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Business N'otices. The sare who lit a canille n tlie day and wisely said ' I seek a man," would not be callee! ciazy n these days if he did the saine thing to lind a strictly pure Baking Powder, and unless he found DeLand's Chemical Baking Powder, might still be peerlng around. It is mado from Cream Tartar and Soda only, no íilling whatever. Sold in cans only. Try it. Curo for Piles. The flrst symptom of Piles is an intense Itcblng at night aftergetting warm. Tliis unpleasant sensation is iinmediately re1 le ved by an application of Dr Bosañko's Pile Keniedy. Piles 111 ill forins, Itch, Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be permanently enred by the use of this great remedy. Piiee 50 cents. Maiiufaetuied by the Dr. Boganko Medicine Conipany, Plqua, O. Sold by Eberbadi & Son. 1202-1253. CtTATE OF MIUI11UAM, County of Wasbtenaw, Al a session of the Frobate Court for the Connty oí Wtlbterow, holilun at the I"rohat' Office, tn the i'ity i Aun Arbor, on Monrtuy, the Iwentletl) day ofOctober in the yearone thousaudeiirhi hundred and eility foiir. Present, Wil;iain D. Uarrlïnun. Judffe ot Probate. In the matter ol the state of Minnie C. and Nina I'.. Benley, minors. .lolmson W. Knlsht, the Ruar. au of s.iid warde romes luto oom t niel represente thatbela nw preparad to reuder bis animal account as neo miardlan. Thereupon it ib ordered. that Tuepdr.y, the eleventb da; of November next, ut ten o'clock in the rorenoon, be aaalmed lor axamtnlnfi "nd allowinfr Mie i aocoont, nnd tliai tlie next ol' km ol said wards, aml al] other persons interexted iu said estille, arv required to arpear nt SSton ol said court, then t be bolddli dl th Probate Dtlice in thecltvol Aun Arbor, in said county, and show cause, il an) there be, wi.y the suld account ebould nol be llowud. Aml it Ís further ordered, that naid guardián give notice to the persons interested in aid estáte ol the pendcnc) of suid account, and the hearing lereot, hy oaaslng a copy of ihis order to be published in theAun rhr('ourier,n newspaper printed aid circulatina in aid county, two succeesive eek prevlou tosaiil day ofhearlns. (Atruecopy.) WILUA.M l. HAKRIMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate RoS "'' 1rOl"lteTATS ÜF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Waehteuaw At a BOKslon oTt'ie Probate Court for the Couiity Washtenaw, hoWcu at tbc ''róbate Office in the ty of Aun Arbor, ou Monday, the tvventieth ly oi Ootober, in the year one tliouaand elght londred and eiglity-1'our. Present, William D. nrrirnan, .Inde of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hopea (ínvn, iceaaed. On rendlng and illlng tlie petltion, duly irifled, of I MalUh:) Oreen, prayini; that a certain Qrtromenl now on tile Inthleoonrt porponlngto )e t e last will mul ie taincni of saUl deCMMdi may ladmltted to probate, and that dininistratioii ith tne will annexert, may be granted to Lersell', r Home other snltable pt-ron. Tberenpon ii Isordered, tbat Monday, thepeveneentb daj of November next, at ten o'clock in the rcnoon, be uslgned for tnebearlng of said pction, and that the devisees, leñatee and leirs at law of suid deccased, aml all other persons terested in said estáte, are requlred toappear at a aeraion ol saitl court, then to be holden at the Probate UIDci', In the City of Aun Arbor, and show CailM, ll any there be, why the prjiyer of the petitloner should not begranted. And it is further ordered, that said pettttoner (fiví notice to the persone interested in said estáte, of the peudeney of aid pedtlon, and the hearing thereol, by causln a copy of tlus order to be publishcd In the Aun Arbor ('onrur. k newipaper printed and circulatiugin said county, thrnu Hucccssive week previous to said day of heariiiL'. A truecopy.) WILLIAM I). HAUKIMAN, Jiult;e of Probate. WM. Q. BOT Y, Probate neiieter. 1200 1203


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