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FAC-SIMILES OF ü. S. TREASURY AND NATIONAL. BANK R1L.L.S, ConslstlDff of nineexact imitations of United Suites Treasury Notes, aml iiine of National Bank Bills, eighteen in all, of various ilenominations. As a rare raeans of detectlng counterfei '¦ raoney they are invaluable. Postal carcls not answered. A. LANSING, 381 Bowery, New-York City. RUPTURH! Í EQAN'8 IMPEKIAL TRUSS. SS ThU nL-wTrus has a -ia n;.rn7 and I "S3EÏ3 ATRn rREPsL'llit ; yieMsto every nioiioii, rvtAininc g thf; hernia always. Wuni rfay and nicAi with comf"""TV" Kont on Trial. 1 , , . . S: u. 1. 1. i C;n r.L.r. Dad In hoth HoiplUk. CGAN'S IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., Box 2SS. Arm Atbor, Mie.. Office, llamilton IJlock. Ann Arbor. ATTENTION FARMERS I 500,000 ACRES OF FIEST-CLA88 TIMBER LANDS In Northern Wisconsin For sale on easy terms to Actual Settlers, Rich soil, - healthful climate- good drinking water - fine niarket faciüties - sleady demand for labor :tt gond wage. NO DROUTHS, NO GRASSHOPPER PLAGUES, N0 CYCLONES. Kuil infomution, with maps, puophletSj etc, furni&hod FREE. Address CHAS. L. COLBY, Land Com'r, w. c. R. R.. Hllwwtkas. wíj. 1210-]2i9 IJJMBERI LT7MBER! LtTMBER! lf yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Ltllll ïlSll! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., anti ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES if Give us a cali and we will make it to your interest, as our large and well jraded stock iuIJy sustains our assertion. Telephone Connettions with Ofiice. T. J. KEECU Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, ProppEPOUT OF THE COXDITION -OF THE - hmm & mm mi AT ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, On 'Idiidaj July. 7, 1884. Made in acconlance with the General Banking Lw of Michigan, RESOURCES. I.oans and Discounts $133,243 78 Overdrafts 08 59 Furnitureand Fixtures 8,497 00 Checksand other Cash Items 1,172 07 Dae frora Banks ana Bankers 15,960 (S Legal Tender and Bank Notes ,086 m Gold 8,449 80 Silver. Nickols, etc 1,421 '.i Bouds, U. 8 3,800 00 School üonds 997 31 Premium ou U. ö. Bonds 502 Ü5 $lT8,(ili8 57 I.IABILITIKS. Capital paid iu $ 50.000 00 Surplus Fuud 1,303 77 Proflt and Loss 43 as Due Depositors 125,501 78 Divideuds unpaid 1,700 00 171,ü68 57 I do soleninly swear that the above statement is true, to the best ot my knowledge and belief. WirxiAM A. ToLraAED, Cashlpr. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this seventh day of July, 1884. WK. V. Wiiedox, Notary Public.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News