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BACH &ABELS COLUMN. BAC1I & ABEL. American Black Silks marked down 25c. a yard. Quality 1, liitherto $1.50, now $1.25. 2 " 1.75 " 1.50. " y " 2.00 " 1.76 Tliey are the most durable black silks iu the world, thongh not so brilliant as some. The manufaeturer of these Silks U orie of the largest in America, in a sense the father of American Silk iudustry. Their Silks we guarantee in the most liberal nianner, and in this guarantee the maker stands beliind us. B. & A. A tumble in colored velvets. This week we put on sale 10 piceos 10 inch, hand makc, colored velvets, al $1.25 per yard; real valué $1.75. This is not au accident. It is somebody's stupidity. There is no reasons in the world for it, and we have no objection in telling the l'act. We like nothing better tlian putting down a price when we can do so without loss. We do, if anybody else does, whether we like it or not, because we won't be undersold. We are selling a real Kid Glove, 4 button, at $1.00; it would be cheap at $1.50. Remember tliey are real Kid and not larab skin. Our Blanket Sale connnences tlns week. Examine our large White Blanket at $1.50, real valué $2.50. Otir ,11 wool, White Blanket at $4.00, never was sold before for loss thau $6.00 We would ükc to have you examine tlicm whether j-ou buy or not. 15. & A. Plaids are very stylish. We show all of the desii-able styles in the market. Look at our 40 incli plaids at 50c. 75 and 85c. These goods were bought cheap and we are selling them cheap. B. & A. Our imported Jerseys at 4 00, $4.50 and $5.00, are astonishers. B. & A. Our Misscs Jersey's have at last arrivcd. Colors- black, navy blue, and cardinal. We have all sizes froiu 4 years to sweet l(i. BACH & ABEL. COAL 1000IFOKAÏON. BEING sensltlve on the qiiestion of Coal Dealers tiivlng SHORI' W IGIIT, I would lufoim all interested that by paying a welglnng fee of 10 Ct-niH, coal from my yard eau be welghed on any scale in the cltv. EUGENE B. HAf.I, Ann Arbor, Nov. 5, 1844. 122028. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS ! EveryStyle& Price. Guaranteed XJuequaled FOK OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Impru7oocat3 and Convenienees foucd ia S0 ethers. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale in E very City and Town 'in the United States. For pal e by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Mlch. vm-aat Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT HAVIKG BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a certaiu mortgage executed by LydiaKirchhofcr, of Manchester, In the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Laphara, of Northvillc, Wayne County, n said State, hearing date the Seventeenth day of Apiil A. D. 1879, and recorded in the ofllce of the Kecister of deeds for said County of Washtenaw, in Iiber55of mortgages, on page 590, and by which default the power of sale contained In said mort?ace having becomo ouerative, and no suit or pro;eedlng at law or in chancery baving been instituted to recover the timount due on said mortgagc, or the note accompanying the sanie, and thi're ueius: now claimed to be due on sM note and mortgage, the surn of Two Thnnsand Thiee Hundred and Poorteen Dollars [$2,311]. Noticeie tberefore hereby glveu that said montage will be fore cloBed on r riday the twenty-sixth day of Decomber IS84, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that duy, by eale at public auction to the highcst bidder at the outh front dnor of the 3ourt House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county of Washtenaw, (said Court House being he place of holding the Circuit Court lor Baii county) of the mortgaged premises described In paid mortiage, or yo niuch thereof as niay be ncccenary to s.itisly the amouut due on caid note and ni(irtKge with reasnnable cosib and expenep; vvluch múA mortiíaired premi!cí are desrriiK-d in pai'l m'rtg ige, M (oHowa: AU those certain parels o! land pituateand beiu in the Vülae of Manchester, in the ('ounty of Washienaw, nd átate "f Michitriin, known aud described as lot 'our (1), live ;5), six ti), seven (7) and ciicht (S) in block one (1) in Granser and Morgan' atlditlon to the Village of Manchester, according to the record (1 plat of said addition. Dated, Sopt. -"Jlb, A. 1)., im. JAUEU 8. LAPHAM, E. D. KINNE. M"rtea.'e. Att'y for Mortgagee. 12I5-12S7 Clianccry Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. In Chancery, Jane Scott Mcueish, Complulnant, vs. Koberi Scott Mcleish, Dcfi'ndant. At a session of said Court, beid at the Circuit Court room, in ihe City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the 2d day of September, in the ycar onc thousan ; eiglit bundred and i-ighiy fonr. ProMBt: bon. ('hauncey Joslln, Circuit Judire. It hatÍ!Oict!rily appearing to this Court by atliduvit on lile, that the defendant, Kobert Scott McL,lab, is not a resident of this State, hut resides In icotlaud, iu the Kingdom of Greit Iiritain, on moiion Of A. K. Metcalfe, complaiuants eolicitor, itis ordeied that the saiddefeudant, Kobert Scott Mcl.eish, cause his ainearance to bc entered here[n, wilhin ftv montbs from dateol" thisorder, and In case of hi a; pearance thnthe canse hls auswer to the complainant's bül of complaiot to be flled iiad a copy thereof lo be srved on said complaitiant's solicitor wlthin twenty dnys after service on him of a copy of e.iid bill and notice of this order ; and that in defttuH thereof, said bill be taken as coiifcssed by the said non-resideut defendant. And it ie tartaar ordered, that within twenty days irotn the date hereof, the said complainaut cause a uítticc ot this order to be publiehed in the Ann Arbor Coükieb, a newspapcr prlnted, p b ligbed aud irculated in said connty, and that such pubiication be continued Iherein at least ouce In each week, for six weeks in succession. C. JOSLIM, Circuit Judje. A. R. METCALFE, Complainant's Solicitor. Attest: A true coiy, John J. Roliison, RegUter.


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