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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. e Wil & ABEL. American Black Silks marked down 25c. a yard. QuaHtyl, hitherto $1.50, now $1.2.. 8 " 1.75 " 3 ' 2.00 " 1.75 Thcy are the most durable black silka In tlie workl, thougli not so brilliant as some. The manufacturar of these Silks is one of the largeit in America, in a sense the fatlier of American Silk industry. Their Silks we guarantee In the most liberal marnier, and in this guarautce the maker stands behlnd iu B. & A. A tumbía in colored velvets. This week we put on sale 10 pieces 16 inch, hand make, colored, velvets, al $1.25 per yard; real valué $1.75. This is not au accident. It is soineboüy'g stnpidity. There is no reasons u the workl tbr t, and we have nc objection in telling the tact. Wc like nothing better than putting down a piico when we can do so without loss. We do, if anybody else does. wliethcr we like it or not, because we won't be undersold. We are selling a real Kid Glove, 4 button, at $1.00; it wonld bc cbeap at $1.50. Remember they aro real Kid and not lamb skin. Onr Btankef Sale commences this week. Examine our large White Blanket at $1.60, real valué $3.50. Our ill wool, Wliite Blanket at $4.00, never was sold btfore tor le?s than $(.00 We would like to bare you examine them whether you huy or not. Ii. & A. Plaids aie veiy Btylish. We show all of the desirable styles in the market. Look at our 40 inch plaids at 50e. 75 and Nör. These goods were bought cheap and we are selliníí thera cheap. B. & A. Uur Imported Jerseys at 4 00, $4.50 and $5.00, are astonishers. 15. tfc A. Onr Misses Jersey 's liave at last arrived. Colors - black, navy blue. and cardinal. "We have all sizes from 4 ycars to sweet IC. BACH & ABEL. - DISSOlUTION NOTICE. NT1CE is herehy iven ttant the Hrm of R. K. Alles & Co. is tlii day dissolved by mutual consent, K. K. Alles retlrlng from ihesame. Ihe itnsiiicHN will bereftfter be continued under the firm name of Almeniliiwer .te chneider( who will pay nll debls and collect nllaccounts of tne old flini. Tho.-i' indehied will take nouce 'hat all accounts must be settled at once. R.K. AILKS. FRANK ALMKNDINGER. GOTTLKIB SCHNEIDKR. Dated Ann Arbor, So;it. 30th 1881. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed TJnequalecl for OPERATION. ECONOMYj DURAB8L1TY and WORKMANSmP. ImproTemeuts and Csnvenicnces fousi io Jao others. Aiways' Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Salo in Evey City and Town 'In the United State. Forfaleby JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arljor, Midi. 12U-1J-'; Mort gage Sale. ¦pVBFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE 1. comtitloïis of a cerlain mortfrage exeented by l.ydia Klrehhoit;r,of Manchester, in the Couuty of Walitenaw, and state of Michigan, to Jareri S. Lapbam. of Northville, Wayn County. In yaid Stuit', hearing date the Gevent day oí Apiil .. D. 1879, and recorded i-i the fiice of the Kt,;pitcr of deed for saïd County of Washtenaw, in Iiber55 of mortffagrs, on paiieÓÖii, nnd by whicb defauli the power of fale comained in Raid tnnrt ft&se having bccome onerative, and DO fnit or pro cending at law or in chancery b&vfnjr been icsti tuti d to recover thetiniountdue on aid mortgage, or the note accompunying the name, and tbere brlng iiow claiuied to be due on 8id note and mortgajre, the um of Two Thonsand Tblee Hundrtid and Fourteen Dollar [$2,31 1]. Noticefs therefore herebv givun that paid uiortijage will be f o re closed on Priday the twenty-nixth day of December It-84, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of that dny, by sale at public nuction to the hifrhest bidder at the smith front door of the Ciurt House ïd the city of Ann Arbor in said county of WrtphtenaA', (sald Court Ilotife bi'inir the place of holding the Circuit Court for sald county) of the mongraed premies described Ín ïMid mortfjaire, or ?c) much thereof as may be nccesoary to b ni-t'y the amount duu on ?nid note and miirtííHK1' with reasotiible res'a and expen-e; Inri) Bald niortai?fd preadBefl are des'-rl cd in sii murtf? 12e, ft folio : All ttioge certalo parCpla ol land t-HUftte and bfinji ia the ViUae of Manchester, in tho ( ouiiiy ol Vfubtesaw, xnd SiKtc f MicbliraD, known aud dencrihud ap lot four (4), ftve (,5), tix 5J, feven (7j and eiifht (8; io block one (1) in Granffer and Morgan1!) add'tiou to the ';llat;t; of Manche-ter, accordiuii to the record d plat oí Mld addition. Datetl, Scpt. 29ih, A. D-, 1884. JAUK1) S. LAPÏIAM, E. D. KIN'NR. MTtgAiree. Att'y for Mortffagee. 12L5-1JZS7 Cïiancery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Circalt Conrt for the County of Washtenaw. Iu Chancery. Jane Scoit McLeith, Complalnant, n. ttobén Hcott McLeteh, Defcndant. At a sefton of tsaid Court, held at the Circuit Court room, in 'he City of An Arbor, in said county, on the 22(1 day of September, ín the ycar ore tboaeftn elgbt hundred and cigbiy fonr. PreaeBt: Hou. C'haunccy Joslin, ClrcnitJodfff. It ratiofHctorily appearitif? to this Conn by afl! wit on We, that tin defeadant, liobert Scott McL'-lsb, ie not a resident of this State, but remides in Scotland, in the Kindotn of liritain, on moíioti OÍA. K. Mi-tcriiie, fomplninantV colichor, it in oidered ihat the piiid def-i:daiii, Kobtrt Soott Hel eísh, cause hie ippoaraDce to be estñed herein wiihni five monthfl trom date of thie order, and in cane ot h1 a peftftinee ihithe canse his answer to thecoinplHiiKint's bill of complaint to fao flled and a copj theraof to be serñd on aid complainant's eullcltor wlthln twt-nty daya after eervice on him of a copy of siaid bilí and not'Ctí of ihis i ordei ; and that In dclault iht-reof, aid bil! betakeii ' ae eon&Med by the aaid non-rt-sident defendant. And it is turther ordered, that witbin twenty dayH írora tho dat' hereof, the suid coniplainant CMM a notice ol this order to be publifhed in the Ann Arbor Coürier, a cewitpaper prlnted, p'b llehed and rirciilutt'd in faid county, and that puch pubiication be continued Ihrein at least ouce in each wuck, i'orsix weekt in eucceseiou. C. JOSLIN, Circuit Jiidge. A.IÏ. METCALFE. Complainant'8 SoHcitor. Attest: A true copy, John J. Robison, Register.


Ann Arbor Courier
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