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Compiled from Late Dispatches. DOMESTIC. Iïïaat JOHNSON was halbed at Cantón, Migg., on the IDth tor the murder of Baila Booker. A kkiïosexk lamp exloded receutly in the apiirtmeuts of Mi's. liosa Murtha, iiï YViUiiimsliui'K, K. V., and the burning oil was scattered ovir Mr. Murtho and her daughter, aged twenty-lour. Beforc the Hames conlil be extingiilshed thcy wero latally bnrned. . sriiAR-noi'sK on the Armant pl&star iiion iu Kt. James Parish, La., owned by Oliver Rirue, together with löO,OÓO ]otmds of surtir, was burned on the litth. Loss, $190,000. By the -recking of a frsight train the ither iiiorning near liayville, La., fonr trampa were Ulied. i. BalMmore ou the eveuin of the !!'th Charles Loopold was ncoepted by Miss Bettle Winterbaner, a handsome brunette. A few minutes aftervard lie drew a ie vol ver n n careles mauser, accidentafly sliootinglus lictruthed in tlie side with fatal resalta. At New York ou the Wth Louis Utield ihot hls hrcther (alally and killed himSelf. They had coma from Cantón, U.. were rebamlng t France, and had lieon drinking heavilv tor two or three days. Dakota'S new capítol, at Bismarck, havirn; 1m-cii completed, Govror Pierre on the l'.itli issued a proclamation, onder tlie ReniovaJ act, requiriag all Territorial oflicera to' al Biimarck within thirty days. The Amerioan Humane Association met iu eifhth annnal oonvention on the 19th at Etttsborgh, Pu. AH iiiiknown disease was on the IDth dedmatáng hongeholdl in Bnchanan, Wise anl Dicklnson f'.iiniii". Va., where in ¦ome instaures corpges had lieen foiind under one roof. WeUs and Bprlngs had been absorbed by the drought, and the little water that remained was supposed to be taintel with mineral poisons, whieh wer causing the mortaHtj. Forty coal-miners, wheji arralgued the otherday at Washington, Pa., for interferiug with non-Uniou workmen, made no defense, and were each lined one eeut and costs. lx Marshall County, Ala., the other night, Robert Howard, a leadlng farmer, went to James Peake's house to settle nn old grudge. Peake divined his pnrpose and shot Howard through the abdomen, hut tlio latter, raising himself with an effort, shot Peake dead. Mrs. Peake then rushed upoa to her busbond. When neighbors átTiTed all tbree were íouud to be dead. Thb sixteenth annuiil conventiou of the American Woman's Suffrage Assoeiation began ia Hershey Slusic Hall, Chicago, on the l!th. Aildrosses were made by Mrs. Lucy Stone, Mrs. Mary A. Livermore and others. Six lives v.-ere lost by the recent explosión of the boiler of the steamer Captain Sam, plying between Selma and Montgomery, Ala. Over eight inehes of snnw fel] at Bellows Falls, Vt., on tifa 19th. A OBARD jury at New York on the lftth iudieted Sulliran and Groenfield lor indulging iu a prize-fight. The wages of five thoasand' employés in the twenty-eight Ingrain carpot milla in Philadelphia were on the 2Oth reduced trom sixteeu to twentjr per cent. Extexsive forest fires were raging on the 20th in Mitchell County, N. C, beyond the Blue Ridge. Immense quantities of timber and fencing had been destroyed, and a number of houses were swept away. At New York on the 20th the suitjof the Lámar estáte against the Secretary of the Treasury to recover $110,000 for cotton taken during the war was disinissed in the United States District Court. Carr & Hobson, agricultural implement manufacturers at Bergen Point, N. J., have failed. In January last the concern owed ¦tl 10,000, with assets of .ïiT,000. George T. Adee, an aged capitalist of New York, dropped dead in the Bank of Commeree a few days ago from heartdisease. A COXFLAgratiox, caused by toi-ches and fire-works used by Democrats, destroyed a large portion of the business section of Hiekmau, Ky., the other night, the loss reaching il-J5,0Ö0. At the convention of the American Humane Association in Pittsburgh on the 20th John G. Shortall, of Chicago, was elected President for the ensuing year. The strange disease recently reported as prevailing in Virginia also exists in Kentucky and West Virginia, where whole families have been swept away, and thirty or more new graves are seen iu a small cemetery. The people cali it cholera for want of a better name, and the malady upholds its dreadful title, victims, upou being seized, seldom living longer than twenty-four hours. Carriaoe hardware manufacturera representing ?4,000,000 capital formed a National Association on the 20th at Menden, Conn., and decided upon a pooling combination for the restriction of goods placed upon the market. The annual report of the Commissioner