note and mortgae, the (?um of Two Thoncand Thiee Hundred and Fourteen Dollars [$2,311]. Notice is therefore herebv iveu that said inortiiage will be forecloHed on t'riday the twenly-sixth day of December Ib84, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that dny, by sale at public auction to the hallest bidder at the south front door of the (Jourt lloupe in the city of Ann Arbor in eaid county of Washtenaw, (said Conrt House beinp the place of bolding the Circuit Court for said county) of the mortgaged premises described iu yaid mortgaEC, or so nnich thereof as may be neccpaary to sitisfy the amount due on said note and mortgage with reasonable costs and expendes; which said mortïaged premies are described in said mortgage, as followt : All those certain parcpIs of land eituate and being in the Village of Manchester, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described as Iota four (-1), five (5), fitx (V), eeven (7) and alfht (8) in block onc (1) in ttran;;er and Morsau's aildition to the Village of Manchester, accordlng to the record' d plat of said addition. Dated, Sept. 29th, A. D., 1884. JAKED S. LAPIIAM, E. D. KINNE. Mnrtgaee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1215-1227 Clianccry Order. STATE OP MICHIGAN. The Clrcnlt Court for the County of Washtenaw. In Chancery. Jane Scolt McLeish, Complalnant, vs. Kobert Scott McLeish, Defi'ndant. At a seseion of said Court, held at the Circuit Court room, in ihe City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the 'Ui day of September, in the year one thousan! eight hundred and eighty fonr Present: Uon. C'hauncoy Joslin, Circuit Jodïc. It patisf'ictorily appearing to tliis Court by affldavit on file, that the defendant, Kobert Scott Mc.¦ish, is not a resident of this State, but resides in Scotland, in the Kfngdom of Graat Britain, on motion of A. K. Metcalfe. complainantV solicitor, it is ordcred that the said defeudant, Robert Scott McLeish, cause his appearance to be entered herein, within five months from date of this order, and in case of nis apeitrauce tliathe canso hlsaimn'er to the complainnnfs bill of complaint to be flled and a copy thereof lo be Berveil on said coraplainant's solicitor within tenty days after serTice on him of a copy of said bill and notici of this order; and that in default thereof, said bill be taken as conft-BSed by the said non-resident defendant. And it is further ordured. that within twenty days from the date hereof, the said complainant cause a notice of this order to he puhlished in the Ann Arbor Coübikr, a ewspaper prluted, pob lished and circulated in eaid county, and that such pubiication be continned therein at least once in each weck, for six weeks in succession. C. JOSLIN, Circuit Judge. A.Ii. METCALFE, Complainant'a Solicitor. Attest: A trae copv, John J. Uobison, Register.