Real Estate Transfers
Müton K. Pepper to Frank L. Andni, AllKll-Lil, Geo. Thompsou to I. & I. Lt-furge, 80 acres, Superior S.tBQ I. Ellzubetli Thompson to I. & I. Lefurnr 80 acres, Superior, c,000 Polly McAllester to James V. Tlnker, w acres, YorK 200 Cnth. and Krank Ruerk to John Koen, 3 acres, .Manchester 1,600 Angelina Swarlhout to Thos. F. Kushtou, Manchester 600 Wllhelmlna Wllson to Eliza Henkk lot, Ypsilantl P. Hale and [da Cole to I,ydla Kelsey, 40 acres, öiiline, ïju Ollver J. Heuson to Geo. Thompsou, lot, Ypsllantl _ G. Watsou Sly to Heury B. llessac, JliIud 2,2X) Henry Doty to Chester Itose, 'WxïS róds, Augusta, 200 F. Hlnckley to . L. Shaw, lot, Ypsllantl 1011 Chas, McCormlck to Spencer S. Shaw, lot, Ypsilaull 42v jeo. Mlley to Fred'u Schinld, lot, Ann Arbor, _„ 2,100 Pe'er Hendrlcks by sheriff, to EU E. Hendricks, lot, Ypsilautl 2,100 F P. Bogardus to W. H. Huwkins, lot, Ypsilanti Manlv Holürook lo Anuie F. Cowel, lot Ypsllantl, i,ouo Frod'k Schrnld to Geo. W. Miley, lot, Ann Arbor 2000 S. E. and S. A. Ilill to Asher 0. l'uylor, Haeres, Manchester, 1000
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Milton E. Pepper
Frank L. Andrus
George Thompson
I. LeForge
Elizabeth Thompson
Polly McAllester
James U. Tinker
Catherine Ruerk
John Koch
Angeline Swarthout
Thomas F. Rushton
Wilhelmina Wilson
Eliza Herrick
P. Hale
Ida Cole
Lydia Kelsey
Oliver J. Henson
G. Watson Sly
Henry B. Bessac
Henry Doty
Chester Rose
F. Hinckley
S. L. Shaw
Charles McCormick
Spencer S. Shaw
George Miley
Frederick Schmid
Peter Hendricks
Eli E. Hendricks
F. P. Bogardus
W. H. Hawkins
Manly Holbrook
Annie F. Cowel
George W. Miley
S. E. Hill
S. A. Hill
Asher C. Taylor