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BALL'S ySk I II ji -:IW3ffn COBSETS The ONLY COR9ET made that can be retnraed by lts purchaser a f ter three weeks wear. lf not foun'd PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY ín every renwet, an.i Ita prtco refunded hy mima Made In a v&riety of tyles and pricea. Sold by iirat-cliiss dealer everywherc. lie ware of woithk'ss imitations. None eenuine unles it has HnJl's name n the boT. CHICAGO CORSET CO., Chicago, III. For Sale only by WINEÖ & WORDEN Tliirty A Endorsed Yoars Becord. X by Physieians. [KIDNEY 8c;i L1VER]ÍV WÊÈM :TEVEí{MoWíjCTTHÏ3 By tho uso of th;s ALL I EMÏDr, tho StomEISEASi: J aeliandBowels fj-p fopccdi'y rcgaiii their tren, ;th, and th 4J- J blood 13 punfled. ErOTEYS it is proncuncod by IjIVEU hundreds of tlie hent ULAÜDEIl ücctors tobo the OlfÁ--T) j LY CURB for all TPU?rPY I) kindsoi SOdasj1 Dia "Tú Purcly vcec GHAVEI, oti,„r me,iioinea fall. DTAB"STF3 It is preparad exLIlir.-IIT'S rraady fcr thoso diaDISSE MM, and has never PAIKU üocn known to fall. jif One trial wiH o:nTji vinco yon. For salo ¦ÜAC'Í bj all druBFlEts. roras , raam $1.25. Oa y snd for SIDE V ", v1! Pamphlet ÜTEIIVOWS x ' V - - f T c ' ¦ BISEASPS ",K P mHal. on rf he.iiedy 4 ueihb. 3fÍ3É r'oril';"cc. In au article on the gcnealogy of disease a pliyslcian isserts in the Lon'don StanclHid that it' a peison liaving a cáncer and om; baving congumpttOD wed, there is scarcely a Bope of the offspiinp's escape trom an early death: and that the intermariiage of victims of rheiiinatism and consuniption is productiva of snch ailments as hip and joint disease so coinmou among weakly cblldren. CGet llie est Dycs. 'i'hc Diamond Dyes for family use llave no equals. All popular colors easily dyed fast and beautiful. Only 10e. a package at dniffgists. Wells, Hichardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample card 32 colors, and book of directions for 2c. stamp. Tlie guests at the boaiding-houae of the Widow Flapjack, on Austin Avenue, still continue to gruBlble at thoir farc. Yes. terday morninj; Gllooly iald at thebreakl'ast table, to Mr?. Flapjack : " I notice that you have a vioious lookinr dog In the ynrd. IJocs he bite?1' "Indeed he does." "V"i] I you be kind enough to give him this plece of tenderlotn beeftteak, with my sompliments. I'd like very niuch to see lüm bite it, if you have no objection." A Weak Back, with a weary aching lameness over the hipi is a sign of diseased kidneys. Use the best kidney curatire, whioh is Rurdork Rlood Ritters.


Ann Arbor Courier
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