
Will Watts is on the wrong side of the health column this week. Heconlcr Durhcim bal been ander the weatlier for a weck or so. Hcnry C. Gregory and wife, of Dcxtcr, were iu the city yesterday. Frank P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, was in town yesterday, on business. Miss Lou Giles spent a few days of last week witli lier brother In Detroit. Mis. S. M. Wood has returned home f rom her visit among fiïends at Detroit. Ben. F. Vatts, attended the funeral of S. Bond Bllw, at East Saginaw Sunday last. Forman S. Hcndrickson made a flying trip home Wednesday. 11e is nciv at Kalamazoo. Dr. O. O. .Tenkins has so far recovered fiom his recent accident, that he is at bis office agaia. Miss Ervie Holmes, of Dexter, who bas been visiting In Detroit, has returned to her home. Mrs. H, B. Pope was in Adrián the srreater part of last week, attendlng the W. F. M. S. Mis. B. H. Martin, of Bay City, is visiting her inothcr Mrs. O. M. Martin, on Liberty st. Mrs. Stephen Weaver, of Cari ton, N. Y., is visiting lier old time frieud Mrs. Wm. Noble, ín this city. Mrs. Mary Conover expects to spend the winter in Bncyrus, Obio, with her daughter, Mrs. Prof. Hamilton. Mrs. Hemy Ileim bas returned from Ann Arbor where she bas been visiting for several weeks. - E. Sag. Herald. Miss Lulu Smith, of Casa ave., Detroit, bas been visiting Mis. Willis Boughton, of Washington st., during the week. Mrs. Handolph representad the Ann Arbor society at the Woman's Foreign Missionary society meeting at Adrián last week. W. .1. Waltere, one of Flint's live business men. bas been In Ann Arbor tbis week. visiting bis fnther-iti-law, Bernard Keenan, wbo Uves aboiit a niile or so out of town. Chas, and Mis. Hutchinson, nee Miss Krnini Hariiman, of Ceresco, have been visiliiift Mrs. H's parents on Washtenaw Ave., duiing the week, returalng home yesterday. Prof. Alfred Hennequin's mother, a sister of the late Professor Fasquelle, has just arrived from Guiñes, France, to tliis city, intending to stay a year or two in this country. Moses Rogers of Ann Arbor, was in town Monday, imrchasing ltunber from the saw milis. He spent his spare honra looking' over the town and bllutlng up bis friends bere - Dundee Reporter. 11. G. DePuy w rites to the prnprietor of the COüEiBB from JamestowO, Dakota, under date of Nov. Ist, ttiat lie is not dead bv a long ways, and desires to ha7e the rumor to the contrary published In a recent issue of the Register denied. Mr. and Mis. G. A. Douglass have retnrned from the Douglass family rennion, wbicb took place at Wheatland, Nov. 14, 15, and l(i. There were twentyfive pre-ent, tour generations represented and a most chainiing time was enjoyed by ali. Cbristian ,T. Reul left last Saturday for Muskeiron, to attend the funsral of his sister-in-law, Anna Weller, wife of F. Weller. proprietor of the Muskejfon News-Reorter. Mrs. Weller was a lady of unusual intelligenee and amiability, and her early deatb is greatly deplored. Mr. Weller b;is the sympathy of the state press in bis hour of bereavement.