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Toledo, Ann Albor & Sorili Michigan línllway. TIME BCHBDULB. To tltkü offtct flt 12 O'clock, lie mi Sun l;iy, June22d, 1-884. 'l'rnins rnn liy Central Timo, QQING WBTB. (ii]N(i SOIT. „ 't -_ H í =C_S 7. feTATTONS. o'S,c h ga P.M.I A.Ml [. P-MB 88 7 (161 Toledo 30 4 55 ." :!() 7 14 Matihattan Janctioii!'.) '26 4 4 ó 40 7 28 Alexis .Innclion j J4 3¦) 4N 7 83 Ilawihorne I! 1U4 SU ;, 66 7 -tt Samaría í 2 4 22 (i 0 8 Oli Lllhl 8 47 4 01 II 14 8 ÍS Monroe Junctioii S 42.'i .rH n ti h .-!() Pandee I s 60 0 28 8 37 Macón 8 % ¦'¦ 16 6 8Sl g 4(i Azalla 2013 40 8 -ni X 5tí Milán .hiDctiun 8 (W.'l 25 6 4t 9 0:i Milán 8 06IS 22 ii r,l 9 00 Nora 7 68 3 17 (i Sts !) 22 Urania 7 52 3 10 7 0r 0 88 PitB?fleld Jnnctlon 7 40 8 03 T 20 !) .ri)i Ann Arbor 7 272 4!l 7 37 10 16 Leland 7 12 2 3(1 7 48 10 29 Worrien 7 OS 2 2.", i _ 8 00 10 Ki Sonih L' on (i 60 2 10 Conneclions: At Toledo, with railroads diverpinc; at. Manhattan Junrtion, wlth Whceling LakeErle H. !(.: at Alexis Jnncüon, with M. c. 1'. K., I.. S. A M. 8. Ky. and F. & P. M R. R.; at Monroe Jnnctlon. with L. S. & M. S. Ky.; al Ihindee, with L. B, fc M. S. Ry., M. k O. Ky.; at Milán Jnnctton, with Wabaeh, St. Loui & Pftclflc Hy.; at Plttnüeld, wlth L.s. M. 8. Ky.: at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central K. lf., and nt South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northorn 1(. R., and Grand Trunk liy. H. W. AHIILEY, General Su pt. W. H. BENNE rT, Gen'l. Paes. Agent. THS LIÏTE SELECTED BY THE TJ. S, GOVT T0 CAERY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. ONLY UNE EUN1ÍING TW0 THE0TJGH TEAIHS DAILY FB0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Throuffh the Ileart of the Continent bj way of PaciUc Juuction or Oiuaha to DENVER, or via Kansas City and Atchleon to Denver, connecitngJn Union Depota at Kansas City, Atcuiaon, Oiuülia and Denver with throjgh traína for SAN FRANCISCO, ana all poluta In the Fax West, fehortest Llneto KANSAS CITY, And all polnta In the South-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS siioulcl uot forget the factthat Kound Trlp tickpta at '¦ii.: cu rats cau be purchaned vía thl Grea4 l'hroiiffli Jíiue, toull tbe Uealtlt and Pleasur líeBorw oí ibe weat and South-W'eat, tticludiug tliei.Muunialns oí COLORADO, the Vaüey or tlie Yobemlle, tlie CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta Ín tbe Medican Kepublic. HOME-SEEKERS Hhonld also remember that thjs line leads direct to the heart oí the Government and Railroad Lands iu -S i'iiraska. KaiiaaM, Texas, Colorado and Washington Territory. 1US knoiAiu thegreat THROUGH CAR LIIÍE or Ameriua, &nd la universally adán i iv to be the rinc 't Lunipped Knilronil in tho World for all claseH ol Travel Through Tlokew vía tlits Une ror sale at all Railroad Coupon Ticket üUices iu üie üiilied otates aud Canada. T. J. 1-OTTER, Vice l'reu. and Gen. Manager. 1-HMJÜVA.L. LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Ag'i Chicago. JNO. Q. A. BEAN, Oen. Eastern Ag't, J17 Broadway, New York, and Mi Washington su., liustuu. .T THE POST-OFFÍCE NEWS DEPOT. A Full Line Of Cheap Librarles! AND STATIONEEY A complete nssortment of corumoii and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Inyitation, and Seqnest c:irds. Wrltlug Packets, Fine Box Papers, suitabl tbr presentí and all kinds of Stationere' su pp lies. BLANK BOOKS Para BooUs, Memorándum Books, Bcratcn Books, ötndents Note Books, Renrms, Leal and Medical Indexes. Bill Books, and :11 stlfs of common Note Books. WILLIS mmi Proprietor, Aml Agent for all Newspupers, Magazines nnii nprindicnls C. H. M1LLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! o. I South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oklest agency in the city. Eatabllsbed a quiirler of a centary ugo. KepiesenUng thu iuiiowing flrot-olasi oompanie : Home lus. Co. of N. Y $7,-J8S,C4o Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y 4,867,442 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,024 Girare] Ins. Co. of Philadelphia. 1,239,907 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London. .11,043,943 Liverpool, London and Globe. .34,402,085 Kates Low. Losses Liberally Adjusted and Prompt ly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. " Marj land, My Marylaiid." " Prctty wlrcs, Lovely daughtere, aud noble men." " My farm lies In a rathek1 low aud niasmatic situation, und "My wlfe!" " Whó f " " Was a very prett' blonde! " "Twenty yenis a;;o, bMMM " Sallow ! " " llolloweyed I" " Witliered and aged ! " " Before her time, trom "Malarial vapora, thougli slie made no particular complaint, not being of thu grumpy kind, vet csuilng me gteat nneasiness. " A short time ago I purchascd your remedy for one ol the children, who had a very severe attack of biliousness, aiul it occurred to me tluit the remedy mlght help my wife, ns I foiind tlmt o'ur linie glrl, upon lecovery, had "Lost!" '"1 Ier sallowness, and looked is frosh as a new-blown daisy. Well, the story Ie soon told. My wlfe, to-day, has gaiiicd her old-tlmed beauty with componnd ln(crest, and is now as hamlsome a matron 'M' I do say it myself) as can be íbnnd in mi-, county, wliich is noteil for pretty ivoiuen. And 1 huve only lluj) Bittere to .lianU tbr it. "The dearcrcalmv just looked over my ¦houlder, and says, ' 1 can llalter cqual lo he daya Of Our Ciouitship,' and that renlnds me there cnlgUt lie more pretty mices my iirother farmers would do as J have Jone." Hopldft you may lonn be spared to do jood, 1 tliiuikliilly reinain. C'. L. Jamks. I!ki,tsyii,i.i-„ Prlnce Oeorge Co.. Md , ) Muy 2(Hh, 1888, j t None L'cnuiiic without a bunch of groen lopa on the wliiic label. Nhun all the vüe, pnison118 Btiill' wlih ' Hop " ur " Ropa " In thelr name.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News