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Compiled from Late Dispatches. DOMESTIC. Tut achooner Lncy, sugar laden, was reeeutly wrecked off Sabine Pass, Tex., aud three of the crew perlshed. The Gorernor of Idalio report ed at ÍVashington on the 28th that the funded debt of the Territory bad been praeticallv wiped out; that the populatíon was SS,ÓOO, and that the people wereeutitled tothe atlvautages of a Stat' ( luvcrnment. At a Crossing in Pittsburgh, Pa., the other day a train struck a two-horse wagon, one of the men on the rehicle beiug fatally hurt. Oue of the horscs was throwu forty i'ect, strikiug a citizen who was standing on the station platform, kilüng him iastantly. A jury in New York has given William Brady a verdict for .S'iO.iMW) against C. P. Huntington for negoliating the purchase of the Morgan Rallroad and steamshlplines in Louisiana and Texas. DlSASTBOUS storm on thecoastof Lower California recently caused the destimction of sereral steamers, and over four score lives wore lost. Twenty horses at Cape it. Lucas were destroyed, a great number if cattle killed, aud uiue Mexlcan coasters lost. At a meeting of business men of Louisville on the '2Sth it was resolved to hold another exposition noxt year, aud plans uro already being arranged. Expobts from New York for the Beven da ' s euded on the Sth (exclusiveof specie) were $8,778,000, against $6,403,000 the previous week. The recent coal-miue disaster ncar Youngstown, Pa., resulted in the deatli ol fourteen men, whose bodles had been brought to tlio sorface. Seven others were wonnded, and aome of thein mighl notsar TintKE Iiorse-thievcs n ere capí ared a few days ago by a posse of citizeus near the t'.v.n of Prinrille, Eastern Oregon, aml lynched. That whole section of country was overrun with itock-thleves, and the settlers were resolved to drive tho bands out. Norman' Joxes, aged fcwelve, waa arrested at ïïtehburg, Mass., on the 28th for plaeing obstructions 011 the track to wreek traius "for fun." A loss oL $160,000 was c&used at Port Clinton, Pa., a few days ago by a collision of coal trains. üue firemau was njurecl. - _ Burglars smashed the safe in A. B. Smith's store at Hunter's Point, L. I., a few nights ago, and carried off $1,600 in cash and $10,000 in bouds. At Xew Brunswick, N. J., on the28th the centennial of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Churcli ia America waa Jittingly obserred. By the capsizing of fishing-boats in tho Straits of Mackiuaw and vicinity seven persons were drowned recently. The "VVoman's Home Missionary Society of the M. E. Church met at Cleveland, Ü., on the 2Sth, one hundred delegates being present, with Mis. Ruthortor.l B. 1 layes iu the chair. The Baptist Stnte Convent ídii of Indiana assembled at Fort "H'ayne on the 28th, Rev. C. E. AT. Doff, of liadison, preuching the iuti'oductory sermón. Lake undervvriters were on the 2Sth suffering large losses froin the severe gales that had swept over the inland seas recently. The large iron steamship Scotia, valued at $100,000, was a total wreek on Lake Superior, and several vessels of the Chicago grain fleet had been wrecked. O. the 2Sth John Pike, of Bristol, Tenn., drove his two daughters from home. Night overtaking them, they went into camp on the raüroad, built a fli-e and laid down to rest. Mattie, a beautiful young woman, eaught her dress on fire and was burned to a crisp, dying in an hour. Horatio Burchard, Director of the United States Mint, stated on the 2Öth that during the past year there was deposited iu all the mints $46,000,000 in gold. There waa also deposited $32,000,000 in silver. During the year the coiu of the country increased as follows: Gold, $13,000,000; silver, $22,000,000. The total amount of all kinds of money in circulation approximated $1,100,000.000. Neab Long Creek, Ore., on the 29th a party of whites stole upon a band oL Inilians, and shot and killed two braves. The ieeling agalnst the aborigines was intense among the whites, and an Indian outbreak was threatened. George T. Jacksox, President of the Enterprise Cotton Factory at Augusta, Ga., iias on the 29th discovered to beadefaulter to the ertent of $100,000. He had confessed and assumed all the responsibility. A unknown vessel, supposed to be the schooner L. Van Valkenburg of Chicago, foundered on Lake Erie on the 2Uth, and her crew of eight men were lost. The payment of the annual bounties to the various Indian bands throughout the Northwest TeiTitories was completed on the 29th, and the Indians had gone to thoir reserves on their hunting grounds. Everytliing was