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Cr0YAL.'p_S&'JÏ J Ji B PÖWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis pnwder ncver varíes. A marvel of purlty.gtrengthand wiiolesomeness. Moreeconomlcal tliau the ordinary kinds, and caunot l)" s-ld in eoiupetition wltli the mulMtude ot Iiw tfst, slio t welglit. alum or pliosphate powders. Sold only In oans Riival Powdkh Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Iteliingjfeases, IV ZSMA.or Salt Uhiiira. with it" a'-'oiiiii! itchJ inj; nnd burninL. iBStaociy relieved by a warm bath with Cüticura Sop, andasint'leapplication of CuTM'i'KA.thegreat Miin C'uie. This repeated daily, with two or ihree dosep of Cctiouba Rk soi.vknt, the; New lilood Pcuiüur, to keep the blood cool, the perspiration pure and unirritatin, the buwels open, the liver und kidneys active, will spcc-dily coru Kricm i, Tetter, RinKworm, Psoriasis, Licheii, Pruritue, ÍScttld Heiid, Uaodruff ai d every .peci 8 of Itch n?, Scaly aud Pimply llumors of the Scali) and Skin, wheu the best physlcians and all kno n rem-di a fail. i 'f.ii tl V l'ttKM IKUIIt. My gralitude to (iod is unboatided for Ihe relief I have obtaineu lrom the use of the Cuticüka liKsiEiiiüs. 1 have been troubled with Eczema on iny legs Por tweuty jears. 1 had mt a comlortable ni;ht löryeara. the burning and itching were 80 intense. Now, I iim happy to tny, I have no trouble. ünly the llver colored patches on my litnhsremaiD as a tukt-n of my ibrmi r iniaerv. J1ENRY L. SMITn. 188 West Avenue, Rocheeter, N.Y. KCi;JIA ON A CHILD. Your ni et valuble Citticdra Remedies have doue my child eo much good that I feel like eayine Ihis for the beneiitof those "ho are trunbled witfi tkin dieape. My little girl wa trouoled with Eczm, nnd I uiod several doctors and medlalnes, but did not do her any eood until I used the Cüticuiïa REMEims which ppeedily cured her for which I owe you many and many nights of rest. ANPON BOSS.HIEH, Uulou Bakery. Edinliurííli, Ind. TETIKK OF THE SCALP. I was utmost perfectly hald, caused by Tetter of hu top ui' the scalp. I used your Cuticdba Kem ;imes about six weeks, and they cured my scalp lerltc'ly. and now my huir ís cominu back aa thicfc s ever it as. J. P. CHOIOE. Whitesboro' Toxas. OVIiKEI WIÏH BI.OTCHES. I want to teil you that yoiirCi'TicüBAREBOLVENT 9 magniïicent. About three months ago my face ïas covered wilh blotchee, and after using three Ules of Kesolvbnt I was perfectlv en red. FKEDEKICK MA1TRE. 23 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La. 1VV POISONING. For all case of poisoriing by ivy or dogwood, I an warrant Cuticl-ra to cure every time. I have iold it for live years, and it nev t fails. 0. H. MOKSE, Druggtsr. Iïolliston, Mass. Sold every where. Cuticuka, SOj; Soap, 35c. ; IlSOLVINTi $1.00. l'ot t ir Drug and ïitmiial l'o., Boston. CATApï SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, 1 lic Great Kalsamlc Distlllation of Wi rli-Uazi'l, Ame'Ican fine, CanKliuu Flr, ifl:irlaolf, C'lover II osn ni) etc. For the Immediate Relief and Permanent CureXof vcry form of Catarrh, from a Simple Head Cold or [nflnenza to the Loss of Smell, Taste, and Hearinst, ;:(niL'h, Bronchitis, and Incipient Consumption. Relief in flve minutes In any and every case. Nothing Hke it. O ateful, fratrrant, wholesoiue. Dure begins from first applicatioii, and is rapid, radical, permanent, ann never faiHng. One botile Kadical Cure, one hnx Catarrhal Solv¦nt and S in ford s Inhaler, all in one packaire, lorming complete trea'm nt, of all druggists for $1 Afk fur Snfdhd's Kadical Crk. rotter brug and Cliemlcal Co., Boston. F. (Q ¦ m COLLISS' VOLTAIC KleCTBIO E BM ¦ BI !¦!¦.-. KK instiintly uiteet tin: B ¦¦ ¦¦¦ Kcrvous System and banishes BBM 1 ¦¦ Pain. A perfect Electric HatVnil" tiTj combined with Poroua re ir fBT l'la'ster furffi cents. ItannlhtIS THE CBT !.„,,, PïIni vitallzes Weakand or A AVorn Out Parts, strenstbens uther'pííster In tl.e WOrti. Soldcverywliere. DrCLARKE 1T0 FEE Establised 1851 ) Nlerrill UntüÉstter! DETROIT, M1CH. f BlOCk-nsann TherRularoldetahllhd Bfeíí&SifcSjñll l'hyslclan jnil Sargeon DR. aVff fTSvlLAKKK, at the old number irir %iiJ3l "l riintinues t treat with his usual BITb? lVjB-at kt1 a!l private, BH Si JcST Jiflèhronlo,nervouiandipeclt EkV CLAKKK is Rn. 9ÜÉHllthc oldest Advertising Physician, BjgEsiM;. files of Papers show and all S!d Kenden know. Age and eiperionco UnPltÑervot!B dlsease (with or without Hm SwT.ry Tbou.nd. cured. Office, and


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