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How It Is Proposed To Bleed This City

How It Is Proposed To Bleed This City image
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To the Editor of The Coukikp. ; At the receut session of the board of supervisors of this couijty the foilowlog was adopted : Whkrkas, Ourcounty jail has been used by the city of Aun Arbor as a lock-up in policing the city for many vears at the expense of the county, therelore Resolved, That the sheriff is hcreby instructed not torevetve iutosald jail prisoners arrested for violatiou of the cily orüioances, nnless all expenses that nmy be lncurred shall be guaranteed by the city of Ann Arbor. Th!s is the same sort of rcsolution that the board of supervisors idopts whenever it is desired to obtain a gift from the citizens of this city in adilition to the unfair proportion of the state and county taxes apportioned by the board of supervisors to this citj, and which our people pay. That this is true is evidenced by I the following resolution, also adopted by that board: Resolved, That supervisors Bennett and Jíraun be appointed a comralttee to oonler with the comtnon council ol the city of Ann Arbor, in reference to tue building of a new jall, in whlch the city shall have lock-up privileges, and report to this board at their January sesslon In Ifitjo. The reasonable and necessary infercnce from the above resolutions is that the city of Ann Arbor is recciving, and for niany years has been receivlng at the hands of the couuty and by its geuerosity, B privilege to whleh it ld nut Icgally and fairly entilled. Such inference is untnie and false iu fact, and no men know it beller than the men who are generally bclievic] to be at the bottom of this attetnpt, by mtsrepresentation, to obtain a bonus from the city, and place an unjust burilen upon its inhnbitants, for the purpose of gaining for theniselves a little uotoriuty at the expense of trntfa and jnatlce. By the act of the legislature of the state of Michigan, as nppcars In the charter grnnted to the city of Ann Arbor, the city is entltled to the use of the jail for lock-up purposes, and for the conrinement of persons convicted of violatious of the city ordinances, and it uses tile jail for these purposes, not as a privilege, but as a right; as appears by the following: Sec. 3, of lite IX, of the cit}' charter reads as follows: Sec. 8. The Corporation of the city of Ann Arbor shall be allowed to use the common Jail of the county of Washtenaw for tlie liuprlsonrnent of all persons Hable to imprisonment under the by-laws and ordinauces [of'l the common council, and all persons coramitted to jail by any justice of the peace for a violatlon of a by-law or ordinance of said common council, shall be in the custody of the sheriiF of thw county. who BbftU safely keep the person so committed anti 1 lawfully discharged, as In other cases. Whenever. by the terms of any ordtnance of said city, It is provided that any person convicted of an otfense shall be imprisoued, said person may be conftned in the county jail of the county of Washteuaw, or in the house of correctlon in the city of Detroit, in the diserctlou of the court.


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Ann Arbor Courier