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- fci -ii in TTihí-L ju. ii ilTMiMM' i' i 'jJIJJ..-J- 11- - ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦- UUIIIIIIIIIIII 'Uittik 'icfowJ: Tlie Kev. J. E. Searlcs, of New York, is one of the most widely-known and highly t'stoemed of Methodist ministers. Mr SenrleK Kays : " I am imprcsned that it i a duty 1 owe to iittlietid lth RueuinatiKm or sninl. iria, to kuv tliut u remedy han beeu dincovcn-il that is indee l h marveloua RiiccOHfl. My pon wntj ureatly affllcted w i tu Itïteumatirtin, and suflered fo Berorely thut nt time. n wuh oblied to have morjiliiue ilijeoted int j hin arm to tcet relief. While in tlun condttion be dincoveml a remcly u hich eiïectud iiumediute relief, and permanent curo. He has niñee turnirthed it to nianv otheritli the KinereHUIt. I have ulno firrnishPd it to a immlxir of porson Htlfleriuuwlth Bboinutl m, nud t'ie nitiilt baa baan inmediato celtefTau la iMmaU' o t uure, Amonirotlier, I invet t to liev W-u 1' Corblt. tor of theOnorin' St M. E. Cburcb. Ne v li:,,wbowumilleriu(f preatly 1 wlth thi terrible .llaèsse. I ill irive you bla mvn word as written to my non, wiNuinir mm to iniblltdi the fuct for tiie b.uont oí othera auffunutf with the Wluit Mr. Corblt May: " New Haven, July 24, 1882. "Mr. Seorles: DearSir:- I wish to 8y for the beuent of all who ure sutlerinjf w itU Inflanuiiatory Rheu. luatlum, that yonr medicine is infaUible. I wunertMl for two nii'iitliH the inowt eicnleiatimr torture ; lont 35 poundri of fleeh, and was not out of my hoUHe for a niouth ; I heard of your reuiedy, and waa alinoHt iiiBtantly reliev cil by it. If there i a bikícíuc for diaeartOrt of any kind, yoiiraniostcertainlyiM for Innaiilmatorv Ithouinaticm in itn evereet forra. ¦ tours mui-t respecttuUy, Wm. P. Cobbit, ' Pastor QeOrgre St. M. E. Church, New Haven, Conn." Stich is Atiii.ophoros- a thorough and efficiënt care tbr the worst cases of Rheumatism and Neuralgia, If you onnot iret Atulophoko of your dnwirlst, I we will seud it BlJireM raid, ou receipt of regular I .rice- oue dollar ier bottle. We prefer that you buy it front your drugirint, but if he hasn't it, do not bo persuaded to try Boinethiuif else, but order at ones froiii U3 as directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. iiiiiiiniiiiimiii M. R, iiiiiiiiinnimm .ftiTTI'Kkl HoFtetter' Stom(ifiVl til l DV'"h Bitters h a flne Ulll ¦¦ ¦ ¦ kliV blooildepnront, a rali V CtUBRATEB '1 1 üuiial cHthartle. and V Hsuperbunti-billous ' mopt a'ifavorably nf¦ STOMACH, r fected ty the com& lbB_ n tlinell illflUBQCe l LJ I T l%.4# c'.imate.dlct and wa 1 fcB a vi-ry nee ecsary safjguard. For slc by all Dmt'Kiet and Dejilerá írenerallyj l'iuify your blood, tone tip the systerr, and rernlate tlie digestiré orgam by takinar Hood's Sarsapaiilln. Sold by all tfröggists. Pratee tuuleervid is satire in ili;iiise - Broaitlmist. "Buclmpaiba." Quick, complete, cures all nnnoying Kiuuey, JBIaddw and Urinary Discases. $1. Dnijroist. AVlien yon aieruest to the wolf, sec that you have i hound wlth you. - Serviau. Diií'ases of the kidneya and bladder aie very prevaleut aniong mnn past niiddle i age, aud those ruustditllcult disease tocure are on the increasc. Huna's [Kidney and Livor] Hemeijy has long been known to be most successful in iheeureof tlieMdiseases. " Never known to fail." Happiness is like au echo, it answersto your cali, but does not come. - Barton. "Motlier Swan's Worm Sjrup. InfaUible, tasteless, harmless. cathartic, for feverishness, restlessneu, worms, constiiation. ")C. A paper in New Vork is called TheCat. Ofcourse it mnkes aspecialty of perrsonal inatters and furrin news. Catarrli. "Without assumlng to wrlte out a thesis of this universal ailment, facts warrant our saying that it seems to us there never was a season when it was so prevalent as the present. The aboveis preliminary to the l'ollowing, viz. That Messrs. Hood ifc Co., of Lowell, believe that the best way to treat Catarrli, and the only way to get permanent relief, is through the blood. A constitutional dlsease requires a constitutional remedy. Hood'e Sarsaparilla Is a blood purifier and constitutional medicine that can be relied upon, and has cured nurnerous cases of Catanh in its various forms. AYe think this claim a reasonable one and gladly give it room in our columns. Bismarck is thinking Btrongly of shutting Eugland out. England has our sympathy; he sluit: our hogs out.- Brooklyu Times. "Roiigh on Rals." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, ehipmunks, gophers, 15c. Druggists. Said a servant presenting herself to a London housekeeper, "I'm a hagnostic, if you please, 'm, but no objection to a Christiau family !'' Heury Schnfnhals.foreman Henr}' Krug Packing Co., St Josepli, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OU with his men for spraius, cuts, bruises, etc. A. Mr. Kraydull of Florence, Ind., bas clopcd,d rtiiijra three-weeks'-old infant. Kuipty is the baby, Krayüull's gone. - St. Fnul Day. Eherbach & Son the Dnii?gists,who are always looking after the of their custouiers, have now securtd the sale of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Byrup, a remedy that never fails to cure Colds, Pains in the Chestandall Lung Alïections. Forproof, try a free sample bottle. Jtegular si.e 50 cents and $1.00. "Can you give me ten cents for a drink?" asked a seedy-looking chap of a reporter. "Certainly," replied the reporter, " brlug In your drink." Skimi v Men. "Wells' Health Kcnewer" restores health tnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Imuotence, Sexual Debility. $1. "Where are your kids?" a society man asked, looking at the bare hands of a poor but deserving editor at Vanderbilt's party. "At home in bed,1' was theindignant reply. "Uu you suppose l'd bring my ehildren to R party like this?" Insurance. Insurance is a good thing whether applied to Ufe or property. No less a blessing is aiiything that insures good health. Kdney-wort does this. It is nature's great remedy. It is a mild but efficiënt calliartic, and acts at same time, on the Li ver, Kidneys and Bowels, it relieves all these organs andenables them to perform their duties perfectly. It has wonderful power. Sec advt. Dresses are made with V-shaped open[ngsta the corsage.- Fashion item. Tliat's the correct soit of thinfr, of' course. Uut for every dress of that kind there occurs a whole lot of V-shaped openings ainong the old man"s green backs. - Exchange. Don't Die in the House. " Rough on Hats,'' Clearu out rats, mice, loaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipniunks, gophers. 15c. "What inilucncehas theinoon upon the tide?" asked the professor. The class wag replied thathe did not know exactly what inllueiice It had upon the tied, but that it had a tendeney to tnake the uniicd awfully spoony. - Troy Times. CWYon Will he Make your old thinjis look like new hy uslng the Diamond Dyes, and you will be happy. Any of the fashionable colors foi 10c. at the diugglsts. Wells, Richardson & Co., Hurlington, 't.


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