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¦¦BMBgLÜ.'-l'B.J 1"- ' " - MlGHIOAN PÍENTKAL 77? JJiagara Falls (Route. i cutral Slantlaril Timo. M.-iy ls. ls4EA9TWABD. 7d?k m ? i Í ES S= - f L ¦Sfc ¦TATIO. H = , È J g I B á__ iL Z_ oo 4. M A. M. I'. M. P. M. P. M. P. . A. M. riiio'iL'o I.v 64t K66 4 ir 3 40 t-4u í)r& V:-, -":, m 657 B7 K 882 85-2 1007 KSneí'm-;.;.. 78B 9 45 4 50 4 30 923 1045 Hammond.... 7 47 501 JSSrE. ISiifc 5awn::::: SSE SSiiSl ?"88E TtareeOak ... 837 7 Buchi'uan 10U5iM 751 124 Nilií ...... 1OSIÍM ti 59 8 25 11 40 140 Dowaíac 046 8 203 I.nwton 117 928... 243 Ostemo 1162 948 r.M a m a.m. Kalamnzm... 12 03 140 8 10 10 00 100 : 17 (43 (al sbui-L' ... 182J 3 70Ö Butilo (Jr,-.-k. 106 9H 8 17 & 142 4 05 788 I Al 1 'iU 2 4'í ' S_ Hanhall ƒ Lv; l90 .-jo.t'So'í flg 108 Ï32 8 00 Alliion 216 32.5 -?W 1B 457 827 I'armn 288 a.m 5 IB 8 SI) .IncltBOli '05 4 0: 10 00 7 00 3 2. 5 45 25 J;icks'i) Jum. 809 705.... QraraUke.... 880 722 607 9 45 Francleco 888 7o Chelsea 8M 742 B80ÍOP8 Deztur Jll 75.) BÍ31013 Oeltil Mills... 420 8(0 Aun Arluir.... 4 82 6 12 10 54 8 17 4 85 7 00 10:3 Ypellantl IS 5VSUU7 3S 4 52 7 15 0 47 WayneJuDC 515 646 91o 518 7381107 Wayne 5 17 12 Dcailjorn 685 9 30.... 7 5" . . . . Spiineut-llo.. 5 55 (i '5 II 51 !) 50 S 45 8 1(1 11 : 3.1 Detroli....Ar. 60S 826116W1OO0 5ii 8 20 1145 Detroit Lv 7 30 12 15! 6 15 11 59 St.Tnnmas 1115 8 261110 10 05 320 Weiland 2 08 6 OU 6 25 IM 55s Kalls V iew. . S! 15) í ï8 . ... NtanreFallv 2 31 Ski 15 6281 Buen. Bridge .... 2 45 tí 50' 2 15 6 4" ,: ¦ 3 40 7 ," 6 tó 8 mi 7 85J .... WKhT-VAKD. TATIOHÍ. &L 2t Jfi O ?a H ¦Se 8 9 :: l'.M. P.M. A.M A.M. A.M BuíThlo 8 40 11 30] l 5 0 15 II 30 .. .. Su-p. Krirt-e. 94(l-'ió 7 30 122 Nia?ara Kallr'J ÖL 12 36 7 41 12 3U Fall View. ..j 7 46 .... i2 44 Weiland 10 IL 12 5!) H 05 -.25 1 05 Bt.ThomM.... 125 3 50 1045 1140 4 10 Detroit. .. Ar. 680 755 250 p.m. p.m. 830 A.M P M Detroit. Lv. til) 900 4oo aoo 800 yoo Sprinirwellg i 10 9 10 4 10 8 12 8 10 9 10 Dearborn .... 627 124 627 82Ö Wayne 641 42 WayneJuDC. t; 4:S 938 4 :i8 044 840 9 4o YpsNauti .... 715 957 4 5X 7 07 9 0.) 10 02 AnnArhor... 7 3o 10 12 5 12 7 23 9 20 10 16 OelhiMUli 742 937 DfXUT 755 530' 743 9 50 Ubelsea 84o 542 80o Francisco.... fS5 8 15 1010 QiaaaLake... 33p.m. 607 825 .lackVn Jiiuc. 853 845 1032 a.m Jackon 'J US 11 30 6 50 8 50 10 35 11 5ó , Pairaa 925.... 7 15 9 1100 Albioü 47 1105 7881 112212-11 Manhall..}L1018U45 8Ï íl 48 iw Y."'. Batile Creek.. 10 43 lo; 8 47 r;5 1215 142. Qalesbnrg.... 11 Ifi ... 9 aO ut 1242 Kalamazuu. .. 11 ÜS 145 9 40 4 45 107 2 27 I P.M ; Mutlawan.... 