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Go and hear Prof. Pioctor Frlday evening. Rugby Saturday p. in., on the fair grounds. The students registered in all departïnents now number 1,257. Prof. N. Baldwin is actingdean of the homeopathie department. Jerorne Wetmore, lit. '81, has been In town ilnri'ig the past week. The Gamma l'tii Beta ladies gave a reception Fnday evening last. There is said to be a genuine poet among the lit. fresh. Sex not stated. The anclent but standard mortar board liat bas been adopted by the freshir.en lits. An art memorial of the late Hon. II. C. Lewis, of Cold water, is being prepared by Prof. Frieze. Friday evening tlie Phi Kappa Psi entertained a few friends at their residence on Washtenaw ave. There are thirty schools in this state whose graduales are received into the university on diploma. Rev. J. S. Goodman, who died reccntly at East Süginaw, was a student at the university way bnek in '48. At "the university hospital rags are ereatlv appreciated to be used for the patients A hint to the wise. The senior lits did not elect oflirers last Saturdav, but again adjourned for one week. Politics runs high. The ehampion roller skater of the university is C. CMne, law '8G. He made threeiniles in 18 minutes at the rink t riday night. ít is about certain that a Iarge party of students and professors wlll improve the holiday vacatlon by taking in the ISew Orleaiis show. Many strange faces noticed occupying the front seats at Prof. Langley's lpctures on electricity. Of course they are not after a " spark." The dainty manipulators of the scalpel BCknowledce their new instructor, Dr. BriKham, as filling her place ' better than any'old liorrid man could do it. ' A eommittee has been appointed, witli Prof C E. Wead, m chalrtnaa, ndflSO ¦ippropri -ited, to have the university représented at the New Orleans exposition. A reception was given Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Willis oughton to the members of Beta Theta PI and their friends. A very delightful evening was passid. John W. Sowden, lit. 'SI, clerk in the patent office at Washington, stopped in nn Arbor the last of the week on his way back to the capital from his home at Calumet. C. H. Perry as orator. Miss Elsie Jonepoetess, Min Alk M. Hosmer prophetes. v t Arnett historian, and H. C. W. Hildiier marhal, are the addiüonal officers elected by the lit. freshmen Saturday morning. The tirst public exhibition of the junior plaga took place at the opera house Thursdav evening, when a majorityof the class marebed into the Acme Comedy Cos show to show tliem. Of the 72 students In the literary deputment, admitted to the university this yearon diploma, 24 carne from the Aun Arbor high school, 14 from Detroit, 6 from Ypsilanti, 4 from Bay City, and about 20 other schools of the state turuished the balance. The democratie students are so terribly jubllant over Cleveland's election that they ore talkiu? about, another blow out Sat; dav nlht. The Texan chap who Insulted Mr. Blaine at the depot will be there. Dcath has so early entered the ranks of the university, and taken one of lts numhprs G B. Mizner.ameinberoftliejun,r WW class, died very suddenly Saturday st of typhoid pneumonía. His üome v ,s in Burr Oak, Mich-, where hh ¦ mtis were taken for interment. 1 lie en bers of his cliss accompamed the body to the depot Monday morning. The eix forms of verbal architecture - history, science, philosophy, religión, poet ry and mythology- were handled in a masterly manner by Rot. W. R. Alger, ol TJoston, bef o re the philosopliical society Wednesday evenlng, Somo meuiber of the medical faculty are attonding court in Berrieu county, to tcstify as experts in a muider case. One would Hot go " because he was not sure of liis fee." Doctora always aeree, On a question ol ee. Thejuniors pitted against the seniors and sophs indulgcd In a game of Rugby Satnrday p. m., which resulted in a score of 8 to 0 in favor of the combined team at the end of the first inning, whlch score representad a goal and a touchdown. üur professors will acconimodate anybody to anything, provided it is not necessary for them to put their names on the back of drafts presented by promising students. It ia a bad place to have your name sometimes, especially if you are worth anything. The laworganization known as the Illinois club court, has chosen the follovving officers : Chief justice, C. G. Ryan; assoeiate justice, L. F. Bedford; delégate to supreme court, C. Dutican; sccietary, B. A. Knight; shenrT, 11. L. Piense; prosecuting attorucy, J. E. Cross. Following are the officers of the lawn tennis association elected Thursday eveninghist: President, H. B. Wilson; vicepresident, S. F. Hawley; sec'y and treas., F.N. Dufkin; executivecom., L. 51 Dennis, F. W. Hodges, W. H. Muir and C. L. Carter. A hall for winter practice will be secured. A large audience greeted Geo. IMVendling at university hall Saturday evening, and themembers thereof were highly entertained. The oxy hydrogen illustration feature was good, though some of the illustrations were not line m execution. One had to be well up in Hamlet to appreciate the fine distinctions Mr. Wendling occasionally brought out. The Rugby game bctween the Albion college eleven and the university eleven, on the fair grounds in this city, last Saturday, resulted In a deteat for the Albion Obamplons. Our bnys beat tliem by a score of IS to 0, three goals being repiesented. The championship now reste here. Another game will be played next Sauirday p. m., at the same place, with au Englisli eleven trom Chicago. The plan of having tlie state equip a battalion of students at the university, as has been done at Ohio, Illinois and other states, in being diseitssed with incieasing interest in university clrcles, and the end may be a military dcp;irtment. This is not the liast time the subject lias been diseussed however, sodo not taketoo much forgranted. A thorougli instruction in military science would bean addilional atttaction in the university course, and would doubtless bring "maiiy more students here. Many friemls of the institution would be glad to leain of its establishment. " THE PUILOSOPnY OF RAL1MI CUDWOETH.1' A study of the true iutellectual system of the universe by Charles E. Lovvrey, A. II, The late Dr. Cocker tegarded the "true intellectual system of the universe, ly Cudwortli, one of the soundest and most suggestive woiks in the English language upon the subject of philosophy. The size of Cudworth's woi k has rendered liis thought inaccessible to the general student. At the suggestion of Dr. Cocker, Mr. Lowrey undertook the preparation of the present outline of the more important views of Cndworth. The study is written in a style that renders it readable and of valife to all who are troubled with intellectual diiliculties about the claims of religión. Mr. Lowrey has done a service to the reader by including in his woik an extensive and carefully prepared analytical table of contents and a complete indix. We undeistand that Mr. Lowrey's book represents part of liis work In presenting himsolf as a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Pliilosophy at university. Such scholarly eftorts speak well lor the high Standard of excellence required by the faculty of the uuiversity of Michigan from candidates for the doctórate, and retlects credit on all concerned. The work is published by Phillips & Hunt, New York. price #1.00.


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