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¦ i A lüippy .- pjiri it . i- i .Y:1, . I.. N'jrtn i, Di i' ''!. i);í:: , nliea 'ru.-: pul. hlm on hls icol, uní so l Ulin clieer a about bis business, LetMmtoC lüa enra uoo : "About, three weeka ogo j v. a tul. ce viih a wvara crick In tbe buk. Forfowrt I h&n unatdfl ;¦ turn iu bedwitbout ;..!:'.:.¦ I nhenllftodupooulduotBtaiklonmyíeci I m.luetídtutry ArULo-i'HoltoK.iiItí r:il i r.-iijcdics l;iilctj. ín 20 minutes aíter takiu tho lio (V)hC I couhl liear n' wt'iL'-ht ;:;] i fe t. ín taro d:iyri I wan aile ti get ftboui andttc d to biwiiiH'sH. lu two otber cafes vk h ¦ couh1 to my kuow KhIko itb ík-, , , tíiíicd wttli tbo samo rtíBiiltN." A poor man in Pniladelphia had (n - rwv a dollar to buv a bottK of Atw op Oh .M-ouht.oí h!K]iovcrty liisreuni'Klmlí r rsii'. i. He liad suDcivil irniMy inj i. naüBm. n; (frotefully writw; 1 took my fli'st (Josp Tuosday aftanicc" and ou WfldnoBday, aíter tMit küvü doif , 1 i aot a ishuri)or HcvcTomlie kft. T&enlredxi t, t!m iloBü ou'-li:ilf uiwt t'Kjk t:ic v . :' i u botiie. I WMabtetobostñtdysi work tl3 turday. wiwn I took a Bovere cold aud w: ai!e to Uí-Süiixy lc:lt UuimI. ] picreliuHcd lu uut bvittla and bjr bVtiii3 I fixind ro.lcf. Mio mediotne ia ui] you dinu for f l.' J nvcstijpiteATH Lomónos al yeu pienso! FmkI :ill the fiuilt you choose th it. ! uixl y t ihi! fast remoins, that it i.-; doing wliirt i i . tlier medicine ever could it f UUeii; : m Nearalgia, 'f you i'iinnoi get Athlophchos ol yönr ilrufj; :. . v.üi ;i-jicl it express pald. oa r eelpt of llar prtce- one iolliirper bot Ue. We iircfer tli.t jou h'.iy It Hom jour üTUggitt, but lf he baan't it. doiiot be perauaded Lotii bou "Hiiog els,", b-U, order nt oiice from us a dtreuted. l JTHLOPHOROS Cö.. M2 WJI.L ST., HEW mH. j imiamtimnffjjg ft. l},ii'5r: ?t ;¦?;. tSTCTïJï'fc H'Vtetter1! Sir.tnSii5ï I I ¦ HM ' ! Hlrt.-i - ¦ n 'm,. illlv" ¦' ¦ S,fC"lo. i!(,. ¦ jV CELEBRATED "O liimal catlmrtic. nnd " - a sunrl)íii]ti-lilious Jl wpe ific. It rji]:i(i[ th rT aV iMTi checka nrcniatnre flWAjHjjMHR it i'itrirely iMiiDrs. " Jfcii" 'ni moyt unfavorably iif¦W STOMACH leotert )v the oraUlbiln liin.'d il llueocn of &S3 1 ¦ ¦ m Wfa.40;itc.(llft!UKl w:l 1 1 I fc ter, it i a very .ice ejsivy sal-guard. í'or s tle by all DrnsgUtê and Déniers cencrallyj This Idea of Going West to Culorado or Mexico, for pure air to relieve (Jonsiimption, is nll v mistaUe. Any reiisonable man wonU use Dr. liosauko's Cougli and Lunjr Syrup tor CodBomptlon In .'ill ils flift stage?. It never fails to glve relief In all cases of Uoujfhs, ColiU, Bronchitis, Pain in tlie Cliest and all HÖections ihat are ponsldered piimnrv to Coii8umptlon. Prlce, SOcetitsand Jl .00. Sold by Eberbnch & Sou, ' IIow are you coming out in your parisli i' asked asoutliern Episcopnl blsliop of one of li is rectors. The rector wlio a speculutor in cottmi befoffl tie b(came COttverted, llfted up liis evesand said: "I ain long on glippen and book-markf, bat ratber .