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J-'ield-day next Saturday. The senior pharmk now havo to bone 8 hoara per week. Montana has a university wlth over 30 studente in atiéndanos. Dr. Francis P. Hord, of Boston, lelt $50,000 to Phillips Exeter Academy. Dr. Dnlnn has been appointed asslatant to Profs. G'owperwaith and Wilson. Prof. Hennequln is said to be engaged upon a revisión ofliis "Freuch verba." Dr. J. S. Browa, of Jackson, takes Dr. 'J'. P. Wllson's place untll his recovery. Prof. Obetz hopea to be able te resume his work in the homeopathie department soon. At Williams C llege the G.ulield window has just been completad, at acost of 3,646. Dr. Vaughan has been cal led upon to moorn the death of his mother, reeen tly, wlio had been ill for some time. Glrdyour loins, harden yonr musclps, and wade into the fleld-day sports, boy.-. They bid fair to be the very best ever yet held. The editors of the Chronicle and the Argonant have united in calllng a class meeting ot '85 for Saturday evenine, Nov. l.-t. ë Rev F. ÍS. Brlstol, of Chicago, III , is to del ver the annual address before the Student' Chrlstlan Assoclation, öunday evening, Nov. 9th. Presi lent Anarell has deeided to illow those stu.'ents who may desire to go home to vote a few days' absence, but there will be n T:icatiitn tor ilic i ,' i t-i ,. i. ,' win ui; ii; vaufiiiuu lor me purpose. A proposition is propoged to raise $30,000 íor a gymnasium at Brown university. Let's see, wasn't there a gymnasium fund once on a time, af. the Mièhigan University? S. A. Moran lias an cnrollment of 71 studente In liis stenographlc clas?, besides a class of young men outside the univer si tv. 'J'lie reporting style tauglit is the Pitman sygtein. Dr. Austin C. Wriglit, medical class of '81 and at one time assistant toDr. Frothingliam, has sold out liis practice at Dexter, and proposes to lócate In the golden land of California, One of the stilden ts of a "club'' boardIng house was recentlj heard toremark tliat he is " b martyr ! a martyr! " Up. on bcing aked whv, lie said " I suffer at the steak!'' 11e was Immediately iibbeted. Tlie class of '88 held their election Baturday, and much spirit was manifested. The ciioiee was: President, Coburn; vice-president, Miss Jayne; secretary, Kiscadden; treasurer, Spragne. Four bailóte were necessary to a cholee for president. The Jeftersonian society of the law depnrttnent, has made the followinjt selection of oilicers : President, W. J. liyan; vice-president, F. Sandiar; vee sec., .1. A. Crswford; cor. sec., Joseph Hall; treas., II. L. King; senior eritie, J. M. Core; junior critic, A. M. Blakeley. The tliird edition of Prof. Chas. H Stowell's " Manual of Ifistology" has just buen isued f rom the CoDBIBB oflice. It is a Work of 400 pages, has nmnerous illustrations, and isa book that will commend itaelf to Ilie etudents In that subject. A review of t li e work will be giren in the near future. Hou Geo. I{. Wend liner, who will appear before the Students' Lecture Assoeiation in University hall, on Saturday, Not. lótli, liis subject being " Hamlet,'' illustrates liis lecture by mea na of oxy hydroiren, giviiijr roprcsentationgof tlie various iharacters in the phty. This will b? soniething novel, and undoiibtedly vcry enterialningf. The university mecliamcal laborator}1 ïas been presented witli a locomotive inlector witli a capad ty of 1250 gallons of water per hour, and valned at $S5. Win. Beller & Co., of Phlladelphla are the donors. There luis also been receivcd frmn Seibert of Boston a valuable cylinder oil(Hip. These iftsare of considerable valué to the department whlch by them and their otber apparatoi Isgrowlng so rapidlv that it is expecteri soon to t.-ike the lead of similar Instltutlune in the country. Saturday the senior and junior law elassea held their election?. The senior class selected for their offleers : President, E. A. Woodvviird, Addison; vice-president, C. G. Ryan, Virden, II!.; secretary, - . Bel', of Nfbraska; treasurer, Johnwn Tlnirston, Kalldo, Ohio ; orator, Frank R. Lander, Cleveland, üliio; historian, II. W. Dickinson, Amherst, Mas-; prophet, L. A. Springer. Fultonham, Ohio; poetcss, Miss Mary Ann Clara Geijrus, Savnnnn, III ; toastmaster, Norman VV'. Baire, Ann Arbor. The junior class selected : President ÜUrey, Nebraka vico president. Ames, Mtcbigan ; secretary, Overtou. Ind.j treasurer, Mofilt, Wisconfin. The following are the attr.ictions oflVred by the Studenfs Lecture Associalion for the coming KflSOn. Il will be noted that tbc Hst comprisei soine of the most noted platform orators of America, and the assoeiation is to be congratulated upon its suecess In securing bo inany famous personages. The list is as followi: Hon. Oeo. L. Wendling, November lSth, subject "Hamlet' Prof. Richard A. PrOCtor, F. I?. S.,of Englancl, NovcnibL-r. Durin;.' December Samuel L. Cleniens, Mark Twain " will be eandwiched In ai an extra, Geo. W. Cable being the regular. .Tanuary, Geo. Alfred Townscnd "ÖJth" of the Cincinnati Knqui:cr, and ITon (iarl Sclnirz. February, Hon. Wllllam Parsons, of Ireland. jMarcii, Tío Ñastt of Harper Weekly asan exfra, and Hev. Henry ard Beeclier.


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