
In Salem, on Thureday. Nov. 20th, I.-Sl, James M. öiniüi, aged 7ó years. WINE8- Jiv. 21st, 18S-1, of tabes mesenUriea. at the ivstdence of her parents In ttie sixili ward. Pearl Ethel Wines, only daughter of Abraham B. and Juliaett J. Wines, ased i ytars, 'J months and H daya. F rom our arms and onr home circle, LI tl la oue. how rauch we miís th, TbOSgta wre kumv fron pain and i-orrow Tbou art now l'orever lrce. Yes. loved one, 'Iwks hard lo pluce thee In the ool'i and BÜent ftrave; All we h'tve we would hve given '1 by yonni; lile, our cnild, to ave. Yet. hy fuith, we know we'll moet thoe In tbiit land ot peacelul rest ; Thnn ncruin inH t h. hoW foildlV.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Pearl Ethel Wines
Juliaett J. Wilmot Wines
Abraham Wines