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A Double Wedding

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At the home of the brides' párente, oí West Socoml M , p bnppy evcnl occurrei Thursthiy afternoon last, beinjj the mar riago of Miss Kate A. Kuebler tu Mr CUrletlan Helber, and Miss Maiy K Kuebler lo Mr. Henry Bclillttler, all o tlii.-i city, Hev. II. Belief performlng the cereniony. Gottlelb Helber and Mis Katle Qeratiier acted as groomsman an iuald for the Srst mentloned conple, am Win. Geratner and Miss Bertha Kueble for the latter. At the cereinony onlj near relativos ancí a few i ut! mate friemls were Inylted. The Invltatlons for the re ceptlon in the erenlng lncluded a lurge Dumber of friends. The elegant presentí simv.rd ( lie high esteem in wliicli Ihe cou pies were held by thelr friends. Tbe followlng is i list of presenta received TO Mits. HBLBER. Ret of jewelry- Mr. C. Helber. Clister- Mr. and Mis C. Kettlcb. Marble-top stand- Mr. and Uib.G. Kuebler Btand- Mr. and Mr, F. Hetuel. Sland and silver butler kuile- Mr. Q. Lut7 and lainily. Cahier- Mr' and Mis. E. E. Ben!. 811ver bulter disli- Mr. W. Vogel, Mary aui Obrlstian WelnniHii. Fruit dlsli- Mr. and Mrg. M. 'irossmann. pot and pairol tourls Miss Uliri.stina Krause. t llook- Miases Thearer, llesse, Kaebler, nnd Sohnelder. ( ihamber set- Mr. and Mrs. O . Luiek. Table spread - Mr. J. Wahr. Sliversugar spoon and butter knife- Mn Neidhamer. Fruit disli and set of tureens- Mr. and M n De Fries. Lamp- Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kuebler. (Jamp rocker- Mr. II. Schllttler. Camp rocker- Mr. (i. Helber. Bet silver tea sjioonsand butter kuifc- Miss af. Helber. BUver tea-spoona- Mr. I). Baumgartner. l':iir of towels- jMrs. J. Wagner. Qlasa water service- Mr. W. Gerstner. Table clolli - Miss M. Hrown. Olass water service- Mr. K. Rettleh, Sr. Clirorro - Mr. aT d Mrs. G. Granar. Fruit disb, plokle Jisli aud server- Mr. au Mis. L, Flsber. (Jups, saucers and plates- Mr. and Mrs. J Walz. PalrTurklsh towels- Mrs. Sellz. (lass tea set- Mr. and Mrs. J. Helber. Hible-.VIrs. Helber. Gold card reeeiver- Misses. Bi C. Gerstner Fancy ornament - Mrs. F. Eleutohler. SKJKold pleca- Mr. L. Geratner. 5 green back- M ra .f. Uolier. S5 1n J. C. Hraun. Carving knlfeand lirk- Mr. J. Pllsterer. Tidies of Kruss- Miss B. Kllbler. Bister. Featber wreutli- Mi's. Homberger, Of Mar ¦hall. Faucy ornament- Mr. and Mrg, Murry. o Detroit. Í10 trom the bride's father. liobemiau i;lass toilet Mt- Klety and Ehner Beal. TO MB8. SOHLITTLKR. Set of jeweliy- Mr. H. Bohllttier. Castor- Mr. and Mrs. C. H ttlcb. Marble-top stand- Mr. and Mrs. G. Kuebler Stand- Mr. and Mis. V. lleusel. Htand and silver butter kniíe- Mr. G. Lut7 and famlly. silver Imlter disli- Mr. Vogel, Mary and Tiny Weinmaun. Fancy water ij i teb er- Mr. and [rs. Gross manu. pot and uairol towels- Mrs. and Miss Kriuise. St-t of celery glasses- Mr. and Mrs. I.nick Beautlful oamp rocker- Mr. and Mrs. i)t Fries. Bed spread - Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuebler. Bed spread -Mr. and Mn. A. Uonard' t lamp rocker- Mr. 0. Helber. Lamp- Misa M. Helber. Silver sngar spoon, muslnrd spoon and butter knlte - David Hauingürtner. (jlass water Mr. V. Qeratner. 'lable spread- Min M. Brann. Puir of woolen blankels- Mis. F. Iletticl), Sr. Chromo - Mr. nnd Mrs.íí. Gruner. Fruit ilish, plckle dlsh and server - Mr aiid M rs. Ktscher. Cnpe. saneert and niales -Mr. and Mrs. J. Walz. Moss mataud tidies- Miss B. Kuebler, sister. Ssilver eard receiver - Mlsses K. and C. Gerst ner. I-'anry ornament- Mrs. F. Beuclil. Kluting I ron- Mr. .1. Pliislerer. $." gold piece- h. QerstDer. K groenback- Mrs. .1. Holler, nf Marshall. Kealher wi'i-alh - Mis. Homberger, of Alurshall. tü in silver- Mr ,T. nnd G. Tlrniin. lancy ornameut- Mr. and Mrs. Murrv, of Detroit. SlO gold piece- Brlde's father. ítuu- Uniom's motber, Mrs. Seilz. lioliemiaa glass toiletstt- Elinerund Ricey Beal. EftCb coiiplc went to their own liome the sanie evenlng, wliicli haj been corapletely furnlsbrd and mode reaëy for tlieir reception preyiooily. Maoy wclluih(;is liope niariied life will continue to be as plewant for thein is it is at tlie beglnnin'.