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hop occura next Monday realng. Yoar elght ly eiock will have to be wouikI Up only even times moro before Chrtattnas. . , Miss Lonise f ener haa been enxaged (o tencii the Germán Lutlierau Fchool in Dexter this winter. Tlie sherifl' will reoelve tbr boardlng prisoners the coming year 12) cents per meal, and the samo for lodgiug. It is Hkely tliat Gov. Begole will have time to issue hts Thanksglvtng proclamation now, before many days. Michael Brenner, of thls city, lias purchaaed the liverv business of T. J. Farrel, at Manchester, and took possession of the game last Saturday. Jlary Foster, of tbe town of Pittsfleld, diecl Xov. lst, aged 72 years, of affection of the heart. Tlie reniains were taken to Ypsilanti by frienda and interred. There is to be a home missionary convention of the Congregational church heldin Ann Arbor on the l"th of this month, and one at Ypsilanti on the same date. A health article in an exchange starts oflfln this way: "Sleepleea men- and tliere are many of (hem In America- ehould couit the sun." But some way it isn't lUe sou üiey prefer to court. The coloied band, trom Ypsilanti, playcd for tlie democratie meeting Tlmrsday, and for tlie rcpubücaii meeting Saturday. Tlie music that tliey niake is very fine indeed. But few eau equal thein. Tlie coiinty orders whicli herctofore hare been made payable on the lst of Febraary, are this yer.r, by order of the board of supervisors, mude payable on demand, as there is a large county fund layinff ld ie. ____ We noticed C. 15. Wliitman, of Ypsilanli, C. S. Gregory, of Scio, G. W. Turnbull, of Clielsea, and quite a number of other demócrata upon our streets last Tlmrsday. In faet, there were several of them. A social was held at the residence of Prof. Perry, on Washington street, by theStudenfs Chriatian Association of the high school on Frlday evening last, which was largely attended and a pleasant evening was pasaed. Jlary Schafer of this place was arrested by a United States marshal on Thursday last, and taken to Detroit to auswer to a charge of scllinp; liquor without a special license. The examlnatiofl was down for Saturday. but a cuntinuance for two weeks wis gianted to allow the defendant linie to make her deience. Tlie frail Mury i accused of keeplng a house of i)l sliape in the Stil wanl. The Ypsilanti Sentinel upholds the insuliiiis reraarki made to Mr. Blaine by a few hot lieads uhen he spoke in Ann Arbor, on the ground that away back in theöO's souietime a democratie processiou was disturbed by students. That may liave been a fuct, but does oue wrong excuse another ? ür are the students in the university today responsible for whatthe students did twenty years ago? Xow is a good time for the farmer to prepare his ice house. Ten to fifty tons of ice may be put up at small cost, that Wil] bepaid in tlie haiidling of milk aloneTUere will be more butter and better. Egi;s can be kept fresh for weeks. Vietuals left over may be kept over froin day to daj-, and many other economies practiced. And in case of sickness notliing in the way of aecessories to nursing and care is worth so much as ice. Let every farmer make up his mind to have it. Tlie opening social of the Armory hall dancing icademy, is announced for Saturday, Xov. lïth, from 3:30 to 6 o'clock p. m. Prof. Granger is using every endeavor to make a success of this dancing academy, and is meeting witli great encouragement. Music is furnished by the Ciequamegon orchestra, which together ¦itli the excellent oondiüon of the floor, and the pleasantly furnished hall, adds immensely ,to tlie attraction. Ku more eveuing or public hops will be given. The Manchester Knterprise also thinks that dynamite fishing should be stopped : " The COüKIEB complains of those who use dynamite to catch fish in tlie Huron river. The écheme has been followed to some extent iu our nelghborinjr lakes and thousands of fleh have been killed. The trouble is that while some large fish are caught thmisands of minnows and small fish are killed, lf continued to any extent ihe lakes will soon bedepopulated." Hallowe'en was duly observed ia Ann Arbor. In the early part of the evening a procession marched through the streets, ntaking a hidi'ous raeket, and palntlng the town blue. The spectacle that. presented tsi-lf to many of our citizens tlie next Uorning, and upon very many of our treete, proved tbe fact that some of the eelebratora at leatt, f.iiled to draw the iebetween fun and wantonness. Side and cross-waiks were torn up, ))ickets torn from fenees, and in many cases brotan to pieceg; Windows broken, horsc 'jlocks torn from thelr moorlngs, gates taken from their hlnges and placed upon lamp posta as adormaents, and varlous o'herpranka committed. Cabbages and Pompklng decoraled many a front stoop, mul in aonie Inatancea great daubs of PHint were plagtered upon door-steps. There we re several knock downs and flffhtadurlng the evening. It seems as though there might be a better method "f enjoyment found. Frank Joslyn was elected Justice of the Peace in Ypsilanti Tuesday, to flll vaeiucy without opposilion. Fellow citizens, it isyour boundcn dttty to vote- to vote- olí, pshaw ! elcction is over, and wo can't makc ai: Item out of tbat BOrt of rot any longcr. It is proposed that those thinking of atteiiding the New Orleana Exposition from this vicinity, club together in purchasiug tickets. Which ought to be a sood scheme. The Ypsilanti Sentinel paid us eight separate and distinct coniplinients in its last week's issue. Thanks, eiglit tunes over. But as electioo is past it will do llttle or do good to inake reply. Ex-Supervisor Patrick Wall, of North(ield, so well and favorably known to many of our citizens, was married on the 25th uit., to Mis. Electa F. Todd, of