of Agriculture shows that during the past year the value of farm producís has in the aggregate more than doubled, increasing ïrom $1,000,000,000 to $:J,ÜOO,000,000 iu round numbers. Amos A. Southwick, late cashier of the defunct Ashtabula (O.) Loan Assoeiation, was arrested on the L'Oth on a warrant charging him with the enibezzlement of ¦-30,000 of the funds of the ba--k. Clergymex of various secta held a meeting recently at New Haven, C'onn., and agreed to hold a congress of American churches in that city next Ma}-. Arthur Clabk, a sailor, was found dyingon the 20th in a New York boardinghouse of yellow fever. No other persons in the building were UI. Adams & Leonaïid, private bankers at Dallas, Tex., have failed, the liabilities being estimated at f600,000. A fire at Haverhill, Mass., recently destroyed a hotel and several stores, involving a total loss of about $25,000. A girl was fatally injured in jumping from the hotel windows, and the inmates generally experieneed rery narrow escapes. Two hunters on the 21st found the dead body of a youngand pretty woman, neatly dressed, in Baltimore C'ounty, Md. A ring on her finger bore the inscription: "Mizpah, May 1, 1883," and on the back of her sold watch were the words: "Frank to Uerbrnde." In a purse in the pocket of her gown was 82. DuBOra the declamation exercises on the 21st at the Montgomery Bell Academv of Nashville, Tenn., Robert Eddington, a boy of seventeen, was reeiting "Hohenlinden" when he paused, confused and forgetful of the ])oem. His face withered, and he startwd to his seat, when" he feil dead on the floor. Heart-disease was the cause. Benjamin Hefner, a wifo murder, killed himsclf in jail at Lima, O., the other night. A htrekt-cau dashed down the incline n Butler street at Pittsburgh, Fa., on the i'lst, and, jumping the track, ran on the sidewalk for a block, when the horses feil, and the car passed over tuem, inflicting injuries which necessitated their being killed. The twenty-tliree paswpgeri on board were badly bruiseri, two of them seriously. Notioes have been posted in the cotton milis at Petersborough, N. IL, Hopedale, and Fall River, Mass., and intheiron milis at Pittsburgh, Pa., of heavy cuts in wages. The Matthews House at Duluth, Miun., was burned the other e-vening, the guests losing all their effects. M. .1. Kolsmech was sufl'ocated, and two variety actresses were lowered from a window by a negro, who then had to jump for his life. Two cniLDRE.v of AVilliam Creed wero drowned a few days ago near Mitchell. D. T. A fun-d of 91,300 was raised iu a few moments at the National Cattlemen's Convention at St. Louis on the 21st for the relief of the Virginia, West Virginia and J"Titmvk v drmiiflit suffm'iiï"-: Acute typhoíH dyMntwy was ths mediaal nnnii given on the 21st to the. fntal sraurge which has recently broken out 11 Uie western portions of Virginia. Oue hundred and , flfty deatht had occurrel in Wise Connty nlone. WlIILl being wariucd by workmen tho ntlii'r dny at AVorcester, Mass., several powder enrtridges exploded, one of tho men belng killed, two injured, and all the windowj in the vicinity wrecked. E. E. Johnson-, formerly Northern Paciflo express agent, accuseel of embezzling .1S,O(H), was aciinitted on the 21st at Walla Walla, W. T. A jitatüe, representing tho landing of the Pllgrim Fathers, will be erected in Central Park, New York, by the New England Society. During r qnarrel which commeneed in a saloon at Sherman, Tex., on the 21st J. W. Atkins and his son Henry and an ofticei were shot dead and two other persons were seriously wouuded. Oliver Bateman, who murdered auc outraged the little McLaughlin girls, was hanged on the 21st at Savannah, Mo. John Rush (colored) was executedat Lexington Ky., for murder committed six yenrs ago He had had ten trials. During the twenty-four hours ended a' nine p. m. on the 21st there were twentythree deaths from cholera at Paris, fourteen at Oran, one at Nantes and eighteen at Compeigne. Three children of John Roader perished by fire in his farm-house, near Vassar, Mich., a few days ago, while the parents were at work in the flelds. The Commercial Hotel, town market and thirteen other buildings at Wilson, N. C, were bmned the other morning. At New York on the 21st Rev. V. H. Ramsoar, Superintendent of the Home for Children and Seminary for CJ ris, was convicted of sending children out to beg, and was sentenced to thirty days in the city prison and to pay a fine of .100. Ir the United States and Canada there were 283 business failures during the seven days ended on the 21st, against 209 the previous seven days. The distribution was as follows: Middle States, Gfi; New Kngland States, 30; Western, 7(; Southern, 67; Pacific States and Territories, 22; Canada, 32. