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NO POISON IN THE PASTRY IF EXfÍTS Vanlll.i.Lpnion,OranB:c, etc., flíirnr Cnket, Crenm.PiiddlBffs,ftEc.a dellcatelyaad nuturatly ii thv fruit fi-oni w hleh tlioj are miule, FOK STltENGTH AND TULE FKUIT FLATOR TIIEY STAM) ALONE. PHEPAflEO SV THE Prico Baking Powder Co., ' Chicago, III. St. Louis, Mo. MAKERS OF i Dr. Prics's Crsasn Baking Powder - '.ND - Dr. Price's Lupultn Voast Goms, Iteat Biy Hop Yeiut. E"Oïa S-A.XE B"5T SEOCESS. . m Ak'K i:?t oNir oI' l!Giil KEMTHÏ BIÉAD ÜYEASTGEMS The best dry hop ycast in the world. Bread raised by this yeast is liqht, white and wholemffla i,pmi, I7"3rtfljiïlf)th fír1; delicïous bLfl CROCERS SELL THEM. PREPAREO BV THB Price Baking Powder Co., IJanTrs ol Dr. Price's special FlaïoriDz Extracis, Cliicago, II!. Et. Louis, MO THE SURE CURE FOK """ - "- ' KIDNEY DISEAGES LEVER COMPLAINTS CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DiSEASES. PHYSiCIAHS ENDORSE ITHEABTILY. "Kidney-Wort is tho most succeBsful remody I ever uscd." Dr. P. C. Eallou, Monkton, Vt. "Kidney-Wort is alwaya reliablo." Dr. B. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. 'Kldney-Wort has curcd my w ifó after two ycara suUcring." Dr. C. M. Suimiierliu, Sun Uil], Oa. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it has eured -whero all eie had failed. It is mild, but efficiënt, CEÜTAÏN IX ITS ACTION", but harmloss in all cases. l : II U-iuiBP. the RIooA and Stronelhcn" nrl Cives New Lite to all tho important organs of the body. Tho natural action of the Kidneys is restored. The Livor is Clean3ed of alldisease, and the Bowela move frcely and hoalthfully. I:i tlüs way the worst diseaseB aro cradicated from tha eystem. „ PSICE, ÍI.00 LI(}r!D 0B DKT, SOLD BT DIIÏG019TS. Di-y can bo sent by r.iail. weij.s. i:i im;is a c.r.u-Hngton vt. iíOfliíi A IIE.VLTIIY ANÜ KXCITINQ EXERCBSE ('au be hud darlng the wlntor months ! TEN PINST COCKED HAT, Ornnv nf the cnnies of n bowllna nllov. On I O! i m s iHKEr, o poalte ilie Oourt House, Is BoAvIiiiii Ailtv, wliioli Iris recently hoen liiuly decoiatd and tliteil np in guod ityle PRIZSiiÖFFERED ! A fino #10 ltlelnl v 1 1 1 he given to the perroii niaklag the most p ints tn 95gameR, between oow and Jan. l. 1886; 2d iFst, a B"x orCisaml Sdbest Oue Uullur'a ivorthof Bowling Tickets. PATRONIZED BY THE BEST PEOPLE. liere can (( ono of th enl advantagea ui i gymnaBlam. The exrolse Kivc's good olronlatlon, heips digestión and appetlto. COMB AND TllY IT! A. O. II 1,1 NS A. CO. Estflte f Samuel 15. Heel. SFATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnsh, Ataseeslon off Probate Conrt for tlic County 01 Wgahtoiiaw, hoMnn at. the T'robate Olllce in the city of Anu Arlxir, on Tin'(liiy, the twent; llfih day oí Novenibr, in theyear ons thoowind elffhi hnndred and elghty.funr. Preient, Wiütam D. llniTimun, Jndse r Probate. In the matter ol the eetiiti'of "amiiel 11. Ilced, deccued. Ot readlnp aurt ïilin tbe peittlon, nuly I verilieil, of David A. Post praylnu thut. a rertala in-ti uiiH'iil now nu ille in thi ooort, pnrportlñg to be t ë last wil] and le-taim-ni of satd deceaiied, may ba admltttd to probate, and tliut he muy be lppotnted oreoator theraof. Therenpon il in ordt-ri-d, llmt Moinlay, tho Iwi'iity-eei'ond diiy of December next, ut t'n 0'CjOCk in the toreaoon, dp assleued for the boring of aaidpetiiion, and ilini hc devleea, ieKateea and beln ut luw of !:ii.i deceaeed, and all othi-r persons lotereatt d In aald estáte, are reqnlred toappear at a sentón pi lald cmin, tnen to be bolden at the Pro, hut' Olllci', In th City of Ami Arhor, and show cuir-ii, u' any tbere bt, h the prwer of Uie petltionei- should Dot bcunií.iwi. And il la furtlier ordered, 'luit Miid petttloner nve noüce to the poraona interested in satd eatatet oJ thependency oi naiil 'i hum:, and tiearlns thereof, b caoslny it copy of thia order to bepubllshed In the Ann Arbnr VburiéT, n DewapHpei prluted aud circnlfltinyln Huid county, tliree attcoeaalve weeki previ. ons to r-jiid il:iv of tieui-inu'. (A trueropy.) W1LLIAM ü. IIAUHIMAN, Jiidirc ol' Probate. W.M . (1. 0TY, ProoaU Reiintor. 1238-1253


Ann Arbor Courier
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