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Catarrh Is undoubtedly caused by impure blood. Henee a medicine which purifies tlie blood removes the cause of tlie disease and opens the way íor a tliorough cuve. This is exactly what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, and it makes the cure complete by giving the system health and strength, and enabling H to throw off the depressing eflects oL the disease. Catarrh Is permanently cured by Ilood's Sarsaparilla. Mr. A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y., says : " llood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more íor catarrh and impure blood than anytlHng I ever used." "I havo taken Hood's Sarsaparilla íor catarrh, and tliínk it has done me a great deal oí good. I recommend it to all willnn my reach. Hood's Bcrtaparllla has been worth everything to me." LUTHKB J). lioümxs, East Thompson, Conn. Catarrh May be breaking down your health. Be wiso In time! That flowf rom the nose, rtngtng noise in the cars, pain in tlie head, iiiflamnialum of the tliroat, cough, and nervous prostratlon wlll be cured ii jou take Hood's Sarsaparilla. "I had been troubled by genera! deljility, caused by catarrh and hinnors. llood's Sarsaparilla proved just the tliing needcd. I derivcd an immense amount of benefit from it.'' II. F. Millett, Boston, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Made only by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One DoMar. 1220-122 4. Business Locáis. $5.00 will buy a Iieavy Overcoat at The TWO Sams Heavy Gloves and Mitteus at 'l'he TwO Sams. Winter Ca[s of all descriptions can be found at The Two Sams. Arcliitet'tural Plans and SpccHlcaiions. People who want Houses built aecording to modern style can obtain same from AndrewClimie. Hcatin#and Ventilation a specialty. See houses of O. Eberbach, E. K. Beal and E. S. Worden. Office at residence 23 Muynaid street, Anti Aibor. PROPOS ALS FOR BEEF. rTlHE nndersigned will receive Sealod Froposals, I uu to November 'Jlth. to luroiili tho cunnty ivith not t-xceediiiï five Urne of heef, to be at the founty House. Tlie beer to be from voune cattle, bilt Bot leas thn two ycar' oíd carbMM, not to weleh less than 40 ponrnis, to be dcllveredas may be hereafter agreed unon, andbetweèn November 3ih aod December 2uth, and all leliïi-rod bleet tothe fnll approval of the keeper oftheCounty House. The board reserve the right r0 reiect any and all bid. Ptoposata sent to D. B. Oreene, Ypsilaüti; L. Davis or Wm. Apnll, Anu Arbor. D B c;REENEli L. DAVIS. WM. APK1LL. Sup't- Poor Washtena-v Co. Coanty nonfe.Niv. 7, ISS4. I-'-'l '-'-¦


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