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0 & ¦¦'¦' "'r' & (royal wwaj Ik ' ¦ POWDER AbsoSutely Pure. This powder oever varíes. A marvel ofpurlty,8treDgth and wbolesomeness. Alore evonmlcal than bboordlD&ry kinds, andoannot ie sold In competltion with Die multlmdeol luw test, siio t welght, aluno or phosphate aowders. Bold only m raus RoYAJL Baeing Powdi.i; Co., toe Wall 81. N. V. (jiticura A POSITIVE CURE For Every Form of Skin and Blood Disease, from Pimple to Scrofula. 1 have had the Psoriasis fbrnl&emoDtiis. About mcitithp ao I applle'l io a doctor Botton, who helpe me i ut nnfortnnately 1 hnd lo leave, hr.t contlnued ri:kinr medicine í'ur neaily tbree monihs, but the dleease dldnnj leave. lsawMr. Carpcntct's letter i-i the PMladeiphla Kecr'i,and hiö case periectly deeciibed mine. I tried the Uüticuka Kbhbdiks, uiiir two buttles Reolvent, and Cntlcura aa Ooticnrn Soap in pmportion.and cali myselt complétela curcd. L. F. BARNAED. Waterfjrd, N. J. KCKliSIA TVETV l'EABS Curcil. Xot a Sluii of itslteappcarance. Yoiir Criticara has done a wondcrrul cui'' for me more ihan two yeara üíío. Not a (ign of iis reappearance eu-.ce. H rured me oí a very bid Eczema which liaii troabled me for more than tweut years. I ehall alV'ay a!: wcil ol' Cuticura. I sell a great deal of it. FKA.XK C. SWAS, Dniaist. Havcrbill, Mass. 1ÏEMT FOR ASYTHlMe. Havlng uped your Cuticura Remedies for eighteen monthii for Tetter, and ftnall; cured it, I am auxioiiH tt)íí't it to peil on conimisíjioD. I can rec ommend it betond any remedies I have ever ued for i etter, Barue, Cuts, etc. In fnct, it is the best medicine 1 uave ever tiied lor anytbliig. li. S. 1I0KT0N. Mvrlle, Mis?. MCKOFL'LOl'g SOK1ÏS. I haa a do; had soree r.pon my body. and tricd all remdies I cúnld hear of, and at lust tried your Uuticura Remedies aüd they have cured me. J.O. GASK1LL. Hebron, Thaycr Connty, Penn. I 7 species of Itcblng, Scalv, PIroply, Scrofnlons-ïnberlted and Contagious Humorn, wlth L'ii-of Huir, cured by duicura Kesolveut the lew Blood Purilier internally, and Cuticura and Cuticura Soap tlie graat Skíu Curca externall:. . Sold cvcry where. Price : Cuticura, 50 cents ; Soap, 'Lj cents ; ICesolrent, $1.00. Poter lniï and Chemical Co., Boston. Tíli1 A TlrPV For Chapped and Oily JJXjA. U A A Bkir, CnticnraSoap. SNEEZE! SNEEZE! JBNEHZB nntll yonr head ticems ready to fly off; obW yonr nose and i wfi discharge excess Iva quantities o( thin x Urltaiing, watery Huid: ¦vViiniil yoar bead acbea, ontb and tbroatparch Yefi.aud btood at fever Yrír I' at. Thl is an Acvlte !; üatarrhf and ia Instant ' ly reheved by a pinole ,-v üae, and pennaneutly ('lXjy cuiecl by one buttle of Sanford's Radical Cure for Catarrh. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar, One bottie R.idic 1 Cure, one box Catarrh Solent and one Improved inbaier, in one packat-e, may nuw be ha.l of all druggiets for $ 1.00 AbK lor SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. "The only absolute spociflc we know of."- Med Ttmes "The best we bye found in a Ufetime of soflerine."- Bet. Dr. Wéggln, Boston. "Alter a Ion" Btrnmrle wlth Calarrh the Radical C dek Iihs conquercd. "-?-!'. 8. V. Monroc, Zewisbmy, ). I have notfmind acasethat it did rot relieve ut onc(. "--Andrew Lee, Manch'Sler, Mass. l'OTTEIl DllUG AND CilïJIICAI. CO., iiOStOH. .Al ¦ liia. Forthe relief and prevention. rOLLIVtliriiistuntit IsapplieU, VY VOUTAIO f Rhfiiinatleni, Nenraigla, 8ciV V,ll , nt'cn. Congos, Colds, Weak back, jA"Rv%í-Stomac!it and Dowelf, Slinotin Cv - PaiDH,NnmbDei8, Hysterla, Pe male I'i'iue, Palpl'fttlon, Dy.-p-psSKSÏ)) V ria, Llver Complainr, lüilions ysflSLyiï Fever, Malaria ai.d Epjdemice, A fVtriAx -e Collins' Plafcter (n ELVS , ? Klecrlp Battry comb'.Ded PLAsitR "illia l'orou" illiSteri aud laiiKli at pain. 25c cverywhere. mm HO FEE Í Establiscd 1851 ( Merrill UntU EettorI DETROIT, MICH. f BlOCk. - _ , ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦' J ThcroíralaroSflestabUíhed líSBSsl Phyoician and Surgeon DE. BB7 TOW t'LAKKIi, at old number IPjWJktoj 1 conünuei to treat with lus usual IllfíM t Bkili uil private, SüV !he ocst Advcrtising Physician, C!d Residcnts Itnow. Age J"" " iAUhf: ïtaken oro tas led to cure you. alf-ho suffer shouM consult the c ng L promptly without h "ï1", ILintronble, ontoro-lc. NvouS and '„Xtolony. by have an xhanstlve ey " consultation, which to study your o i cas e lt thc oid Ikforeconlidins; your case consult A iricndlylctter or ca maysAve M i2ii-iaB


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