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ijaingsourgn is proiul ot lts vears growth. Detroit has expended $(0,000 for pa vin? ibis year. Reunión of the 23il Eich. inf.uitry at Feíiton to-day. A dog polong mania broken out at Hart. i'ity it oouldn't tpraeud. Iloward City has expended ove SIGO, 000 Ín new buildings thisyear, atid Uboomiiig big. The Coldvrater O. A. R is solicitlng money to ci ect a soldiers' monument with. The annual reunión of the lid Mich. infantry ocours at Lsmsing. D?c. 12lh. Reduced rates. Democrats stlll keep breaking out with joy over over their victory. "l'wa? a long wait fortliem, Why ihedifference? Readlng n Pennsylvania Ís pronouncedBcd-ing; lu Michigan Uccd-íng. Peter CJlrlch of Fovvier, has been s.ilted for $250 and costs Ib a suit hrought by a .Urs. Willams for slander. A sister left her thi-ee brothers named Woodsworth, ot' Ovid, and their families the sum of $57,000 recently. The gold excitement about Ishpeming isgetting to be load. The w hule U. P. begins to warm upa llttleover it. Otters and beavcrs, both of wliieh are nearly extinct in this state, have been caught near Iioscomtnon tliis f.ill. 'riipf "cic iw "cpm-M ,. - 1.__ made in tb is state tinder the ausplces of the republican state central comniittee this fall. Bay salt men are jubilant over having struck a llowi'ig well at a depth of 2,180 feet, the briue being 100 per cent. in strength. The Alger is the name of the latest rold mtnlng compiny forroed In the opper peiiinsula. lf its name is any indicatiou it will be successful. One year ago the terrible slaughter of the Crouch family in Jackson eounty, and the mystery Dot unraveled yet. But it is on a fair way to tbat end. Said to be 55 applic:ints for state o;l inspector, luider Gov. Alger. Aceou ted for by reason of the great curtailment ot repnblican ofllcials in prospect. Thethieechildren ot John Roartes wc re buined to deatli ne;ir Vassar a lew diiys since, together with the house, wijle tlieir niother and fatber werc Worklnjr In the üelds. The large hardware film of Wattles & Wood of Battle C'reek closed np. Hard times made it hard selling hardware. Jjiabilitles $30,000, nssets $20,000 in stock, $20,000 iu debts due. It is announced tbat the Detroit Times will appear on or a!iout to-innfrow, undor the nianagement of Lloyd Biezee, with " no partners, no stock companies, no managing editora." Bivzee paid $12,500 for the plant. A Battle CreeU lunatic set apart last Thursday as the end of all snblunary things. But he was a false prophet. as ail such lunatics are. That event will not oceur iu your life time or mine. True )ioi)hecv. Just waü and see lf it is not. piupueuy. .1 usi wau ana see n ie is uot. The Methodist parsun it Clare advertised rccently: "Dance - At the M. E. chureh, Sunday evening. Good niusk'. All are invited." When the crowd got settled the preacher bejt&n to liandle the sinful practice without glom, mucb to the disgust of those who )iad been looklugfor a good time. A soklieis' monument was unveiled at Reading, last Thiirsdny. A crowd was present, including many G A. R. tosts. It was a gieat day for Reading 3ut after the soulh comes Intü power gain, these union-soldier uinniunenls will lave to be built low, lest their height atr.icl the eyes of the hnughty soutlierns vho may construe it into au insult to heir confedeiate dead. Hillsdale Leader: "Capt, Allen, thougli efeatd, made a gallant figlit, and did limself greut credit besides adding to his arge list of fiiend?. What consitfiicy here was in prohibitionists opposing biui I for ihem to show. As a lite long consteut prohibitionists lie was certaioly en itled to their support, and had he received t he would have been electeü as he deerved to be. If Capt. Allen has lost in he present contest he h:is at least made n iniression upnn the public niiuO vvhlch vill not pass away, and the people will ake the first opporlunity of iiiaking his )iesent loss good tour fold."


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