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mr. Blaine was serenaded at bis home in Augusta on the evening of the 18th by personal and politieal iïiends, and made a short address, thanking the Republicans of the country for their indorsement, and expressing hope for the future. Official returns from tlie recent election in Texas give Cleveland 138,605; Blaine, 48,622; Butler, 2,004; St. John, V8; Belva Lockwood, 10. The official vote for President in Alaliama at the recent election is: Cleveland, 93,978; Blaine, 60,444; Butler, Tfc'; St, John, ül". Hox. Joskph E. Bnow.v was on the 18th re-elected United States Senator by the Georgia Legislature. lx New York, on the lSth, in presence of only their most intímate friends, M. O. Wilson and Miss Can-ie Astor, youugest daughter of William Astor, were man ied by Rev. Dr. Dix. The reception was attended by two thousaud leaders of societj-. Mr. Astor gave the young couple a furnished mansion on Fifth avenue, and the other presents were valued at $200,000. The official count of Kansas was eompleted on the lftth, and shows the vote on President to be as follows: Blaine, 154,400: Cleveland, 90, 132; Butler, lt,34: St. John, 4,4;t.1. Ou Governor the vote was as follows: Martin, Republican, 146,777; Glick, Demoerat, 1O8,2S4; Phillips, Prohibitinu and G reenback, 9,!)!S. Rev. Jabez S. Swax, the noted revivalist, died on the l!)th in New Londou, C'onn., aged eighty-four years. The ofhcial vote of Minnesota at the i cent electiou gives Blaine 111,938; Cleveland, 70,144; St. John, MM; Butler, y,587. ' The Republicau Congressmen had i ties as follows: Kirst District, White, tW.!; Second, Wakefield, 10,l(W; Third, Strait, 1,418; Fourth, t4illfillau, 4.434; Fifth, ! son, 11,471. Goverxor Browx, of Rhode Island, has appointed William 1'. Sheffleld as Uuited States Senator to sncceed Senator Anthony until the assembling of the Legislatura in January, when a Senator will be elected. The official vote at the recent eleetion in North Carolina is as follows: Cleveland, 142,900; Blaine, 120,070; St. John, 425; Butler, J0. For Governor, Alfred M. Scales, Democrat, received 142,799 votes; Tyre York, Republican, 122,942; majority for Scales, 19,857. M. H. De Youxg, proprietor of the Chronicle, was shot at San Francisco on the 19th by Adolph Spreckles, son of Claus Spreckles, the Hawaiian sugar king. The wounds were not considered fatal. The shooting was the outcome of an article in the Chronicle reflecting upon Spreckles' father. Walter A. TVood, the well-known reaper inventor, died on the 19th at Templeton, Mass., aged seventy-one years. John Bratton has been nominated by the Democrats of the Fourth North Carolina District for Congressman, to fill th unexpiied term of the late J. H. Evins. The official vote at the recent eleetion in Pennsylvania is as follows: Blaine 473,804: Cleveland, 392,785; plurality for Blains, 81,019. Butler received 17,002 voteg and at. John, 16,787. THe Board of Canvassers' official report gives the Connecticut vote at the recent election as follows: Cleveland, 87,199; Blaine, 0B,928; St. John, 2,30T; Butler, 1,888; scattering, 0. For Governor- Waller, 58,922; Harrisou, C,277; Palmer, 2,128; Curtís, 1,379; scattering, 18. Sumner's (Dem.) plurality for Lieutenant-Govemor is SBB. The New York State Board of Canvassersonthe21st declared the result of the recent election in that State as follows: Cleveland, 003,048; Blaine, 561, 971; plurality, 1,077. St. John, 24,948; Butler, 16,781. Congressman Tucker, of Lynchburg, bas been appointed guardián to the minor chiklren of the late President Garfield, and will have control of all the Garfield property in Virginia. The official vote of North Carolina at the recent election is as follows: Cleveland, 142,905; Blaine, 125.0M8; St. John, 448. A meeting of Boston merchants on the 21st urged Congi ess to suspend the silver dollar coinage, to pass a Bankruptcy law, and to effect as speedily as possible reciprocity with Mexico and Canada. Returns to the Secretary of State show the vote in Georgia at the recent electiou to be: Cleveland, 94,507; Blaine, 47,904; Butler, 125; St. John, 184. It has been decided to erect the Garfield statue at Washington in the circle at the foot of the grounds at the west front of the Capitol at the intersection of First Street and Maryland avenue. ? The Utah Commission, after hearing arguments, decided on the 21st to refer the question of the right of