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No. C of Tlio Young Folks' Library is entltled "The Triple E," by S. R. G. Clark, publiaed by D. Lothrop & Co., Bortón. Tliis liltle work little folk contain? :2ü pages, anJ is a story of real interest and a good moral. Such literaUlie WOUld lie a gremt benefit to mir young fi'lks, and 25 cents expended tuerotor would be 26 cents well iuvested. The Centurv's War Series was begun by a Confedérate cootrlbutor, General Beauregarcl. ín tbe next numuer General Lew Wallace, of' tlie Federal anny, will write of Fort üonelsou. ín January, Rear-Atlnilral Walke will give bis reiiiiniscenees ot the "Engagement of the VVetern Flotilla.'' Admiial Walke, it will be remombered, oomniHnüer of the Q&rondelet, whieh fought at Belinout, Port Henry, Fort Douelson, and elsewhere, and ran the butterlet at Island N'umber Ten. Captain James B. Eads (wlio built the gun-buab-) will contribule lo t lie same number a paper on " Beoolleetions of Foote and thc Gunboats." General Grant's "Öhiloh" will appear lo tlie February numhor, with a blogriiphical sketch of General Albert Sidney Johnston, cominander of tlie Confedérate torces at Shiloh, who was killed In that engagement, written by his son, Colonel William Pieston Jobni-ton. This article includfs an account of the battle froni a Confedérate point of view. The danger of incidental barm to tlie community, or to certain classes of people. trom tlie increased use of niachinery, the extensión of public works, etc, is fireatly diniinished when tliose who make the laws, and espt-cially those whoseduty it is to interpret them, reeognlze that law isa proírt'ssvt' scienee; thatit is a nieans, not an end; that when a state of thiuga arises for wbieh there is no piecdent, a new precedent must be made. IIow the most enliglitened jurits bold this principie constantly in view, and bow the coratnon as well as the statute law is thus tiüide to keep pace svith the fieneral adv.mce of clrllizMtlon, is aümlrtibly st firih iu the leadiiijr article in the Nmth American Review for December, "Lübor and Capital before the Law," by Jude T. M.Cooley, of Michigan. Tothe saine nuinber, Wiillmn K. Ackerman contributcs some sugiretive "Notes on Hailway M.iniieinent," Dr Schliemaiin tells what he fouiid in li is excavations of the ruins of Tiryns. in Southern Onece, añil Princ;pal Shairp suppleinents -eholurly article on Friendship in Ancitnt Poetry ¦ with one on "Friendship iu English Poetry." 'i'he exeeptional BncceM of the Christïnas number of llarpoi's Magazine last year has led the editors and Diililishers to attempt this year to disappoiut the public ajrreeably by givlng them a still finer irumoer. A"iinuii(Snieni is ¦¦...,.,. ,1... the coming December issue will contain no lefs thaii six separately printed pintes, besides several other full-page illustrations, tbe frontlspiece belng a reproduction, in the highest art of the woodenaraver, of the chaiming picture of "' The Hoy Jesús in the Temple," by Professor Hofman, of Dresden, oue of the ehief contributions ot modern patntiaR to reliinus an. The engraving is the woi k of W. B. Closson, from whose graver comes also iu the same issue a reproduetion of the "'Flora" of Titian. Tbe literary and artistic couteiits otherwise furnish an extraordinary and dclighttul variety of sketch, story, poetry, art, and inusic; while in the Easy Cliair Mr. Cortil writes of "John Buil and Brother Jonathan at the Chiïstmas Fireside;" and the Drawer Mr. Warner bas a pleasant prefatoiy word as to " Thc Universal Chi'istmas Feast ¦'


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