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Another Certain Voice

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llie many who heard the Rev. F. M. Bristol, the pastor of one of tlie leading Chicago chtirches, last Kiinday morning at the M. E. church, and in the evening at University Hall, were much pleased both with his ïiiiiiiucr and logic. They wlll therefore probahly be interested to hear his views on another matter of jniblic interest as reeentij' expressed n the Chicago Tribune: Chicago, Oct. 31.- [Editor of The Tribune 1 -The Methodist Episcopal Church and uT eadlng ProteBtant denominatioiis of our and stand with the Roman Cathollc Church in a flrm, uncorapromising opposltion to unscrlptura divorce. So strict Is the Methodist Episcopal Church in dlscountenancinK this growlug evll which threatens to houey corab society with corruptlon, tliat lts late general conference uttered most vigorous protests aga inst the looseness of ouï divorce lam UUs law ¦" f BlsclPllue m be found ' No divorce, except for adultery, shall be regarded by the church as lawfuY. and no minister shall solemnlze marrlaiie in any case where ihere la a divorced wlfe or husband living." Mow, is ït possible thnt prominent Protestant ministers and editors of this city. exultng in the superlativo morality of their prohibition candidate for the presldency wlll continue to support a man who deierted his young wlfe about to be a mother for the Drofessed purpose of forclng her to obtaih a divorce on the unscriptural grounds of desertion? Can it be possible that they wijl stlll prateof the immaculate goodness of a man frora whom a heart-broken and deserted wlfe secured a divoree by and in accordance witli the law of the state? Is it possible inoreover, as Is stated in an interview with á Saint John editor, that the leaders and organlzers, and managers of the Saint John relorm In this city have, from the very beginning of the campaign, been cognizant of these shameful, heartless facts which thev have been exhorling the conscientious people to " vote as you pray," in the uame of ' Ood, home, and native land " t mis inorai reiorm i a mis reform candidate the man whom some of onr ministerial brethren have been euloglzins as the soul of honor- a man without spot or blemish? Are thee 8t. Johultes, inoreover to teach our young men the decency, honor chivalryand vlrtue of politlcal ethics wheti the man whom they nomínate and support for the high ollice of the presidency has vio Iated In a cruel and uumanly fashion ono of the most sacred laws, social and divine that protects virtue, horae.and governmenl? And all this without a show of sorrow or repentance. " Kor Qciii, Home, and Mallve Land!" A splendld motto! A glorlous battle-cry! But, lovers of the holy cause, let that phrase' Bever be rendered meanlngless rhetoric and hypocrltlcal cant by a vote cast for the ruthlesw, Kelf-coufessed spoiler of home. Whal a preclous trio of sainillness the prohibition party and the W. O. T. U. have alllea themselves to in their unthlnklng zeal to overthrow the republlcan party nd to elévate to power the ola treasoD-blasiedandrura-allled democracy- Cleveland, Beecher.and St.Johü ! The moral triumvirate toward whom the American home raust look for virtuous protectlon ! God spare our bomen theinsultand the dungerof their triumph God save the holy cause of temperance lrom the hands of


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