qaiet. The twelfth annual congress of the Association for the Advanceinent of Wornen met in Baltimore on the 20th. JIrs. Julia Ward Howe made the opening address. General Benet, Chief of Ordnance of the army, reported on the 2!)th that during the year 31,15o rifles, carbines and shotguns had been manuiactured at the National armory. At Locust Point, Md., a few days ago, a Baltimore & Ohio freight locomotive exploded, killing the engineer and flreman. Frederick "IV. Düversois, banker and insurance agent at Detroit, who was missing, was on the 29th said to he a defaulter lor between 20,000 and 10,000. While intoxicated recently in Rabon County, Ga., Eugene Beek shot and killed his wife and her sister, then threw hiniself on the floor, and was sleeping beside the corpses when arrested. The Armstrong oil well, near Butler, Pa., gushed on the 2!)th at the rate of 190 barrels an hour, and in twenty-four hours put S,000 barls in tank- beating all previous records. recgroSa A six-STORT building on the corner of Michigan street and La Salle avenue, Chicago, owned by Charles E. Gul ver and occupied by several manufactuiïng firms, was destroyed by flre on the 29th, the loss boing $120,000. James Carr, foreman of a dgar-box factory, conducted thirty of his employés tothefire-escape, and lost his lile by falling from a window-sill. Lexa Haberland, aged ton, died at St. Louis on the 8Oth uit. of trichinlaii, the muscles and tissues of her body being found infested with ]ork parasites. Her little brother was illfrom the saine raalady, and her mother, who passed away a month aso, was believed to have died of the disenso. By the burning of stables at Brooklyn, ïnt. Y., the other ïnorning fifteeu horsea perished. AV. N. Mott, one of the oldest postal employés in the service, was genteneed at San Antonio, Tex., on the 30th uit. to five years' imprisonment in the penitentiary for tampering with the mails. m He confessed to having stolen $5,000. The Oceanic, which sailed a few days ïgo from San Francisco for Hong Kong, took 1,000 Chinese and fK)O0,0lX) in coin. Failixg in a love affair, Horace Deland, ïighteen years of age, chained himself re:entlyto a brush-heap near his father's iiouse at Brookfleld, N. H., then set flre to .he pyre and was burned to death. Owixo to internal dissensions, the Ohio itate Dental Association, which had been ïi existence since 18C6, disbanded at Coluiujus recently, after a two-days' session. Süveral stores and dwellings at Fayetto 2ity, Pa., were destroyed by fire a few lays ago, the loss aggregating $50,000. An incendiary fire early the other mornng destroyed the Moundsvüle (W. Va.) Reporter office and job-room, with presses, ype, etc. An adjoining dwelling was also mrned. The public school [building nt Central 'iti Neb., vas cntirclv dfslrovud hv Ora a few mornings ugo. "Loss heavy; oo msurance. Advices of the .TOth uit. stated hat some distance west oL Georgetown, Col., sevenleen hoise-thieves had been oaptured and lynohed by vigilantes. Si Near Kscondida, N. M., the othcr oveniug a band of inasked raen flred into a train, a womau being shot. The Sheriff and posse were in iursuit oí the men. Bknjamin Hefk.xer, a wealthy farmer redding near Lima, O., during a quarrel with his wife shot ond killed her a few nights ago. He also attempted to kill his son and daughter, but failed, and was soon placed in jail. A NEW and dangerous counterfcit silvor dollar is in circulation in Georgia. The oíd Schuyler mansión in Albany, N. Y., with the grounds attached, once the property of General Schuyler, of Revolutionary fame, was sold recontly in lots to a nuinber of persons for $t0,845. It had been rated as worth :Jy,OOO. Within the mansion Millard Fülmore was married, and it was the scène of many exeiting episodes prior to and during the Revolution. Mrs. Joseph Tysojt, wifo of a well-to-do farmer near Norristown, Pa., committed suicide the other day by throwing herself in front of a railroad train. Elijah Hkjídeusox snapped what he thought to be an empty revolver in his wife's face in Indian Territory a few evenings ago and shot her dead. He surrendered to the United States Marshal, and wanted to be hanged. The following executions for mnrder took place on the Sist uit.: Isaac Fain (colored), at Kingston, Tenn.; Georgo Hill (colored), near Atlanta, Ga.; AVilliam Bas (colored), at Paris, Ter.; and Alberfc and Charles Goodman (colored), at Terre Ou boef, La. A fall of rock in a mine near Centralia, Pa., a few days ago killed three Hungarians. The Criminal Court of Allen County, Ind., went out of existence on the Sist