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1885. Harpor's Magazine. 1LLTJSTKATED. Wlth the new volume, beginning in Deoomthlrty-flfth year The oldest periodlcal of lw type, it lg yet. In each new volume, a ntw magazine, not simply becaune It presen ts fresh subjectsandnewplctures, butalso.and chicf ly, because It steadlly ad vanees In the method itself of magazine rnaking. In a word the Mauazine bei-omes more and moie the faithful mlirorofcurrentlileand moviment i .-iili ijti ii-iiturcslM theattractlveprogr mrae lor 18Sóare: new serl! novéis by t onstack Fenimore Woolson and W. U. Howki a new novel eniitled -'At the Ked Glove-" escrlptlve illUHtrated papers by F. I). Mili.kt, K. 8WAIN GtFKOi.I), ft. A. ABIIEY, H. GlBSON, andothtrs; üoldsmlih's "She Ktoops tofonquer," lllusimted by Abbey; important papers on Art, Science, etc. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PEK YE AR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE U 00 HAKPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR _".'"'.'.'.'.!!! 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLI.V SQUARE LIBKARY, One Year (52 Numbers) „10 00 Postage Fret to all subscriben In the VnUed Statet or Canada. .i,Tl1 volumosof the Magazine begin wlth the Numbers for June and December oreuch year Wtien no time lg specined. it wlll be underatood that the subscriber wisbea to begin witu ihe current Number. The last eleven Seml-annual Volumes of HARrEKH Maoaziííe, In neat cloth bl ding, wijl be sent by mail, postpald, on recelpt of 3 00 per volume. Cloth Ciwes, for binding 50 cents each-by mail, postpald. "iuu"'l5. w Index toIlARPïK'a Maoazise, AlphabetC.a inal,yll.cal1 and -'ll"w'Ji. for Volumes SS %íflfcS!LiÜp 186' to Jone' 1(' Remiltitnces should be made by Post-Offlce Money ürder or Draft, to avold chance of loss. Newspnpers are not to copy thit adverHtenunl without tne exprtt order oHaukeu 4 BituTHERS. Address HARPER BROTHERS, New York. 1885. Harper's "Weekly. 1LLU8TRATED, Hari-er's Wikklï has now, for twenty years, luaintalned lts poslllon as the leadlng Illustrnted weekly newspaper In America. W ith a constant lncrease of literary and artlstlc resources, It U able to offer lor the ensuinuyear attracilons unequalied by any prevlous volume, embraclug a capital Illustratd serial story by W. E. N0B..I8; illustraicd arlíeles wlth special reference to the West and South, includlne the World's Exposltlon at New Orleans ; enlertalnlng short storles, moHlly llluütraled.and import ni papers by high authorltles on the chief topics of the uay. Kvery one who desires a trust worthy polltïeal Kalde, an entertainlng and instinct ive fumily Journal, entlrely from objeclioiiable features eitber In letterpr. sg or illumralions, sliould subscribe to Hakpeb's Wikklv. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER TEAK: HARPER'3 WEEKLY $4 00 IIARPERS MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPEK'S BAZAR „ 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One Year i52 Numbers) 10 00 PoBlage Free to all tubtcriber in the l'nlted States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the flrst Number for January of each year. W'hen no time Is wlll be uuderstood that the subscriber wishes tocommence wlth the Number nest after the rocelpt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Ha rper' Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage pald. or by express, free of expense (provlded the frelght does notexceed one dollar per volume), for 7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable lor binding, wlll be sent by mail, postpaid, on recelpt of $1 00 each. Remlttances should be made by Post Office Money Order or Draft, to avold chance of loss. Jf'Wtpapers are not, to copy thit adverütement without the expres order 01 11 akfeu & BucjTH¦M. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York.


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