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i 'l'otl, Aii Arhor & NorUi lloliífrar Rnüwny. TIME si HtólM'I.rc. i j 'loiiikc eflfcct atlSo'clock, noon,'on Sunilay, June 2(1, issi. Trains ran ly Cent rul Tlu.c, QOtvQ X'iKTH. GQIVQ SOUTÏT UJ _ - -_ óí bTATTOMB. :ac = P.M. A.W ." P.M. S 2ó 7 Of, Toledo !l 30 4 55 5 liü 7 H Manhattan .lunctioi 0 26 4 4N ." 10 7 2J Alrxi Jnncilon lt 4 3 .", 4s 7 3 I Haw. horno 1 9 KM 801 5 86 7 4l Samaría 02 4 22 09 M Oü! Lllhl S 47 4 III li 1 1 8 l Monroe Jmictlon 423 5!i 2 8 sol DandM S 80" Sit ii 2x 8 37 Macón S 20 8 ¦(' ( SbI Aiilia 8 3DI8 M ti 48 S ra Milán .lunction X 08 25 t) 4i g 0.! MMkq 8 UBI 3 82 B 51 9 ()! Nora 7 i 3 17 (i 58 !l S Unnia 7 M 8 10 7 0 9 32 Pitssflfld Junction 7 40 3 02 7 20 60 Ann Arbor 7 272 491 7 37' 10 U LelHlld 7 12 2 II 7 4B10 2S Wor.len 7 082% S OOlm .15 Souih L'on ti 50 2 Hl Connections: At Toledo, wlth rnllrrmds divergInfr; at Manhattan Jiincii'iD, ith Wheellns A Lakn Hrtí K. R.: at Ali-xis Junciioti, with M. C. I'. l., I.. S. & M H Iiy. ünd P. Jt I'. M B. R.; at Monroe JonCtlon. with L. S. & M. H. Iiy.: ni IMni di, with 1-. s. & M. s. Ky.. M. O. Rv.: nt Milán Jnnetlon. with Wabash, 8t. Lou PHcHte Rjf.J at Pittnflpld.wltb L.s. A M. s. Hy.; at Ann Arbor wllh Michigan Central lí. K., and it Sonth Lvnn with Detroit, Laootog & Northern 1(. H., and Qraud Trnnk Iiy. II. W. AHIILEY, General Slipt. W. n. RRNNE n Oon'l. I'ae. Agent. AT THE POST-OFFICE NEWS DEPOT. A Full Line Of Cheap Libraries! ARO STATIONBKT A noraplete assortineiit of eommoii and Faftcy Ñuto inul Letter Paper. Envelope., InviUrtlnn, antl Btquest canl-. Wiitlug Packets, Fine Box.fwpor, suitable tbr prewnts :111c! lili klnda of Stiitionere' supp.ies. BLANK B00KS Pass Bnofcs, Memorandum IJooks, Setatcli Book?. Sttulcuts iTote Books, Rcruní?, Legal and Medical Inilexes, Bill Books, and :itl grades of cotumon Xote l'ooks. WilLIS mmi Proptor, Anti Agent for all Newapapers, Magazines and periodiealp. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Xo. 1 houtli Main St., Aun Arbor. Theoldcst ageney In the city. Kstatjlished a (iiiiirter of a oenlory a(í. RepresL-ntlng the followitig fltst-class coinpanips Home Ins. C.o. of X. Y $7,488,045 Continental Ins. Co. of N. Y 4.07,442 NUítara Ins. Co. of X. Y 1,874. 024 Glrard Ins. Co. of l'hiladeiphia. 1,209,907 Oriënt Ins. Co of Hartford 1,419,522 Commerpial Union oí'London. .11,043.94.'! Liverpool. London and Globe. .34,402,085 Hatos Low. Losses Libcrally Adjusted and Promptly Taid. C. H. MILLEN. I "Marjiaud, My Marylaml." " Pretty ivrs, Lovely danghtere, and noble mcn."1 " My farm lies In a rather low and miasmatic sHuatlon, and "My wife!" " Who?" " Was a very pretty blonde ! '' " Twenty yeara agn, becuna " Sttllow ! " " Hoüow eyed ! " " Wlthered and aíted!" " Before lier time, froni "Malarial vapora, thouli site niade no particular cotnplaint, not being of the íiriunpy kind, yet cnusing me great nnea si ness. "A short time ngo I inucliased your remedy for one of tlie children, who had a very severe attack of blllousness, and it ocemred to me that the remedy niijrlit help niy wife, as I found that our llttle girl, upon recovery, had "Lost!" '"Her SMÜowness, and looked as frosh as a uewblown daisy. Well, the story is soon tolt], My wile, to-day, has gained her olü-tlmed beauty with eoinponnd ! terest, and is nmv as handsome H matron (If I do say it myself) as can be found in tliis county, which is noted for pretty omen. And I have only Hop Bitten to tliank for it. " The dear