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I lie Pinckney Dispatch comes too near the irutli in this item : "Tlio devil take the btrtdmoat11 ta nboot the sort o f syinpathy the defeated candidates are recelvjng sincc election day. Troy Times: SfnCe Jiy GouM's ilispalcli to Gov. Cleveland, tile demoemtlo papers speak ot its author as " that eminent linancier and fue to monopoly, the Hou. Jay Gemid." The Adrián Daily Record is a b richt, newy, newspaper, fnll of lifr, full o vigor, am' generally taking a calió, sen sible view of all questions. Tlie Coldwater Republican has a column heailcd , "Butler items," In ts county news. Better have tliat town chanae its name. Butler ii buttled up once more, and in bad ïvpute, the sanie as ill demagngiiL'S are likely to be in the end. The roe-hom voice of the politica! orator is stilled. For all of whloh let us be truly th:inkful - St. ,lo. Rep. No, not Btilled, but lulled for a time. He'll be on hand affainull too soon. Tlie Farwell Eegister, had a great dis play of poultry what was saved to tlie repuOlicans on the ides of liov. Our old friend Geo. F. Lcwis, one of the bijififest hearted, best-naturcd journalists in ten states, who can condense more pure, jillcy t and jolity into a ten minutes .igrieultur al speech than 99 out 100 friange orators, has stepped out ot the B iy City Cali into the oold world once more. May better iöitune be in store tur hiin. .''¦'¦( 1'] lililí. Election s over, but, dear fcllow citizens, we símil soon tiiiJ ourselves in the midst of another 1 mg ani i bitter contest. The strujígle for new sealskin saeques will soon he coinmenced by the feminine head of tlie household añil wajred with desperate tenacity. - Lansing Repablican. Why, bless j'our soul, that feminine has been pushing that campaiffn for several weeks. She has beeti urging her husband to bet on the winning side for long time. Perhiips the Laoslng lidies are not up to snuif. Any person reading the fbllowlng f rom the Midland Sun could easily teil which party that paper favors: Now tliat the election is over, and the will of the people made manifest, it is the dut}' of every American citizen to lay aside partisan feelinjrs and partlsan spirit, and exercise the funciions of a patriot, a true American, a lover of our oommon country, a defender of its laws and institutions, alwaya submitting oheerfully to tlie will ol the majurity, not forlettinsr that he serves his arty best ivlio serves hls country best." I5e Mr. CleVelaiirl oi Mr. ttlallW "1' it.ul preidtut, it is our duty to support either as chief executive of our common country. If Mr. Cleveland is elected our earncst hope is thit he will make a good president, and that his administratioü may knd to the material welfare and prosperity ot our common country. The Detroit EVening Kews sounds the tocsin ol alarm for the free-traders: Several democratie confjiessmen in diflerent parta of the country have volunteered tle Information that there will be no turifl' tinkering at the approachlng sesbIoo of conress. They belong to that class of politicians who look upon a iart.y platform as haring no other use thaii to catch votes. Perhaps they are right, and the " taiill' tinkering" - the reduction of a icvenue to the needs of a government economically administered - will be shelveil. 8ucb a procedure will give great pleasure to the republicans, who are only awaiting sueh blunders to go bef ore the country and, comparing democratie acts, arain jiain possessiou of the reigii of governuient. The Flint Citizen speaks of some " blasted '' political fruit raised In tliis vicinity at the la-t election : .More Proiiiiütion Frcit. - Capt. E P Allen, at tirst Buppoged to have been elected t conjrri'ss from the second district, is fouinl by reviscil returns to havi'. been defeated Capt. Allen is oue of the strai;hte-t lemperance advocates in Michigan; and ha lon-r been one of the leading platform orators and leeturers of the true temperanee people. But being a republican. the deputy demorrat polilical prohibitionisls pul up a third candidiite to deteat liim. which they sii''ceeded in doinü by drawlng otl'enough of his votes to re-elect Eldredirp h ixty pluraiity.


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