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The Last Prohibition Rally

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Last wi:t'k therc was held in Fireinen's Hall tlic last proliibition rally oftbecampiiiirn. Our reporter waa una ble to be presentj hut fortune fkvored us bydbcoverlag to ua a letter written eviilently liy one who was thcre and ;i with the cause. This letter to a frlend In a neighbormg city was left whlle on its way to the mail auU came intu our hands. As t reports the meeting fairly wc publi.-'l] so much of it as tclls of their rally: The general announccnient of the last gland rally of the unión proliibition party at tiieiuan's hall last Friday niylit, brought togetlier a large and thoioiifrlily repreaentauve gatberlug of tlmt party, togetber with a large number of frentlenien not of that political faith. A eareful count showed 187 or 188 persone present. Of these many were ladies, perhaps more were minors and othen not voters. But there must have been from 20 to 80 voters present. Neitlier of the other partiet has been so thorouglily represented in any of the graat meetings of the campaign. This is due to the faet tliat Ann Arbor is largely the intellectual literary and moral center of the mo vemen t, whieh radiates out lïoni thlsfocuiof llght to lcss cultlrated and even benighted regions. On tlic platform instead of any merely conrentiona] aml therefore less attnictive lulonimeiit, upon one side inildly glowed llke a second-hand copper kettle the face of tnithful John Schumacher, one of the presidenta of our last state convention. Upon the other side was the majesiic forni and ooromauding features of the legal lumlnary of the paity, the mentlon of whose name would be useless to those who know liiin not, and supcitluous to all who lo know him. It 8 generally understood tliat the party will cali him to high judicial position before he has manv more important oases in our lovver courts. Uetween tho?e two pillan of pure politics, the Uev. Thomas Stalker seemed even inconspiciious. Perha])s be has not yet become accustonied to Hiob BSSORlatlODB. Dr. T. P. Wildon was absent. It is understood tbat theaiduous labora of algntnx diplomas nul recommendlngtemperance lectures, of recei vIdr liosts ot Dew Hiidents with certain delicate nosts oí new smients witn cercain delicate i literary ventures in liigli moral realms has compelled a rest. Eider O. R. L. Ürozier, court chaplain to Dr. Conway, was anacoountably and unfortunatcly silent. Tliat will not probably happen again. The audience was almost a tac simileedition bntmatiy reduced in scale, of tnat sonve montni ago gathered In the same place, now of tender memories, about tbat frall-ant leader with ioch wonderous pewer over the licarts of' fair womcn and braye mei), of sweetish presence and savory meniory, the lameoted and lost Dr. Conway; at the present time "one blast upon the bugle-horn." Rut ala?! for us that horn is forever blasted. A few ofour very best people were there. They do not need special mention. Hon. Mr. Moshieroccupied considerable time In bowlng that whlle Capt. Allen is fully as good a temporalice man as himself. and a mucb abler man, the urgencies of the times, and the prominence now of romea la politics, (Iemand a Itaiidsome man as the represcntative in eongress of 8uch a district as this, and theivfore he Moshier) ought to have the place on that issue. Rev. Thomas Stalker delivered, and mder the circumstances delivered very brelbly, the same speech vhich he has already given in inyny parts of the state. Ihowing most logically and powerfnlly hat the best way to win over the ftffecions of theiinintelln;entinassesof repubcaas s to beat thein to death with the emocratic club, and then rake in and ttempt to vitalize the unconscious fragments, and that in all sucli issues as this he majority of good and truthful men are rong, the minority right, and thesmallr and more vanishing that minority the lore certain they are to be absolutely ight. It was a good meeting. firothers, take the matter home. Suppone Maria Halpin had been TOüu sister.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News