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The B. & O. Keil Book for Michigan is ready for distribution, and in more than one respect, is the most valuable of aOy of the eclitions liitlierto tbased iipon this state. As bas alwa3rs been the rule, the forwardlng of a Btnmp to C. K. Lord, Baltimore, is all that is necessary to secure a coj "J'. and in fact the only way, as the lied Book issues are all for mail eiren lation. The present volume is replete with political statisties and coudensed data. The present year is the ceulemiry of the re-organization, after the revolution, of the educatlounl system of Xew ïork state. A grand scheme'was devised, it is sald by Aleiander Hamilton, by which the board of regenta was created, for the parpóse of promoting the orgauizütion of academie as well ascommon-pcliool education in every county in the state. The whole system was to be croivned by C!olumbia college, as King's college was patriotically rc-eliristened, of whieh the regents weie made tlie trustees. The grand scherae carne lo morj on paper than it did injieality, but it nevertheless gave a stimulus to education in Xew York that has been feit ever since. An interesting account of tl. is plan is oontained iu a paper on " Columbia College " toappear in the November Harper's, taking up the history of that institution where it was left by the artiele on "King's College" in llie October nuir,ber. Tlie latter portion of the history of the college shows an interesting example of modern progress, especial ly in connection with its newlibrary system, of whieh a detailed description is given. One reason wliy some of tlic professors in our universities are fice trailers, is asserted to be bccausc thcy lliink that their salaries will not be rednced whlle everything else will be clieap. Tliey may Bnd themselves mistaken. It is possible and probable that shoulil free trade be adopted the destrucüon to the business intcrests to tlic country wonld so effect the people that no taxea would be levied to support tlie university. As the country prospera so will her instltutiona prosper. lint if the country does not progper, it will be a colil dav for men who teach six lionrs a day for f 50, $60, or $75 and upwards per week. The greenbnek eis i n Ui e first represen tat i ve district of thls county have deeiiled not to fnse, and liave nomlnated a regular greeiibacker, whlch Insures tlie electlun oí a üemocrat.- Saline Observer. Itis quite certain that our Saline brother Las been misiiformed respecting the flrst district, or perhnps liis democratie incliiiations have led him atray. The nominee of the reimbücans of tlie tirst district is a greenbacker and he is hound to "git thaiV' also. The vote on congressman in (his district two years ago was as follows : Eldredge, dem., 15,261; Boies, rep., 14,70!); Baker, 1,238; Dewey, 387; and 40 scattering. This gave Eldredge a plurality of .";02. Lenawee gave Eld.redge 682 major Ity lastyear. Tlüsyeartheindications are that Capt. Allen will carry that county by a like majority. Tliere is no doubt of Allen's election in the minds of the close politiciil figurera. Rev. D.R. Shler shies clear of tlie prohibitionists. and isutumping for tlie repiiblicun candidates, by whicli course lie believes lie can better aid the cause of true prohibitiou.- Saline Observer. And Rev. Shier is not the only elers'.vman- (or layman) vlo has come to a like sensible conclusión.


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