-hoit on suspendere" Skiniiy Men. "Wells' Healtli lienewer" restores health and vij;or, cures Dyspcpsia, ImDOtence, Sexual Debllity. $. The depnrturo of living is wrappcd In Miss-Teriy. - Life. 5[y pbygicntn sakl I could not live; my livor out of ordei; frequently yomtted greenUh raueons, skin yeltow, mail dry huniors on face, stoinach would not retain food. Burdook Blood Biiteis cured me. Mr. Adelaide O'Iïrien, 372 Excliat'go st., Hulliilo, N. V. Taking the stump - pickfng np thecigar stub. - Boston Post, The combination, proportion, and prooessin preparing Hood's Harsaparilla, are peculiar to this medicino, and nnknown to otliers. If a tiirkey is a gobler, is a yeong turkey a goblei?- The'Judge. - ¦ _ A lame back isa torment. Il is usnally asci ibed eithcr to a strain or to rheuni.itism. STtae Unies out of ten it is kidney disease. J!e wise in time, tnke IIuxt'S i [Kidney and LiverJ Remedy for your lame back and avoid the dangersoi wbich i it is tlie warnlng, I When did Noah'a wlfe repjesent ohe of thecountiesin NewHanipahire ? Whetl she was rocking Ham.- Independent. "Buchiipniba." Qutek, complete, omes all annovin.' kidney. Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Drujrgist. " ü, wbere shall I flnd content ? " si"lis ! a magazine poetess. H.-ive vou tilcd the j dictionary.dear?- Oil City Derrlck. liegiilars. One of the stronsjest prooft of the value of Kidney-wort asa reinedy for all diseases of the Kidneys, Ltycr and Bowel?, is the fiict that it is uged and preseribed by " regular " physldans. Philip O. Ballou, M. D., of Monkton, Vt., says: "Take it all In all, it is the rnost siicceseful reinedy 1 liave ever used " A norniRl youog man who feil In love i with h tlfshy younr Bloomlnston elrl confeseed he was Infatuated.- - ton kyf. - . i "Mot lier Smm'j Worm Svrnp." Infalliblc, tasteless, harinless. catliaitic, ! for fever:shness, resllessness, worms, constipation. 25c. 'Jry It Yourscir. _ The prooi" of the pudding la not In ehewmg me strlnjf, bnt In bavlng an ' nity to tiy the artlcle youraelf. Eberbach c & Son.the Druggiet, have a free trial botiw ot Dr. Bosanko"a Cough and Lunjt öymp loreach and every one who Is fflicted wiih Coughs. Cóld, AsUiroa, ' sumpiion or my Lung Rffection. J 'l'hi' hest four-in-hanc- fonr aces- St " Paul Ilorald. f ii "Kiif,'ii on Rats. '! Clears out rats, mifie, roaches, dies c ', bed-bBM, skunks, chipmuDks,' Í, gophers, 15c. Dragjriati, jj - u the "queor"- crowdlnKna d oenlric man.- The Judge. '', tW Do H Yonrseir. Witli Diamond Iyes any lady oan get as good resnlts as ü flie liest practical dyer. Every dye ar" lantcd true to name and sample. 10c. at c drugglsta. Wells, Rlchaldsou & Co. BH Hurlington, Vt. Ask Bridget; abe ean ill yon what a RCrtlb game is. - liuston Post. c' M Si Don't Die in the House. f " Rough on Hat.s" Clears out i-ats, mice, th roaches, bed-bugs, llics, ants, moles, chipcc munks, gophers. 16c. Curo Tor Pilex. The lirst syinptoin of Piles is an Intente ItcliIngRt nlght tifter gettiiiR wurm. Tlils o inipleasant aenmtion is iinmediately reO lit'vcd hy an nppliration.of Dr Hosaiiko's ' Pile Hemedy. l'iles in all forras, Itch, Mi Salt Klieuin and Riligworm eau bu peron manently oured by the use of thla groat "?' remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactuied V" by the Dr. üosanko Medicine Coinpanv ttu Pi(iua, O. 8old by Kuerbach & Son ' pw 1202-1253. g ----¦ , m ' jee EVERY LIVE MERCHANT Si 8CI1 IK ANS ARIIOIt. ,nl Should advertise in ol THE COURIER. ,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News