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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. THE NATIOX IS SAVEI) ! And Bach &- Abel are Glvlns Aivay Dry Ooods- Almost. Evcrybody knows when they want goods, but don't always know wherethey cm bc suited best. We have nu doubt many persons ara blindad by flamlag advertisements, and led to believe that goods are nlmoet given away, wben. in realitv, you are made to pay from 10 to 20 per cent. more than you would if you EXAMINED TnE QÜALITY of the goods. See bow carefully we do a thiog that we tbink worth doing wel]. Just as au example of merchandizing on a geherons scale. A lady's üussian Circular, of gooi I looking diagonal matalasse cloth, neatly cut and put tosetlier, sewed to st:i}% trimnied. faced, and seains underneath, bound with farnier's satin, not too fine, $(, heretofore sold tor $12. If $6 buys so much of protectlon, comfort, neatness, gnice and ilunibilit.y, wliat will $10 buy? $15? $25? $.'!0? Slop tliere! Tlie Dolman is no longer extremely fashionable. IT IS TOO IIAXDY not to be worn, too practical way to be sllghted. We shall sell hundreds of them. $.r) will buy this week what we have in stock, former price $8 and $10. Laiiles' plush Cloaks, the best in the market, so far as we know, and by best we mean best lor the money as you will shortly see. 20 plush coats, sal trimmings, lined witti quilted silk, extra length, $23, heretofore sold for $35. Ladies' Newmarkets $5, heretofore $8 and $10. 2") ladies' cloaks $1, heretofore $1 50. 20 ' $3, ¦ $c. Thebottom of tlie blankct market is bereall tliroufjh. as we have said. But theie is no better way tlian to han; up in the papera a pair to be looked at; and when we hang anything up to be looked at, we put on a ticket the price. 1J 6lbs. $4.50 a pair. Look at the wool - all wool. The weljfht Ign't all. Compare it with any other blanket in the state at the price. Tliere is a SOFT SOLID1TY in the texture, a springing resistance, a body. It is all body and yet soft. The wool has ;one through the cleanslnji and slirinking that a comtuon blanket l'ears. A hundred years hencc it'll look and teel and be very much as now, witli good fortune. It isn't a poor inan's blanket. Jt belonijs to thoso who eau atlbrd perfection, and who waste not a cent on extravaganoe. i8 will not buy i better. It will a prettter. We cali it the housekeeper. Bach & Abel. Look at our 50c gent's underwear. It ivould he very cheap at $75. Our Ladies' underwear at 40c and 50c ;an not be duplicated in ihis market. If you want cloak ornamenfs. we liave ïow in stock botll seal anil plush. Very landsonie. RACH & ABEL. GET THE BEST ! ; LEADALLOTTO! EveryStyle&Price. Guaranteed TJneqtialecl FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, PURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Imprsvements and Conveniences found ín , no others. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. Fop Sale, In Every City and Town in the United Statei. For pal e by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 12U-1Í2J Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE condiüons of a certain mortgage executed by LydiaKirchholcr, of Manchester, In the County of Waslitenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapaara, of Norlhville, Wayne County, In sald State, hearing date the Seventeenth day of April A. D. 1879, and recorded in the oftlce of tbe Register of deeds for said County of Waehtenaw, in liberT of mortgagee, on page 596, and by which default tbe power of sale contained iu said mortpatre having become operative, and no suit or pro cecdlng at law or in chancery having heen Jnsti tuted to recover the umount due on sald mortgage, or the note accoiupanyiug the c-unc, and there beine Dow claimcd to bu due on tjaid note and mortgage, the sum of Two Thousand Thiee Hundred aud Fourteen Dollars [$2,314]. Noticeis therefore hereby glven that said mortgage will be fore closed on Friday the twenty-sixth day of December 18S4, at 10 o'olock in the forenoon of that day, l'v sale at public auction to tbe highest bidder at the eouth front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor in said county of Washtensw, (sald Court House beins the place of holding the Circuit Conrt for said county) of the mortgaged premiees described ín said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necesiBary to sJtisfy the amount dne on aaid note and mortgage with reasonable costê aud expennes; wlnch said mortaged premisee are deecriied iu saiii miirtg ige, as follow : All those certain par(-.¦:- ot land sitúate and belnr in the Village of Manchester, in the County of Washtenaw, nd State of Michigan, known and described as lote four (4), flve (5), ix (B), seven (7) and eight (8) In block one (1) in Granger and Morgan'n additioD to the Village of Manchester, accorüing to the record d plat of said addition. Dated, Sent. SMh, A. D., 1884. JAHEÜ S. LAPHAM, E.D. KINNE. MnrtgaL'ee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1215-1227 Cliancery Order. STATE OF MICUIGAN. The Circuit Conrt for the Connty of Washtenaw. In Chancery. Jane Scott McLelsh, Complainant, vs. Kobert Scott McLcish, Defendant. At a session of said Court, held at the Circuit Conrt room, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on the Bd day of September, in the year one tliouaano eight hundred and eighty fonr. Present: Hon. Chauncey Joslin, Circuit tladge. It-8tlefactorilyappearlngtothi Court by affldavit on flle, that the defendant, Robert Scott McL- i-h, is not a resident of this State, but resides in Scotland, in the Kingdom uf Grent Britain, on moilon of A. R. Metcalfe, complalnantV solicitor, it Is ordered that the sald defendant, Robert Scott McLeish, cause hls appearance to be entered herein, wilhin flve months from date of thls order, and in case of his ai pearance that he cause hls answer to the complainant's bill of complaint to be flled aad a copy thereof to be served on said complainant's solicitor wilhin twenty days alter service on him of a copy of said bill and uotlce of thls order; and that 1" dofaiilt thereof, said bill be taken as confessed by the said nonreeident defendant. And it is lurther ordered, that wlthio twenty days from tbc date hereof, the said complainant cause a notice of this order to be puhllshed In the Ann Arbor Codiiikr, a cewspaper prlnted, p -b llshcd and rirculated in said county, and that Mii.ii pnbiication be continued tberein at least once iu each week, for bIï weeks in succession. C. JOSL1N, Circuit Judge. A. H. MBTCALFE, Complainant'e Solicitor. Attest: A true copv, John J. Roblson, Regtster.


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