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ïV.edo, A.m Arboi' & Nortli Klcblgan l.'nllmiy. TIME 8CHBDULB. To luke effect at 12 o'clock, nooii, on Bnu' day, June22d, 1884 Trailla run by CVntril 'lin.c, (STmF north. ' ; " ' ngTsoutu. I-r "'_ - S K !fe s STATIONS. o.a 1 M M j A.M P.M. hú 7 06 Toledo 9 80 BS 5 .'!ü 7 14 Manlmliiin Junrtion B 86 4 5 40 7 2i AJexla Juneüon B 164 8a 6 4H 7 8 llawihorne B 104 80J 5 66 7 46 Samarla 2 ) 22 ti (19 8 0( Lulu 8 47 4 04 tí 14 8 15 Monroo Jiinction K 42 ; OT (i 28 8 sol Dundee 8 80 i 28 8 37 Macón 8 S88 48 (i 88 8 4 Azalia 8 2018 40 8 4818 6 Milán Jiinction 8 0!l: 2o 6 M '.i 08 Milán 8 O 8 w (i 51 9 0! Nora 7 5!' 8 17 (i 5S B 22 Urania 7 52 8 10 7 0i (1 ffi Pltsifleld Jnnctlon T 40 8 OS T 20 AO I Aun Arlior T 27 2 4fl 7 87 10 15 Lcland 7 12 2 80 7 45l(i 29 Worden 7 06 2 2.) 8 polio 35 Somhlon (i 60 2 10 Connections: At Toledo, with railrosjda í'vergin"- nt Manhattan JaDCtlon, iih Wheellng LakeErle R. K.; at Alexia Junciion, wiili M. C. 1 K I. S. M. B. liv. unil b'. A I'. M. H. R.; M Monroe Jiinction. with L. B. & M . S. Ky.; at Dundoe, with 1. 8". M. B. Ky., M. A: O. Ky.; al Milán Junction, with Wabaah, St. Lonl Padflc hy.; at Pittífluld.with L.8. t M. B. Hy.: at Aun Arbor with Michigan Central 1(. K., and t Soath Lyon with Detroit, Lanilng & Northern K. ., -na Grand TrunkRy.n_ w_ ASIIL[,Vi Qoneral Sllpt. W. II. BENNETT, Gcn'l. l'asa. Agent. THE LINE SELECTED BT TH-E V. S. GOV'T TO CABEY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. OKLY LINE RUNNING TWO THEOUGH TEAINS DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tlirough the Heartof the Continent bj way of Pacllic j uncllon or Omaha to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchiso.i tn Iienver, ennneciinglii Union Depots at Kansas Ciiy, A tcliison, Üniulia aud Deuver with tíirojgh traína íor SAN FRANCISCO, and all poluta In the Far West, fohortest LIneto KANSAS CITY, And all poínta ín the Sou West, TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS tíhould not forget the fact that Round Trlp tickets at reduced rates can be purcliaaed vía tliis ñreit Througli l,ine, lo all the Health and Pleasure Kesorta of the west and Houth-Weat, lrcluding theIountalns oí COLORADO, Uie Valley or the Yosemlte, the CITY OF MEXICO, aud all poluta Ín tbe Mexican Republic. HOME-SEEKERS Should also rcmember that thls line leada direct to theheart oí theOovernment and Kailroad Lauda Ín JíGbraaka, Kansas, Texas, Colorado aud Washington Terrltory. Itls knowiiM thegreat THKOUGH CAR LINE Or America, aud ia uní vera al ly admitted to be the Finest Equlpped Railroad in tho World for all cliiHMfH of Travel. Througli Ticket vía tliis llue íor sale at all Railroad Coupou Ticket üUicea in the üulied fcitatea aud Canada. Ï.J. POTTKR, Vice Pees, and Gen. Manager. TKKCKVAL LOWKLL, Gen. Pass. Ag't Chicago. JXU. Q. A. BEAN, Gen. Eastern Ag't, ól7 Broadway, New York, aad aoti Washington íót., Uostou, -A.T THE POST-OFFICE NEW.S -DËPOT. A Fnll Line Of Gheap Librarles! AND STATIONEET A complete assortmont of common and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Ueqnest carde. Writing Packeta, Fine Iox Papen, suitable for presenta and all kinds of Stationers' BUpplles. BLAITK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Soratcb Booka, Btudenta Note Books, Herunis. Legal ainl Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and ill grades of common Note Books. WILLIS B131, Propriotor, And Agent for all Newspapers, Magazines and periodlcal?. C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Tío. I South Main St., Aun Árbor. Tlicolilest ngeney in tliecity. Establlsbed a qnarter of a cntury ao." llrpi csi'in in' the followlng tlrst-class oompaniei : Home Ins. Co. of N. Y ?7,-l8S,G45 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y 4,867, I tS Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,024 Girard Ins. Co. of Pblladelpbia. 1,259,967 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union ol'London. .11,043,04:3 Liverpool, London and Globc. .34,402,085 Rates Loit. Losses Liborally idjnsted and Promptlf PaiI. C. H. MILLENT. Wonuut's Siifforing' nnd Ktílief. Thesc languid, tiresomo penpations, causing yon to feel scarcely able to bo on your fuet ; that constant drain that is taklng from your eystem all its former t'histicity ; driving tlie bloom fr„m your cheeks ; that continnal strain npon your vitól Torces, í-emlei-ing yon irritable and 'rctfnl, caneasily be removed by the use of that marvelous reinedy Hop Bitter?. Irrogúlarttlu and obstruciions of ! your py8tem, are reliuved at once hile tlie special causo of periodical piin arv' permanently i None roceive so much boneflt, and none are sonrofoundly gntefnl, and show OClj an interest In recoinmending Hop Bitters as women. A Postal Card Story. I was aft'ected with kldney and urlnary trouble- "For twelve }-e.Trs ! " After trylntf all tlie doctora and pntent medicines 1 conld bearof, I used two bottles of Bop " Bitlcrs;'1 And I am perfectly cured. 1 kcep It "All tlie time!" refpectfully, B.F.Booth, Snnlsbnry, Temí. - May 4, Í8M. HiiADPOKD, Pa., Muy 8, 1S7". ]t has cured meof poveral dlMMMi IttOh aH nervousiiess, Bicknessat the Btomach, mimtlily trouble.", L'tc. I have not seso ¦ llck (Uiy in a year. since I look Hop Bitters, All niy Delfrhbori an thetn. Mus. Fanmb Orekm. $3,000 Lost. "A tour to Europe tli'it ooit ma S!,'mi. dong Da iesscood tlninunc bottle of Hop Bitten: ttaey ilao nred my wife or uiteen j-cuib' nerroua weaknee, ilet'plesMiiess and dytpepala,11 B.M., A abura, N, Y, Si. ISi.oov i m:m.u:, O., May 1.T9. SIBS--I hava been aoffeting tanymn, and I tiicd mr Hop Iütteis, and it dona me mora rood than ill tbe doctora. Mis B. s. Boomi . Hnby Savod. We areno thanklnl to Hay that onrsanlng bato vas permanently cured ora dansarOUa and proract.i il coDatlpatloo umi IrTagnlarlty of the bowela iy the use 01 ilop Blttera by its mother, whlch t heanmu time restored berio perfoct bealth and trength, Tlie Piraota, Rochoater, N. Y. 3Nono piHilne without a Imnch of green Jopn 011 tbe white label. Bhttn all tbe vlle, loisonoiiH, Mtullwilli "llcip" or "Hops'Mu ín 11 Dame,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News