Mormons to vote at school eleetions to General Brewstcr. FOREIGN. t liupcrt Land a Canadian expeditiou recently diseovered I,ake Histaasiui, a body of water supposed to be larger than Lako Superior. Fur-bearing animáis abound on its shores, and fish are very I abnndant. It was believed the Hudson Bay Company had knowledge of the existenoe of the lake for a hundred years, but kopt the matter secret. There was gi eat excitement at the Mexican capital on the 18th iu regard to ths conversión of the English debt. Crowds in the street threatened President Gonzalea with death, and marehed to the residenc of General Diaz to make hitn state his position. Calkb Bütt, a married man of Toronto, eloped a few days ago to the United State with "Captain" Fisher, an Irish girl connected with the Salvation Ariny. Spain has taken possession of the terrltory in WeBt África bordering on the Oio River. The British Houso of Commons has rejected the Irish Compensatiou bill, whioh soughttoextend the provisions of tho Land act to the smaller towns. Twextt-seven cases of small-pox occurred on the 2Oth in the village of Sloco, Pan., aud business wss utirely auapended. A IIoston Rlilp ilii' Ali'it l'ouu'l írom New York for Shanghai, and carrying 400,000 gallons of kerosene otl, was struck by lightnins rooently ncnr Pernambuco nud burned. The officers and crew wtsn saved. Durincj the 1 wonty-fotir honra ended at nino p. m. on theSOth there were forty-fiva deaths from cholera in Paris. The complete official returns of the cholera in tha I'rovince of Naples show that during th seourge there were 14,037 cases and 7,756 deaths, of which nnmber 12,402 cases and (,02!) deaths were in the city of Naples. It has been decided that Canada will not be represented at the New Orleans Exposi tion. Pka.ce negotiations betweon Franco and China were suspended on the 21st, and a coupleof Chinese iron-clads would besent to force the French hlockade at Foirnosa. LATER NEWS. The oüicial canvass of the vote at tha recent clectiou in Illinois is as foüowa: Blaine, 88Ï,481; Cleveland, 312,30o; Butler, 10,010; St. John, 12,074; Mr. Blaine's plurnlity, 2."),12O. For Governor - Oglesby, :::W,217; Harrison, 3in,577; Hobbs, 10,780; Harpor, 8,ftS7: Oglesby's plurality, 14,040. At Denison, Tex., early the other morning burglars eutered the saloon of J. Lewis Libbe, broke open the safe, and stole $1,000. A OYCLON'E which swept over two plantations a few uights ago, just above New Orleans, killed Mr. Mialarat and Anatole Perret, and wrecked soveral houses. The Grand Opera House, in Market street, St. Louis, valued at $176,000, was destroyed by fire a few afternoons ago. A severe earthquake shock was feit in C'oncord and in various other portions of NewHampshire on the morning of the 23(1. Severe wind and rain storins prevailed in the East on the afternoon of the 28d. At Wilkesbarre and Scrauton, Pa., houses were flooded and swept awa3r, and in portions of New York and Massachusetts considerable damnge was done,. No lives were lost. The annual report of the First-Assistant Postmaster-General, issued on the 23d, shows that there were y,414 post-oftices established dm-ing the year and 1,200 discontinued. The whole number of offices is "i0,017, an increase of 2,154. There were 2,106,130,896 postage stampa, stamped envelopes and postal cords issued. !M2,,-)lj,S77. The Sanitary Commission in Paris on the 2od ceased to hold daily sittings and the cholera epidemie was considered ended. W. A. Pledoer, Chairman, has issued a cali for a meeting of the Colored National Committee to convene at NewOrleaus December 17 to consider the situation of the eolored people underthe Democratie party. Telegraphic reports received at the St. Paul Railroad Compaiiy 's office in Milwaukee on the afternoon of the L'.id state that j the mercury was ten degrees below zero all j along its lines in Dakota and Minnesota. Two mes started in a sloop recently from Victoria, British Columbia, with a cargo of nineteen Chinese, who wereto be smuggled into Washington Territory, but all were drowned whilo on the way by tho sinking of the boat. The Osborne building at St. Paul, Minn., w-as destroyed by fire a few evenings ago, causiug a loss of $100,000. Thomas Ket, a ferryman, with his child, was conveyiug nine persous across the river at Cuperton's Ferry, Ala., on the 22d, when the boat capsized. Only three of hose ou board were saved, the ferryman, lis child and four others Iwing swept away aud drowned. Key's wife, who witïossi'd the accident from the bank of thw ver, oadlgone md.


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