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Toledo, Aun Arhor & Nortli Michigan ! Itnilway. TIME BCHSÖÜLB. Tu i.ikc effect ;it - o'Clock, noon, on Sunda.v, June 226, 1884. Traloi nin iy Central Time, Q01N:G,WUItTff QOÍÑg BOÜTH. 3 STATIONS. i o. o a IM. A.M U.MlP.M. 5 25 7 06 Toledo ! 30 1 58 5 :;o 7 M Munhnttnn Junction 9 20 4 4K 'i W 7Ï) Alexis Juncl.lon 10 4 85 4x 7 Si Ilawtliurne 9 10 4 .'0, í 66 7 411 Hamnria 8 02 4 22 Ij 09 8 (W l.ulu H 47 4 011 (I 14 8 15 Monroe Junction S 42 3 Sil (i 38 8 80 Uundeo K 80f 60 8 28 8 87 Macón 8 28.3 45 6 Sil 8 4H Azalli 8 20 8 i 8 4:) Mil Milán Juncilon H 0:1 :i 2.") ti 4f 9 031 Milán B 08 2 l SI '.I 09 Nora 7 I 8 17 ( 5H 9 '22 Urnnia 1 8 10 7 O! il 32 PitssiieM Junction 7 40 3 0S 1 2(l !l 50 Aun Arhor 1 27 2 49 7 37 1(1 15 Leland 7 12 2 80 7 45llO22 Worden 7 06 2 aj 8 OOllO 5 Somh Lvon 0 502 10 Connections: At Toledo, with railroírin divorginfr; at Manhattan Junction, with. Wbueling LaKe Érle K. R.;at Alexis Junction, with M. C. K lí., L. S. M. S. Ry. and V. & I'. M 1. R.; at Monroe Junction, with L. S. M. 8. Ry.; si Dundee, with L. s. M. S. Ry.. M. o. Ky.; al Milán Junction. with Wabash, St. Lonli & Paclflc Hy.; at PlttBfleldfwltb L.s. M. 8. Ky.; at Aon ArW with Michigan Central lí. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Laosing & Northern K. lí., and Grand Trunkly.n_ W. A3HLBY, General Sopt. W. II. BKNNETT, Gen'l. Pass. Agent. IHE LI1ÏE SELECTEB BY TH-E V. S. GOV'T T0 CAEEY THE TAST MAIL GOING WEST. OKLY LINE RUNNING TWO THE0UGH TEAINS DAILY FROM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the J u-Art of the Continent b wy of Pacl tic J uuctiOn or Omaba to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchison to Denver, mti necLitigln Union Depots at Kausas City, Atchisou, Oinaliti and Deuver with throjgh traius for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In the Far West. bhortest Llneto KANSAS CITY, And all pointe In the Öouth-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS Shonld not forget the faot that Round Trip tickets at reduce ratea can be purchaaed vla tlils Crnit Ttirougb liiur. toali ihe Health aud Fleaur Keaoru of the west aud South-West, Iticluding theMuuntalus of COLORADO, the Valley of tüe Vosemlte, the CITY OF MEXICO, aud all poluta In the Mexlcau Republlc. HOME-SEEKERS (ihould also remember that thls line leads direct to the heart oí the Government and Kailroad l.umlM in is'ebraska. Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Washington Territorv. Itls kiioo thegreat THROÜGH CAR LINE Of America, ajjd Is uuiversally admítted to be trie ï'ioest Equipped Knilroail in the World for allclassei of Travel. Through Tickets via thls line for sale at all Rallroad Coupon Ticket Ollicea lu üie Uultcd Hiutes and Canada. T.J. I-OTTER, ViceFres. and Gen. Manager. FÜKCEVAL, MWELL, Gen. Pass. Ag't Chicago. JNO. Q. A. BKAN, Gen. Eaatern Ag't, 17 Broadway, New Vork, and JOG Washington U;., Uostou. POST-OFFIGE NEWS DEPOT. A Ftill Line Of Cheap Librarles! - -AND STlTIOISTEK'Y A complete assortment of comnion anti F;incy Note and Letter Paper. Knvelopes, Invitation, and üequest Cftrdt, Wiitino; Packets, Fine Box Papen, stiitable tor presents uu! all kinds of Stationeis' supplies. BLAUK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scratcta Books, Studetits Note Books, Rerums, Le#;il and Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and ill grades of conimon Note Books. WILLIS NU, Propristir, And Agent for nll Newspapers, Magazines and periodioal?. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE A&ENT! To. 1 South Main St., Ann Arbor. Thpoklest agcnpy in the olty. Eetabltshed a (luurter of a century ago. Represciiting the iollowina tirst-class coiupimies : Home Ins. Co. of N. Y $7,-i8S,645 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y 4,807,442 Niágara Ins. Co. of X. Y l,S74,024 Girard Ins. Co. of l'hiladelphin. 1,250,007 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London. .11,043,943 Liverpool, London and Globe. .34,402,085 Bates Lmv. Losscs Liberally-Adjusted and l'roinptly raid. C. H. MILLEN. Wonan's SiiflcriiiL and Relief. These lunguid, tiresomc sensations, cansina you :o l'eol scarcely ibis to be on your feet ; that conelant driiin thut is taking from your system all lts foriner elasticity ; drivine the bloom fr„m your cheeks ; that continnal strain upon your vital 'oicea, lenderinp yon irritable and fretful, enneasiy be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy Hop Bitter?. lrrei"larities and ofostruciions of yonr system, are retk'ved at once while the special cause of periodical p:iin are permünently removedSone receive so mach benefit, and none are po prooundly grateful, and show suc'.i an interest in reeonimendiiii Hop Bitters as woincD. A Postal Card Story. I was aft'octed with kidney and urlnary trouble - "For twelve years ! " Afier tryinsr all the doctore and patent nedieinos I conld hear of, I used tWO bottles of Hop "Bitters;"' And I am perfectly cnred. I keep It "All the time !" revpectfully, 1'-. F.Bool b, 5aulbury, Tena. - May 4, ÍSS3. Riiadfosd, Pa., May 8, lS7r. It hay cu red me of several dineases, nuch as norvonsness, ickness at the ítoinich, monthly troubles, etc. I have not peen a Bick diy in a year. xince I took Hop Bitters. All iny Dtlgtoborf ote t'iern. Mits. Kannie Orëkn. 8:{,000 Lost. "A tour to Kurope thtit co-t me $ !,' 00, done me lens poort thiin one bottlc of Hop Bitters : tlicy iilso cureil niy wil'c of fiften yemV uorvoua woakoeaSi BlepleiBDCM mul dyspepsia," R. M., Auburn, N, Y, So. Bloominuvillk, O.( May 1, 79. SIKH--I Imve buen tTitl"crin tt'ii ycurs, and I tricd your Hop Itiitort, und it done nm mortt nod thau all the doctors. Ml8 S. S. BOOMS, Hiiliy Saved. Wfl fireso thankiul to eay tliat our nnnlcff baby wab permanently cnrcd fa daoffwoai isa protracted constípAtlon tmd Irreitularlty of th owelA by llif atfl "1 Hop Bitten by it mothvr, whlch at thOMTDotlpiQ rastorod horto perfect tiealih nnd ' streng tb. The l'urents, Hochotcr, N. Y. ISrNone ganutne without ft baaoh of green Hops on tiicwhitc hibci. Shan all the vUe, pOl8OHOQS, Itllff wit II " Hop " i ir "Hops" 1 11 iiifir name.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News