oreature just looked over my shouldcr, and says, 'I can flatter equal to the days of our conrtship,' and that reininds me there iiiight be more pretty wices my brother farmers vvould do as 1 liuvc ] done." Ilopirifr you may long bc ipared to do good, I thankfiilly remain. C. L. Jam is Bet.tsviu.e, Prince George Co Md May 26th, 1883. ƒ IW None jennine without a bunch or reon Hops on the white label. Shiin all the vlle, polaon ons stntt wlih ' Hop " or " Hiik " in thelr name. Mortgnge Sale. . OEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conrtiiio' s of a cm min mortatage execmed hy Lydin Kir:liliit'rr,of Maoobwter, ia the ty uf tVwbtOTaw, imd Mate Of Michigan to I Jared S. I.ajvmm. of Northrille, Wayne UouutJ lu said Staie, bvarlne date the tventeenth day of April . D. 1K7, and raoordad I ¦ the nflire of the lieuialer of devdi lumaid County of Waabienaw I n libertó of mortgaü.s, 00 paacjilfi, nnd hy whlct default the power uf sale contaiued in uuidnwit¦aire haviiit; become operativo, and no suil or pro eedlng at law or in chancery havinp been Instï :utid to recover ihe ; mountdue on said inortgage, r the note mcompinying ttie same, and , )einï iiow cliilmcd ro he due on n'iid notennd ' nort!{Ktf, the Kiim of Tito Tlmii-und Time FlunIr.'d and Pourleen Dolar [Í2.SU]. Notie II thereoie heretiy (iveij tliat suid in iriüiige wili be foie lloHi'd on Kri(la the tweuiy-nixth day of DurembiT " t84, at Ifl oMoi k in iho forunoun ol that hy, hy nale ut public nuction to thu bij;liBt bidder at the B"uth front door ol the I -.'nurt Honse in the city of Ann Arbur in said ounty uf vVHshtenav, (naid Ciurt House ln-inir he placo ol i.iiIiImi." the Circuit Cuurt tor naid ounty) ol the raoriKated premlxe drsertbed ín A aid mortKaue, or co much tlienol' as may b ¦ Decaaaiy to - itltfy the iimoutit due on ald 'note and íurtiíaxe wlth rM n ible COS II and expen-e; Inch ttaid mortiaLfed preuiiwes ae des ri ed in i'1 1 'rtf iue, us IoIIo.vh: All ttlose certain piri'l8 oi land finíate Hnd bein' in the Villaje of lanchexter. In the ( ounty ol WaBhun iw, ná late uf MleUnDi knowu nnd rtesciibed ae lot mr (4), atq5i, xix li), neven (7) and eient (8; lu lock one (1) in Qranver and Moi'KonV ailditiou to 1h Villaje ol' Matu'he ter, accordinjí tu the rejrd d plat ol s'iid additiun. Dated, Sept. 20lh, A. D., 1884. JAUKU S. LAPIIAM C AUyy for Mortííiiífce. 3215-127 m P Kpal Kstafe lor Sale. L iTATfiOKMlCUlOAN, County ol Washtenaw. " ' ""¦ ríf In the Matter of ihe Estáte of Clara B. Frecr. u. lOlfemon) a minor. , g. Notice in hereby (tlven, that In purninncn of an der t!rantel to the nndenigntd unatdlan ol said mor, h ihe llon. Jude of ProbaM Tor the mntyol' Wutatmtw, on the dgbth day ol April, . 1). I8HI. ihere wiil be sold at public vendas, to e hlKhuBt bidder, at the dwcllini! house, on the emiijes below describid, in tlie Townrhip of Suri', r, In the OuUHt) of Washtenaw. in aid State, i Tuenduy, the thlrtleth day ol December, A. D. Ml, at ten o Vloek in the Corenoon ot' that day (snh. :t to II encumhranceB by mortai; or otherwise iBtlnu at the of the sale), all Iha rilit, title d inteied of nid minor in the rollowlin deI bed real estáte. t-wif ¦ Du west eixty (80) acres of tl.o eat half of the Th nthi'ait qaarter, and the cast ten (10) acres of the j l half ot the B'iutheast qnarUT of Beotion , (21), In the towhship ol Superior, WiiBhteuaw unty, in Mlchiyun. JANE E. FKKEU, fl] Jated, November 10, 1884. IJS1K w


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News