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A Dice, new at A. Valentine's house, Dexter. The repuUican ticket has not a poor name ¦on tí. Don'l use any slips. Too bad, too bnd ! IIow sad, how sad ! The Milán skating rink project is tont ira a le diable. Capt. E. P. Alien has the right on hia side, and the right U sure lo tcin. The Leader warns its patrons to look out lor counterfeit $1, as tliey liavereached Dezter. Ransford Austin aml NeHte liluder, of Hamburo, were mairled at LJextcr on the 19lh, bj' Justice Page. Engene Fowler and Miss Tlorn Li. Isbell, of Pittstield, were married on the 16th inst., by Rot. II. M. Gallup. Dawson Cranson, of Webster, feil fiom a tree while picklng apples a few days a;o, and was conslderably [njured. The skating rlnk at Chelsen lias been re-opened with ?.'00 worlh of improvements, inoludlng a new Hoor 30x100 feet. Reuben Jiempf in a man in whom every citizen of Washtenaw can takea justpride as a member of the senate. A receptiop is to be given I?ev. K. A. Gay andfamily, at the Baptist church tliis eveaing.preTloaa to their leaving Chelsea. The yield of wheat in this county, estinaated at 1,234,703 bushels, is the largest of any county in Michigan, save Calhoun. Ruel M. Johnson, of Dexter tp., and Miss Ellen Marshall, of Lyndon, were married on the lüth, by Rev. J. II. Kershaw. Corn huskers generally receive Z% cents pet busbel for their work, without board or 2) cents with board, in this COU 11 l . Fiye bundred busliels ofFultz f rom 12 aeres of gronnd. Creo. B. Koster Jr., of Webster, 18 the man, anc] the Dexter Leader authority. a Struggle for Life and Liberty," a drama in tour acts is soon to bc brought out for llie benefit of the library assoclutloD of Dexter. Milán ]eople are to be compensated for tlie loss of their skating rink by the formation of a brass band. Without noise of some kind there is no liapiness. Albert Case, the republican nominee for eounty treaeurer, is doing missionary work. He is one of our best citizens and i f elected will make an able and efficiënt otlicer. - Manchester Enterprise. Oapt. E. P. Alien, of YpsilantI, republican nominee for congres from tliis district, passed throngh liere on Saturday, and spent an hour in shaking liands with his host of f'riends. - Manchester Enterprise. Do yon want sonthern snpremacy ayain in this nation f Jf not cast yoxir vote against it, and for Gapt. E. P. Alien, a brave soldier, a ckar-headed, Itirqe-brained mitn,whobdieves in the riijht tcherever it is fovncl. Notwitlistaiulirijr all reporta to the contrary, the apple crop of this couuty is proving au average one, and thousandsof barrels of the fanious "Michigan apple," are being shipped from this locality. - Saline Obseiver. Fisrures at the state department leai them to believe that the average yield o whcat this year in Waehtenaw eounty wil! be 18y bushels per acre. Of' oats 'AlL, oorn 86, potatoes !2, and winter apples 50 bu. per aere. All excellent. D. Henning, who has been buylnganc pácking apples Bt the T. & A. A. depot linished his work on Monday. He has bought and shipped from this station, 901 barrels of apples. The price paid was from T5c to 1 per bariel. - Hilan Journal. The Journal says that not a Milanke who went to Ihc Blaine reception at De troit lost his watch or pane. There is a story alloat to the effect that the linlng o Milán people'a pockets are never won mueh. lint we believe its another What Mr. Steger tiTins a sniall onion WM laid 011 our table a few days ajo bi tliat politieman. It wej;hs 23 minees ahí is imported from Spain. Mr. Stege broiiffht a qaantlty with liim when he re turned from his recent trip to New York - Chelsea Herald. A fellow - supposed to be Geo. "NVash Bornham - pasaed nimself off on A. J Sawyer as Oreracker, of the Saline Ob server, and secured tickets of admttaloi to the Emma Abbot opera company. Atu now botb Sawyer and Overarcker ir looklnft for hlm with loaded shotjru'.üs G. W. liad better Femalu n Adrián for a lime, at least. Mr. Honey, the rejtublican nomineefor probatu judge, was In Saline, Tuesday, looking lip bil ohances for election. Mr. Iloney is au alile lawyeraml is universally recommended as an honorable and worth man, aml shoulcl he be siiccessful, bis election would rcllect credit upon the country. - Observer. The North Lake correspondent of the Dexter Leader says : " Iiast Fiiday J. T. Iloney and Don Brirr$, of Dexter village, spent a few honra luitiiing aroand the lakc. Vour sciibe is iiulebtcd to thein for a game dinner. Tbey are good shots and get what they go for. Come guia, boys; we'll carry the ame." The followlng explatu itself: We, the onderslgned conimittee, in the name of Twentieth Michigan Votnnteer Iulantrv, would extend our thanks to the cilizen's of Chelsea, to the youug men who so kindly erected the arcli iu honor of the (.¦vent", and to the gingen who lurnislied sucli appropriate music for the banqaet ¦nul oration, and to all who aided iu makii" tliis reunión one of the best the regiment ever had. Long will Chelsea be remembered. Signed by: Geo. J. Crou.ll, A. N. Morton, L. E. Bpuks, E. Hammond, T. K. Wood, M. M. Campbell, Win. Yociiui, John Strahle, conilllittce.


Ann Arbor Courier
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