12 07 5 10 ti 85 I Lawion 12 15 518 145 Dowaglao.... 125, . . . 558 t-J32 Nile 140 3 10 640 3oo 4 05 Buchanan.... 153 54 315 ThreeOaki.. i 21 T 3 4: NewBuffal.. 237Í401 7 35 4 12 ......' MirhigiiLClty 3 03 4 27 8'3 4: 618 Lake 3 45 5 25 8 5U 5 37 6 07 Tolleaton 3 57 9 05 +5B5 ¦ natnmond... 4 15 ! 9 27 t6 20 KeiiMiiL'tou.. 48S 6 1X1 9 45 'i 40 705... Tw'ty-MC 8t. 5 13 6 38 110.3 718 743. .. Cblcago...Ar. B86 6H0J 11035 7 30 7 5j . + Stups oiily to let nff passenytrs. í Stops only ou cinaU. O W. Kl'GGLEí, H. W. HAYKS. Q. P. & 'S . Agsnt A't.. Ana Albor. Chicago. Detroit, Macklnac & Marqnette R. R. July 27, 18S4. Over 300 Miles Shorter tlian any other Line to all Pointe East. W FST. STATlflNS KA.-iT. id i Tí U B S a L ''S :.__! Y ii m a. m, ¦ "- p. M A M. 8 00 6 55 Marqoetta 2 30 7 00 1 35 3 05 Seney. 5 40 U 50 12 45 S 28 MoUlllan 6 10 PÍ2M45 12 ' 1 Dollarville. (i 28 1 22 12 Oó 1 40 Newberry. tí 33 1 45 a. m. p. M. un a 22 1 Palma. 8 oo 4 45 7 35 10 10i L. St.lguaee. A] 8 50 ti 05 Traína run by Central Standard Time. D. McCOOIj, F. MILL1GAN. üen'l Snp't. Gen"l Krt S Pass. Aet Jlarquette, Mich. Marquette, Míen. - . fc -- m ¦¦ i ¦ _ .SOSEPII BERRV, The Practieul TAILOR Al (JUTTER, Of the late flrm of WIN.-WS & REKRY, has Jucatcd his place of business at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITII A FtTLL LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would eay to hts old friends and new ones tnat i they want a GOOI) FIT aud I NOBBY FIT at KKASONABLK PH1CBB, cali on him au d they will ncsure toget one. W. TREMAIN, (ÍEXUUAL wmm Icicyl í ii i it _ OKiriCK : Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. IIUKOX AND FOURTH STS., North British Insurance Co., üi' London and Edlnburg. Capital, tl3,000,000, Oold. Detroit Firo and Marino Insurance Co., Cash Assel s G0O,ÜOO. Spjrtegfletd Ins. Co. of Massaohusetts, Cash Assets f l,S(X),0OO. Howwd Ihs. ('ompaiiy f New York, Catt Assuts $1,000,000. Agrlcultural Ins Co., Watertown, X.T., Caeh Aeset8 $ i ,200,000. LoPBC9 Llberally Adjusied and Promptly Tald. Sawing Made Easy. M0KAECH UOHTNINO SAWTNO MACHIHB tóONARCH UFO CO., (A) Ï06 State St, Chicago, IU. SUBSCRIBE fof the COÏÏRISB. ACinciniinli wüiter is niniiiin' office. The InoreoM of oiilllonalro 1 dates is one of the most ftlarmlnc features ot Anu-riran iiistitiitions. but tlierc , fort in the faot Unit tliis is the first time i waitcr was ever known to run. Gooi-ge Campbell, Hopklnsvllle, Ky., snys Burduck Blood Bitters is the best ' preparatlon for tlie Blood and Storaach ever mftinif:iotlireil. ]


Ann Arbor Courier
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