this city, the event occurring at Pinckney. Chailie Manly's hit at the fellow who ?roaned "Oh, dear, dear, daar," at him ivhlle he was iiitroduciiig General Rosejrans last Thursday was a good one, and ivell deservcd. This practice of interrupting or groaning at speakers of oppollte political a thing to be desplsed ind set down upon. Let each side have ts say unmolested. That is the only roper and gcntlemanly way. The republicah torchliht processioa ast Saturday night, and the displaj of cd lights from many buildings upon the treets, made one of the finest displays iVnn Arbor has seen for many a day - or llght The affair was a success notwithtanding the unpiopitious state of the atnotphere, About 1,500 torches were in ne. From P. Loiillard & Co, Jersey City, S J., we have received Hoot & Tinker's lew picture entitled, "Kepresentatives of Professional Base Ball in America.'' It ïontains the faces, grouped in a tasteful ïianner, of sixteen of the familiar players onnected with the League and American issocialions. The lithograph is one of eal merit. i ne iarmers preuici au open winter; one of their signa being the thin liusks on the corn, and that the muskrats are expecttng a mild winter is apparent from the fact that thcy have notyet commenced building their houses. But somc way these prcdictions are "way off." The moskrats played it on us last winter, and so did the corn husks. It's too tliin. We will not be decelved twice in the same marnier. Git up something new. By looking over the report of the board of supervisors several items of interest will be found, Indudlng the fact that Judge Joslyn proposes to have all prisoners of Washtenaw county coniined in a safe jail in some other county unless imniediate steps are taken to build a new one by the proper authorities. Such a step would cost the taxpayers of ttiis oounty a heap of money. They might better vote the bonds to build a new prisou. Hon. üeorge lï. Weiidliug will on Saturday evening, Nov. 15th, open the course of lectures furnished by the Students' Lectnre Association. Mr. Weiidling's subject is an Ulustrated lecture on Hamlet. The lllustratlona are of the numerous prominent actors and critica of Hamlet, and although excellent in themsclves they are subservient to the lecture proper, and serve to depict the salient points of the various interpretations. Mr. Wendlitig has been a lifelong student of Shakespeare, and this added to his descriptive povvers and oratorical ability make him a favorite lecturer on this subject. The Ann Arbor correspondents of the Detroit Free Press and EveningNews both outdid themselves in the reports of the political meetings held last week. They displayed wonderful fertility of imagination in exaggerating the meeting of the democrats held on Thursday, and belittling the meeting of the republicana held on the Saturday succeeding. For the Pree Press man there was probably some excuse on the ground of political neceisity, but for the latter there was no shadow of excuse, but a desire to crown himsclf the tallest monumental liar in the state of Michigan - and he succeeded admirably. The Stanton Herald pays this compliment to one of our fellow-citizens: " Mr. A. J. Sawyer of Ann Arbor made one of the best republiean speeches we have heard this year, before the Stanton Blaine aud Losran club on Tuesday. He defined the tarlff issue in a very convincing manner and made it so plain that even the plainest mind could understand it. Mr. Sawyer is one of the ablest among the public men of Michigan, and a clcarer-headed republic in wlio knows how to dcfend our canse does not exist an}'wheie. Mr. Sawyer spoke to a crowded house in Greenville oa Weduesday evening." Eev. Anton Meier, former pastor of the Germán M. E. Church, in Anu Arbor, died Oct. 3üth, at four o'clock, A. M., of consuinption, and was buiied Saturday, Nov. 1. He was born Aug. 7th, 1847, in Hart, Austria, and brought up by Catliolic párente. He emigrated to this country in 1877, and was converted in Cleveland, Ohio, under the influence of the Baptist church. He spent three years In their college at Ilochester, N. Y., to prepare hiinself for the ministry. For six yeurs he preached in the Baptist church. About thrce years ago he joined the German M E. church. Hisfirstappointment was Wawakia, Ind., and his second Aun Arbor, where he was well known. He was man ed to his now bereaved wldow, Anna Ernst. Oet. 18th, 1877, In St. Olair ciiuniy,. Micli. May the Lord IjIhss the afflicted wldow aud her tliree fatherless children. _ On Wednesday evening last occurnd au event that will latt long in the mümory of eacli individual participating therein. Prof'. Chas. II. Stowell, of the university, has been having the third edition of Histology printed at the Courier office, and the completion of the same was celebrated by an invitation from the professor to the scribcs and pharisees, the comps. and the devils, to the nuuiber of' 18 wlio were in any way engaged upon the woik, to partake of a supper at Ilangsterfer's. It wasn't the fine thtngl to eat that composed theentireenjoyraent of the evening. It must be reuieinbered that the professor is a capital linguUt, and bas at his coramand a fund of rare and humorous stories, and upon that especial evening he seemed to be in a peculiarly happy mood In which to relate them. Tlie wrlter of this item being dolegated to return the tliankï of the COUKIISH force [iresent, was so embarrased that he did not say half the good tliings that he ouglit to'have said, and takes this occasion to acknowiedge his shortcominar, and add as an appendix : Rsêobed, Tliat in the opinión of the employés of the Cockiek office, Prof. C. II. Stowell is as good as tliey make 'em, and that he will always have a niche in their hearts and memories all to hiinself.