uit., unrter a Legislative enactment. It had been in existence for seventeen years. Durinq the year ended on the .'ilstult. the National banks withdrew trom the Federal Treasury $17,820,818 deposited to secure circulation. At the present rate of redemptiou tlie tliree ]er cents, would disaj)per by June, 188S. Alit.ed G. Luders & Co., commission merchants at New York, i'ailed receutly for ?lü,000. The schooner Jonathan ICnight ivas driven upon a reef at Paltnetto Point, on the Guit' of Mexico, a few days ago, and the Captain, his son and four of the crew were drowned. The schooner San Bias was also wrecked, and her entire crew perished. Two men were killed at Duluth, Miun., the other day by falling írom a senffold 011 the side oï au elevator one hundred feet high. The Presbyterian Synod of Ohio, in s-ssioa at Cincinnati a few days ago, duplored the desecration of the Sabbath, and favored prohibitiou of the manufacture and sale of intoxieating liquors. The New York Central Road ou the uit reduced the price of lirst-class ticket to Chicago to $15. The West Shoro and Eriequickly followed with a cut to $18.80. Scalpers at St. Louis wero selliug ticket to New York at f 14. The crew and passengers of the stearnship Maasdam, recently burned at si, rettched New York on the .'Sist uit., on tlie the Rhein, which picked them up on the evening of October 24. In a political fight at Klein's tavern, Coldmbia Couuty, Pa., the other night two men were fatally stabbed by James D. Keiler, who was lodged in jail. O. the race-coursO at Sherman, Tex., a valuable horse feil and broke his ueck the other day, and the rider was also killed by the fall. Keports to Bntd8treefg for the seven days eoded on the 3Jst uit. stated that trade at nearly all commercial centers remained quiet, with few prospects of gain before the opening of the new year. Aclehk in the office of the Cleveland Herald was on the 31st uit. called out by a man in a carriage, vhile his confedérate took $iVX) in currency from the cashdrawer. In the United States and Canada there were 205 business failures during the seven days ended on the Sist uit., against 6o the previous seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, 37; New England States, 20; Western, 79; Southern, 54; Pacific States and Territories, 15; Canada, 31. il1 1,1, ¦' . PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Wilbur F. Store y, editor and proprietor of the Chicago Times, died at :45 on the evening of the 27th at his residenea in that city, after a protracted and painful illness. He was born in Salisbury, Vt., December 19, 1819, and in 18U1 went to Chicago and bought the Times. Mrs. J. H. Moshier, who a few weeks ago celebrated her one hundredth birthday, died on the 27th at Lockport, N. Y. President Arthur onthe28thappointed Hon. AValter Q. Gresham to succeed Hon. Thomas Drummond as Judge of the United States Circuit Court for Wisconsin, Illinois i and Indiana, and appointed ex-Seeretary I Hugh McCulloch to succeed Judge Gresham as Secretary of the Treasury. Mayor Edsox, of New York, has appointed General Fitz John Portar Pólice Commissioner. William J. Handy, the Somerset County (Md.) miser, died suddenly a few days ago, aged seventy-nine years. He lived in abject poverty, although he possessed probably $500,000. Sionor Brioxoli, the fainous teuor, died at New York on the 30th ult. Linden Cook, one of the oldest and best known of Fall River (Mass.) manufacturers, died suddenly a few days ago on his doorstep. He was seventy-three years oíd. The Woman's Home Misaionary Society of the M. E. Church closed its sessions on the 30th ult. at Columbus, O., Mrs. Rutherford B. Hayes being re-elected President. The Episcopal Diocesan Convention at Baltimore on the SOth uit. elected as Bishop of Maryland Rev. Dr. Paret, now rector oí Epiphany Church, Washington. The Grand Jury at Washington on the 31st ult. found an indictment against Colonel Burnside, late disbursing ofBcer of the Post-office Department, chai'ging him with prnhpzzlinpr ÍRV1 fWi FOREIGN. A violent storm the other night dld serious damage throughout the British Isleü and neighboring seas. Many wrecks were reported and several lives were lost. The municipal authorities of Limerick, Ireland, by a vote of twenty-seven to flve, decided on the 28th to persiat in their refusal to pay the tax assessed for extra pólice service. The arrest oí several mombers of the Corporation was probable. At Colima, Manzanillo, and other towns on the western coast of Mexico, yeBow fever of a malignant type was on the 29th claiming many victima. Annie Mallooh, of