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Typhoid fever at Ooutesttne. Mantitique wants mail service. There are 350 members in the LansingBand ol' Hopo. It (;ost Saginaw county 801.075 to o-et tlirongh last year. The Midland brotnine works turn out 2."0 pounda a day. Ionia is bragging over Kalamazoo on the celery business. Wylie l!ros„ of Saginaw made 35,000,000 shingles the past year. Frankenmuth is tob' connected bv telephone with Kast Saginaw. The "ennontrille postinaster de II vors 84,000 newspapers animal ly. The Plymouth congrcgationalists propose to indulge iu a Í500 organ, Gulesburg has raised the money to secure the Gull Creek water power." A large number of Michigan applee are finding their way intoEngllsh homes. Port Hu ron sidewalks have the reputa - tion oL being the very worst in the world, "If you see what you want. isk for it,1' is the leap year motto of the Menomlnee girls. The upper península te repnrted to have increased in popuiution 17,000 during the year. Wm. Dutton, president of the Lena wee Siivings bank died on the 30th agèd Tl years. The Gr.uid Haven Literary Assneiation has ' busted " and desires to seil its books - cheap. The Upton Oo. has removed itself, by the aid of the ït. H., to Port Iluron. The Seventh Day Adventista held their conference at liattlè Creèk last week, with a large attendanee. The new water works at Evart have already paid for themselves iu si ving the vil lage f rom llames. Charred remains of a child about 12 years old foimd In a burned straw stack at Onondaga. Mystery. Consiantine has an immense water power unused, and wants some manufacturers to couie and ulilize the same. Hallowe'en festivities (?) were ndulged in by the d- I's of Lanslilg, whO fully llla'mtaincd their reputation. The new Thompson galt blook at St. Clair has a oapacity of 200 bbls. per day. Enough to save all the town. The dover seed erop of Michigan was well matured this season and is uuusüaily plu rap and thequantity large. The je wels stolen froma Oathollc ehurch at East Sagtnaw were foimd by some children at play, under a sidewalk. Only $3,000 is bioking of the $30,000 the friends of Hope College at Holland are trylng to raise for that institution. How many have been prosecuted forviolating the8t;ite statutes forbidding bettlnjE on elections? Don't all speak at once. The dynamite fisliing fiends are killing off the fisli in St. Jo. riverat Constantine. Tliey ouglit to be "fired out'1 themselves. A county soat warfare on the tapte in Grand Traverse county. Maylield, a little village ia the center of the county, wants t. Flint is bragcing over a new kind of gas said to eclipse tila electric light. Uut now that election is over it will probably be less brllliant. Gen. Alger sent a check to the G. A. R. post of Cedar Springs, who lost all their equipments by lire, with which to purchase nesv ones. The physicians of Grand Rapids have formed a medical acadeiny for mutual improvement. Tow their patients bettergo and do likewise. St. Johns hasgained unusual notoriety by baylng uneartlicd a woman forger. Ameliah Uurleigh is charged with havicg forged a note of f 100. Stephen 1). BiiigUani, ex-editor Lansing [{(¦publican, and postmaster at Langing, had Lis residence destroyed by lire last Loss, $3,500, insured for $2,300. The nction of the school board of Lowell, authorizing teachers to open school with singing, bible reading, etc., has heen sustained by a decisión of Jiulgu Montgomery. Grand Kapids has iust been mulctcd $1,000 for the death of Mary Erickso who feil off an unrailed bridge appioach in April 1883, in that city. lier brother brought sait claiuiing !?lu",000. Some youths of Grand Ilapidi aged 11, 14, and 15, who had been reading cheap novéis, started out to annlhllate the Indians, but were captured at Petoskey and returned to their papa's and mamma's. :.Ten years aro there were but two Methodist chuches in Grand Kapids, with an agyrtg&te metnbership of 778. Now tuere are tive, with a nembersblp of of 1,289 and pro[)erty auiounting in value to S92,0O0. Happy Howell ! Her roller skating ririk opened November lst, with 500 persons present. The llooris 40x100 feet, and $2,000 have been expended in the Btructure. It costs to educate one's hcels, as well as one's liead. A vein or bed of mica lias been discovered about fon r miles from the Kepublic Iron mine, iu Marquette county. The Specimens taken trom the vein are said to be very clean and pure, and well adapted to commercial purposes. Steps will be taken at once to 0en up this new source ofwealth'jf our Lake Superior mineral producís. F. W. Dnvernoi?, who had been an insurance agent, and did a prtvxta banking business in Detroit for over 20 years. skipped out a couple of weeks ago, and now it has come to light th it he is a dcfaulter in several thousands of dollars. Some nine years ago he deeded all of hls property overto hls wife, but the deeds were only recorded recently, and will be contestad A correspondent of the J!ogers City Advance says: "Deer are being siauahtered in great numbers. DojCS areemployed to drive them into the water where they are pursued by men in boats and clubbed to dcath." Itis ooutrary to law, but j erthing goes in the deer season. [ Iv with the inhabitants of the place. Ilunters from outside sometimes get into trouble through thf jealousy of these same lnhabttaot,wben emnlating their example The leading Protestant denominations I in the state stand numerically as folio ws: Methodist 802 chinches. 583 ministers,")"),S6S members; baptist, 3!)4 churches. .ji2 ministers, 27,152 members; congregationalists, 203 churches, 214 ministers, 17,509 members; presbyterians, 180 chumbes, 105 ministers, 10, 30Ü members; free will baptist, 119 churches, 83 ministers, 5,142 members; episcopal, 85 churches, i)0 ministers, 11,502 meuibers. There are quite a number of lesser denominations, wüose atemben thousand.


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