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r.uittuumiiiMinnimimtuitiim Science I M 5keplici5m - What liiisSkepticisin done for the worl !'.' Nnthine Uut to suggsst donbta, It has ---. sujfgestra thiii Rheuumtlain cannot be uuimL BkepUclam w at bad as HbeumaUsai Wliat lias Science dono for the worM '! A gnoil mnny thinirs; for Injonee, It hos Bbown i hl KUeiunatism can I ¦ euro .. It has sbownUiaJ Neuralgia can b ; '¦' U! or. Modemaclencehasprore lUiatRlieumnUiunla & blood ui ieaae, and has piwlded athi i pfioros os me rewedy wiuclican compli u-,., i ure ii. U li.-isprnvpd Hint atthough the o'd doctors falled toovercoiQ6 Nur iií i. Athwpuou s uhd roiichli, ander.iUlcatelcfioin the a ttpin. lt has ]ru''víl that tbouffli t.!"-" onuPDttng rtlscisi'-ï wtrre so slüflV and obsUuate, Ijc-.. oaii be üverconi!' la ïilltl evU!l?b" ii!''Mi3 0i JIíRIopíioro) I Oon't be If 70U baveanydoubtsas cc what athi.oi-hokos can do. vrtlte tosomcot those ivhoiu tt has cuied. Por Initance. Kev. B. R. Dciiupd, I). J)., Pastor Third cu igre(,'alioaal Dhureh, of Ne'.v Haven, t;onn., the Rev. W. 1'. Corblt. pusfor Oeftjf i St . !¦;. ; mirolu Ol Kew Ilave.-i, tbfi Hpv. J h. Bear pam r . lilettst. Cburch.Krw Vork city. : 1 ruiwnell, tlie wen kiiown candjr numutacturer 01 Ne vork, Ex-Oov. hli'low. ol 1 00 ecUcut, Md ïuany olhers, cquuil.v well Lnovn. If you tvinnot '-t ATHi.ornoHf)itu: ytrtjr rtrai'glet, : wn will seiiil it axvnm iffllu, m recol] t of iwplu pnce- oue dollnr ier lortV. wi i Kfor thttt you buj it from your drunKit, lint if be üam't lt, o ni t ! r nersunde'l tn tr' Rnnwtbiiig einE ! .;t order at ouit from H8 eh dirtfcted. : ATKLOPHORCS C0„ 112 WALL S7 . NEW ÏCRK, )}ffHfmflll;l N.fl, MH .¦::¦¦: s ,l ;. ;. i ; 'PP'ff'Pfclkn HoHetter'a Stom(fl I T I I D}I ii' 1. Bittr is a Hnc UIJI kil LHi hiooddt-purolit.ara. HM CElEÍÍATtD Wii, mid W j Htup 1 bnriti-t)i!iciiiM N,mrt r ni(t iit'fHvonibly "ffc. RTOMACH !.¦( ifl by tlie oomUITTE H4I c.imnte.diel and vva ( 1 Hl' i a vcry neceuiaryaar-gnuril. Kor i.ilc by Bil Drutai.-ts and Dealere penoraHyï Never neglect iconstipatodcoiulition of the bowcls, or serious results surely follow, such is piles, and impuro blood. Use Burdock Iilooil Bittors. Little bov : " Picase, I want the doctor to come and see iny mother." Servant : " Doctoi'.s out. Wliere do yon come fromf" Llttleboy: "Whatl Don'tyou kniiw me? Why, we deal wlth you. We had a b idy from liere last week." "BiicJiiipaiba." üuick, complete, cures uil annoyüig Kiduey, Bladder and Uiinary Ulseasee. fl. Dnirgist. If you eannot be ereat,1 be williii" to serve God in things that aiesmall. - S. F. Suiilh. Free Dlstribntioii. " What causes the great rush at Ebeibach & Sou's drug store?" The free iliíCribntlon of sample bottles of Dr. Boaanko'sCoughand LuiieSyrup, the most popular remedy for Coughg, Colds, Cousumption. and Bionchitis, now 011 the market. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. It is conceded that nothing contrary to reuson can be true, but t is no less important to remember that nothiu;r coutrary to our moral nature can bc true - Dr. Chas. Hodge. "Molher SwanM Worm Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, bannlen. cathartic, for feverisliness, restlessuess, worms, oonstipation. 25c. Tlie man who lias nothing to boast of but bis iiliistrious ancestors is like a potato - the only rood beloning to hiin s ander ground.- Sir T. Overbury. Lots of People get bilioiis, have lieavy headaches, moutli foul, yellow eyes, &c, all the direct result of iinpure blood which can be thoroughly cleaned, renewed and enriched wlth Kidney-wort, lt acts at the same time on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels and has more real virtue In a paekage tlian can be found iu any other remedy for the same class of discases. Self-reverence, 8elf-knowlede, self-control, these three alone lead Ufe to sover;ign power.- Tennyson. "Kough on Iiais." Clear3 out rats, raice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmuiiks, gophers, 15c. Druggists. Animáis are such agreeable fiiends! They ask no questions, they pass no critk'isms - GeorgeEliot. E-Keep in the Fashion. The Diamond Dyes alvvays do more than they claim to do. Color over that old dress. It will look like new. They are warranted. 10c atdruggists. Wells, Eichardson fc Co., Burlington, Vt. Truth is the shortest and nearest wfty to our end, CMrrying us tuither in a strai"ht line.- Tillotson. Pure blood is absolutely necessary in order toenjoy perfect health. Plood's Sarsaparilla puriües the blood mi strengthens the system. Fishermen, in order to handle eels securely. cover them with dirt. In like man ner does detraction strive to erasp excellence.- Douglas Jerrold. ür. Bosauko. This name has become so familiar wlth :he most of people throughout the United btates that it is hardly necessary to state hat he is the originatorof the rreat Dr Bosanko Cougll and Lung Syrup, the peo)lesfavorite ïemedy, wherever known, for Coughs, Colds, Consumption and all affectionsof the Thioat and Lungs Price "0 cents and $1 00. Sold by Eberbach & Son, druggists. Our character is but the stamp on our ouls of the tree cholee of good and evil ve have made tlnoiigh life- Qcikie. Always in the House. Rookville, Ct., May 24, 1888. "When tioubled with kldney complaints [Iunt's [Kidney and Llver] RxMEDT re lieves eveiy time. I al ways keep it in the ïouse."- J. H. Ityan, Stipt, of the i can Mills. Krery man's life lies witliin the [ :nt; the part II spent. and (lie tntiire Is incertain.- Marcus Amelius. l 8kinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores , icalth and vigor, cures Dygpepsla i otence, Sexual Debility. 1. See to it that each hour's thoughts and tions are pure and true ; then will voor ife be gnch- Beecher. g Arter Ülphtheria. Í Dlphtherla is a terrible dlnease, requirt ng the greatest inedieul skill to effect a (' omplete cure. Even when its power is l roken, it clings to the patiënt with great J] ersistency, and often leaves the system oisoned and prostrated. Just here HoBd's ¦ arsaparilla does a vast ainount of good, tl xpelling nnpiiritiea from the blood, giv" ir it riehness and yitality, while it reno% ates and Htrengthens the system. When anjrer rises thlnk of the iiences. - Confucius. Dou't Die in the House. " Kough on Kats," Clearnout rats, tnloe, rnches, bed-bufcs, flies, anta, moles, n iiinks, gophers. 15c. "t


Ann Arbor Courier
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