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ftöfAl W f Royal fsíj Jk B mJ POWDER Absoiutely Pure. This powder never varíes. A marvel of punir, atronglb and wholesomeness. More económica] tnan tbe ordtnary kinds, anücannot pesóla 111 cpmpetltlon wlth the mulMtudeot low test, sl.o t wlght alum plmsphate powders. Sold only in cana EoTAt Kaking Powdkr Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. ItoÉgjseases, ErZRMA, or Snit lihcnm.nithitsaconizingitchiiil' and burninc, instautlv rellevèd hy a arm trnth with Cdtioüba Soap, and a single application of CoTioiiBi, the great Skin uure. This repeated daily, wlth two or ihrne doses oí Ccticura ReBOLVtNT, tbe New Bl.iod Pilria.-r, 'o keep the blood cool, the pereplratlon pure and uuirritating, the bowels open, the liver and kidnuya active, will speedily ciin: liezem i, Tetter. Ringworm, Psoriasis, Llche, PrnrltUB, SíhM Head, Uandruft' a d evory -peci s of Itcb tut, Scaly and Plmply liumors ol the Scalu aud Skin, when the best pbygicians and all knotvn remi s fall. KCZIiJIiTWENfï IE1UÜ. My gratitiidï to God is nnhouuded for the relief I have obtained trom the uee of the Cuticuka Hemeihes. 1 have befii trouliled with Eczema on my leg lor tweiity yeare. I had Dot a comloi-table iiiïlu lorytais. the hurning and itcliinK were so intense. Now, I m happy to tay, I have no troulile. Only thfl Itver-colored putcïiea on my limhsremain as a token of my former miserv. 11ENKY L. SMITH. 18S West Avenue, Rocheeter, N.Y. EOZEJI1 iM A (111LD Yotir most valnble Citticöra Hlmedies have done mv child so much iood that I feel like saying this tor the benetit. of those ¦ ho are tmubied with Bkin (üM'a."C My llttle glrl was trouohd with Ecz-.-ma, and I tjicd oeveral ductore and mediainep, hut did uot do her any t'ood I uaed the Cutícura Rkmki!I:s wnich ypeedily cuied her lor uhich I ovvc yim roany and niaity niphts of rest ANl'ON BOSÜ.iiIEii, Uuioii liukery. E linburíh, ind. TETTKB i.F THE SCAL.P. I was nlmost perfectly bald, onBed hy Tetter ol the topoi' the scalp. I used your Cuticura üem kdies about six weeks, and they cured my scalp perlec'ly. and now my hair is coniiuL' back as thick as ever it as. J. P. CIIOICE. Whiiesboro' Texas. CUVEKED W.TH BIiOTCBBS. I wanttotell ou thnt yonrCuTicüBA Rksolvknt is maííniflcnt. Aboilt three mouths ao my face was covered with bloiches, aud alter using three bottled of ÜESui-viSNT I wns perfectly cured. FUËDEKICK MA1TP.E. 23 St. Chirles Sireet, New Orleans, La. 1VÏ POISONING. For all cases of poisoninir by ivy or dogwood, I can warrant 'üticuiía t cnre every time. I have Bold it for live yeare, and it ni-v r faiu. C. H. MORíE, Drugfc'tst. üolliston, Mass. So)d every where. Coticura, 50j ; SoAr, 35c. ;, $1,00. Potter li(i ï and Chemical (o., ICo -ton. iflRH SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, í Great Balinamlc Dlntillatioii of" Wix-li-tlazpl, American Piue, Caiiadiuu fir, J! riïiild, CloreiB oat ut etc For the Immcdiatu Relief and Permanent Curejof every lorin of Catarrh, from a Simple llead Cold or laflaeoza 'o tbe Lohs of Smelt, Taete, and Hearing, Oouyh, bronchitis, ana Iuclpient Consuniption. lielief in flve minutes In any and every case. Notbing like it. G ateful, fraL'raut, wholesome. Cure hi-gins from flrst application, and is rapid, radical, permanent, ann never failine. One botiic Kndical Cure, oue box Catarrhal Solv. ent, and Banford's Inhaler, all In ore packaL'e, lurniing a complete treatm nt, of all druggists for il. Ai-k tor 8nfobd's Raiiicü, Cure. Potter Uruand Chemical to.. Boston. r Êt ¦ ¦¦ C.,l.l.l' VOLTAIO ELKOTHIC Hl Plabtsb instaully alfect the Bil llfl NVrvous System and hanislics ¦ U IIH J Mi ii. A perfect Klectrlc BatV U W ¦ H W tery coinblncd wlth a Porous to nirf n?T PlaaterforïïceDta. Itanulhila iilb lltl ]„,,.„ ].„(„_ yitalizcs Wcakund ota. Worn Out I'urt. itrengthens other' piaster In the ivorld. Sold everywhere. DeCURKE 110 TTX I Establised 1851 ) Merrill Untll Botter! DETHO1T, MIOH. f EilOCk¦jmmjajgpgBM ThcrepularoldestsMlsliecl S(!S$j&jBnèSK{ i'liyelcln and Sutfoon DB. VVl K'-AV Jt'LAKIiE, at tbc old number E? _feí; J) 1 Icontimics to treat with his usual WuT&'V ïïsrrat kil! .-vil private, Kil eS StL% Hchronic nervous and special SkV -1?íák idiucases. DB. CLAKKE is MÍiv %&8'A Itheoldcst Advertisinf Physician, HigSáELsSLsl fik-s of Papers show and all oldKwidcntslwovir. Age and esperieaco important. , , you hf ve uícn orwho has f ailed to cure you. irs?" Yonne men and middle-oaed men and S bád .lÓd aCnd Skin li-eaSe8 rfi y mmmm A Tl „nd IddVo den ycars to Ufa. Medicines ntevywhere secure from exposure.-Houg. SriaKawwnT fles.; DETROIT, MICH. 1J11-Í20-2


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