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A Cowardly Screed

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The Detroit Free Press of last Mouday contained a bitter and venemous gereed ;i#ainst tlie Hon. Edward P. Allon, the repubtfcan uominee for congress in tliis district, porportlug to have been written by a republican. If the wrlter is a repubücan, may God pity the party. It evk'iently emanated from one of the viper species tliat crawls upoii hU belly n the gras?, and bites miseen. He strikes i cruel blow under the guise of a fiiend, and ander the cover of darkness. He is of the unmanly, conteuiptible, puIllanimona kind, and liiding beblndanom deplume dave not come out in the llght of ay, and sign lils name like au lionest j man to his own prodiiction. This mangy cnr, this low-livc, baek-biting liypoerite, who ander the slielterlnf mantle of " A Republiean," atticks the iiving n such a eowardly niaiiner, goes still f urther and casts slurs upon the dead, in the vain hope of stirring up old strifcs that by coramon consent have been lald to rest w!th one who proved himaelT a friend to be cherished as well as afoeman to be feared, the mernory of whose deed will abed bright raya in the far future, undimmedby thecraven vaporingsof this unknown detractor long after bis decaying carcass sliall have eeased to be, or Iris existence even be recalled by the memoiy of man. i .-upic jiiugu 01 Kiu-ii uiamues Dy tut motives that actúate them, and the motives in this instance are quite apparent, It is possible the writer desires Mr. Alleu's defeat as a means to Iiis own political advanceinent. Iíut an honorable course would have served far better. Tlie mea who cliiub to fame and preferment by tlie pulling down of their "frieiids," are few, very few. Mr. Allen is accused of belng"the foot-ball and sport of the bar," and as a member of the legislóme "the butt of that not too wise and intellectual body.'' The people know his record and upon thathe is willing to stand or fnll. One niight better not have brains than to lack the disposition or energy to put then to good use. Mr. Alien might better lack, a tliousnnd times over, a tiiorougli kuowledge of "philosophy, moráis, religión, luw politics, or the social compact." as falsely asserted, than to be generalij' known as a " moral leper,1' devoid of the essentialqualitiesoftruemanuood, and the noble instincts of a pure and virtuous hearr, and ia their stead cultívate lecherousness and hiziness wbich in the end siirely leadl to disgrace and sharae. The "letter1' will miss its maik. It wlll fail to accomplish the purpose designed. It will consume itself in its own venom and fall harmless at the feet of those it intended to injure. Shame upon tlie ooward who wrote ir, and shame upon the pa]jer that published it. Both are beneath the contcmpt of lioncst people. It is usual ly conceded that the success of a campaign in the county or state rests largely upon the activity and force of the chairman of the county or state coramitter, and witli equal pertinency the same might properly apply to the chairman of the congressional committee. The failure or succesa of the congressional canvass must necessarily reat largely with the chairman of the eongressional committee, and its result be to his credit or dlscredit. Would it not be wise tor him to use every endeavor that honorable political warfare will warrant, to unearth tliis treachery, and carry our connressman triampbantly tbroughf Beecher wejit before a Brooklyn audlence, when he drew i parallel between big case and Grover ClevelancVs- they were " so nearly alike ." Yes, both Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Jlalpin, are living in povcrly,- a great parallel truly. " Every temperance man who votes tlie prohlbitlon ticket In November votes against hlmgelf and the republlcan party, and stretebes out bis hand to the democratie party tliat never bas aided him, and never will aid biin."- Bishop Fowler. " Oíd Rosey " was a good soldier, brave and true, but it must be humiliaUng to him when he stops to tliink of his position pollticalljr. If Mr. Cleveland, whom he shouts lor, is eli-cted it must be by tho solid soutli and the slums of New York. Hou. Jacob Homesis, who wlped out Frank Hurd's 5,000 majority in tbe Toledo district, is a Germán and n protectionIst as noarly all Oermans nre.


Ann Arbor Courier
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