Toronto, Ont., injured twelve years ago in a railway accident and pronounced by physcians a cripple for life, was recently said to have been cured by weeks of prayer. The cage in a mine at Londonderry, N 8., feil a distance of two hundred feet a few daya ago, killing three men and fatally injuring two others. Advices reached London on the 29th via Shanghai that a severo type of cholera was spreading through the French squadron under Admiial Courbet, now blockading Formosa. Advices of the 2Oth state that the steamer Maasdam, en route from Rotterdam to New York, was burned at sea. There were one hundred and flfty passengers on board, and their f ate was a mystery. TnnoociHOUT Great Britain severe gales were reported on the 29th. Houses at various places were destroyed, and along the coast many vessels were wrecked. In the Parliamentary elections in Holland on the 2'Jth the Liberáis were generally successful, and by increased majorities. John McCormick, who ran away from the jail yard at Winnipeg, but was reoa])tured, was a few days ago ordered by the Attorney-Oeneral of Manitoba to be floceed. He was stripped to tho waist in a. snow-storm, neforn nis feuow-pnionsr, and given twelve lashes. Repobts werereceived iu Toronto, Can., n f ow days ago that tho pólice sent to BUchIpicotenwere attaoked by rioter, Constables Diwlils nnd Mills bc ing killed and InspiM't'T Ward seriously woundod. Thb appearanoa of cholera in tho lower Beine región of Franco on the Sflth uit. led Italy to establish a quarantine against all porta from Dieppe to Cherbourg inclusive. Tui: Frenoh (Joveminent on the Sist uit. ordered the dispatch of two cruisers and flve gunboats to Clüna. Italy would soon send two wnr véasela to the Congo región to conservo commercial interest s. The Empresa of China on tho Sist uit. offered one-half of her jewels for the deiense of her empire against the French invasión. It was discovered on 'tho Slat uit. that Scott, the clerk of the Merchante' Bank in Bolleville, Ont., who disappearedirecently, stole an express packago contaiuiug $4,000. LATER NEWS. TnK public-debt statement ltsnad on the lst makes the following exhibit: Total debt (includiug interest of $8,676,918), $1,861,168,484. Cash in Treasury, $484,008,r72. Debt, less amount in Treasury, il, 417,150,862. Decreaae during October, $8,807,1'-. Decrease since sim-e June 80, 1883, v;'-,880,873. At 1Uis1iv;])i', linl., the other aXteruoon, Alexander Posey, ei-Auditor of Rush County, cominitted suicide by hanging. Financial trouble aml bad healtfa ware the probable cause. DuRiNo a political mcotiug at Fansae Poiüt, La., on the evening of the lst dlsturbaoce occurred, reaulting in the killing of eight persons and the woundhig of severnl others. Ij. J. Ti:krii.[., a farmer at Brownington, Ho., was attempting to chastise his sou, nged scveutecn, x few days ago, whoii the boy drew n revolver and shot his father deail. Near Bracketl;, Tex., the other niht Peter Johnson, a clerk in a store, svas asgasslnated and the store robbed. i A sbwous panic occurred on the erenlngofthe lst at the Star Theater in Glasgow, Sootland, oauïed by h cry of fire. During tlie rush of the audience to escapo from tho building sixteen people wero killed aml twelve others were soriously iujured. Three incaes of snow feil In ( !oncord, N. H., on the night of the lst. A slight fall ¦as also reported from a nuinber of towns in New Hampshire and Jlaiue. TnE imports at tho port of New York during the week ended on the lst wero $8448,000, of which .1;,):4,000 were general merchaudise and $1,619,000 dry-goods. Advioks of the lst from trinidad state that serious coolie riots had occurred there, Jtany persous were killed before the uprislog was suppressed. President JacksoN, of the Enterprise cotton factory at Augusta, (Ja., was on the ]st said to be a defaultei' in the sum of $128,000. Tuk AVhite House, including the President 's salary, costa tho people f116,004 pet annuni. LoxDOif advices of the lst stated that the cholera was in its last flickering state in the Mediterranean and was being skillfully cojiüned in Normandy to the original seat. Jluch alarm had been caused by the report of au outbreak in Nantes, but the doctors insisted that it was only typhoid fever. A omL in Baltimore, less than threo years of age, killed herself a few days ago with a revolver with vhich she was ]Jayiug. A PASSKX6ER train on the Baltimore & Ohio Koad, while running at full speed on the lst, leaped the track near Alta, O. Eighteen persons were injured, soiue fnt.-iüv.


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