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Michigan Horticultural Society

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The tilteenth animal convention of llio Michigan State Horticultura] Society will be held at the oonrt house in Ann Arbor ou Moiuluy, Tuesday and Wednesday.' December 1, 2, 8, in acceptance of nn In' vitation trom the Waslnenaw Pomoloirical Society. The headqunrters of the society will be at the Cook House. Entertainment wlll be furnished all membeis of the society by iriends, and it isdesirable thatall who contémplate attendlng the meeting notify Evart II. Scott, at Ann Arbor, Immediately. Heduced rates on all Michigan railroads, but Secretary Qarfleld should be comnmnicated with at once that proper certifícate may be sent. The following is an incomplete list of sutijects to be taken up for dUcuselon. V f u 11 workinjr program wlU be issued previous to the eouvention. SCIIEME OF TOPICS. 1. Relat'on of culture lo hardlness 2. Making hortlcultural displays 3. Judging fruitsat fairs. ' ¦1. In what way may horticultnral societies benefit city residc-nts? 5. Progresa in Michigan horticultor?. e. Kural perlodicalsund our duty towards tliem. 7. Feeding for manure. 8. Hortlcultural statisticsin MichWan 9. ïhe apple maggot. 10. Kactsconcerning hack lice. 11. Habits of some of our friendly lnsects. 12. Ravage horticultura. 18. Kiihts, sinuts and molda. 1!. Flowering shrubs lor the arden and lawn. 16. Grapes and grape rot. 1. Houtliern eompetltlon in vegetables 17. ¦Wardingofffrimts. 18. Orowing, selllng and keeping winter squushes. 19. Studies in the woods. 20. The nurseryman and the planter. It is very desirable that we have au exhibit of such fruits as will be In aeason, especially anything new or excellent. The society will turnisli pintes, clasps and cards. Friends about Anu Arbor are especially iuvited to bring in samples of all kinds of winter applet that succeed well in that vicinity. Several professors at the uiiivcrsity and from the arriculttiral college wlll havo addresses and lead in discussions. President Saunders and Secretary Beadle, of the Ontario Fruit örower' Association, and President Obmer, of the Ohio Horticultural Society, will be with us and aid in the discussions. The reporta of offleera and election will take place on Widnesday, and the laat evening will be giren up to five minute addrésses. A cordial lnvitation is extended to all nterested in progressivc horticulture to je present and take part in the exerclges. Iuquiries and applications for rafiroad certificates should be addressed to


Ann Arbor Courier
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