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Aii extra Bession of the Pomológica society of Washteiiaw county was liel( Satarday. Prof. J. B. Stcero and Hcv. Uciijiuui Day were appointed a coramittec on en tcrtaintncnt at the univcrsity. M. t White was adcleil to the committec 01 reception. N. I!. Covert, towhoin Jame Toma' Burrendered the cbalrmanthlp 01 deooratloii and exhl bition, announcet that J. .r. Hobison and Miss Ellzabet Almendinger were added to lus conmiit tee and J. Toms on flowers. State Secretary Chas. W. Garfield, fron Grand Raplds, was introduced th cbalrman, He addressed the society, am read the program for the 15tli anima meeting of the Michigan Horticultor! society, to be held at Ann Arbor, Uec. 1 2 and '3, and named soine distiiiguishet persons u ho had proniised thelr co-oper aticin in the diseussion. He stated tha the arrangement of railroad farea, unde the directiou of the Mioliigan l'Hssenre Astoeiation, were better than ever. No towu in Michigan offered such attraction to bortlcnl turista as Ann Arbor. Mr. Gibbons, of the Miehifran Farmer was called upon to address tlie society All were glad to shake hands with thes gentlemen who have done so inuch fo the advancement of agriculture and horH culture in tuis state. E. Baur agaiu ex presstd a desire to have the English spar row discussed by the state society. He was secouded by Prof. öteere and Mr Gibbons, who wished delinite informatioi In regard to the sparrow. Mr. Gailieh said that the question box would contain this and other topics. Prof. Steere exhibited a basket of tlie Hlbbardston'S Nonesuch, an apple of the highest QUallty. Mis. Martin Clark exhibited a vegetable brought by Mrs. IVatts from Florida, which, when opened, presented a ragged substance called, "the poor man 's disliclotli." Tlie meeting adjourned to two weeks from Saturday, or the 29th of Nor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News