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The Adrián Record says with a quotaon mark at botli entls: "This is the inter of otir discontent." 'I'liat shows ie Record's politics. C. V. Smith again takes control of the t. .lo. County República, published at Jentervllle, as editor and publlsher. ïhe iepublican is a good paper, and we lould take C. V. to be uo blacksmith by ie way be takes hold of it. The Grand Iïapids Saturday Even ing 5ost comes to us with the name of J. K. Füirchild rlying at it mast-head. Ttie Post as been a ood paper, and witb the exterience whieh Mr. Fairchild will bring o it, it ought to be still bctter. Here s hoping it will be. John Hnible, lor many ye:irs the comjetent, bonest, sleady, bright and falthful breman of the Caro Advertiser, bas jurchased the Unionville Sun and vi!l eek fame and fortntie in its rays. Here s success t" you, John. II' yon don't neet witb it we are pure it will not be uur fault. May the Sun siiinc brijchter hiin ever. The Oxford Globe teil of another elccion oddity : The membera of tho Lime Kiln club met at the shoe store of Dan. Carpenter, L'nesday eventnft, for the purpose of washng Dan 's sluip towel, wliich bad hunr in ts accustonu'd place tor cight yeais iritilOUt belng washed. Eight years ago Dan nade a solemn vow Ihat it should nevei)e washed until a democratie president was eleoted; that millcniuin having arrived, the towel wns duly washed. It is letdless to say that it needed it, for it lad been able to stand alone for several years owing to its stiiFened eondition by lirt. The "mostor" business is tlius aetlled by the laat Ypsilanti Sentinel : Tlie Times luis a paragraph whlch dates the iwloptioii of the rooster as a politica] symbol in 1842. Tliis is too late. The rooster as a symbol, was in full feather In 1840. He was probably suggested by the exhortation, to a post mnster and oc'.itor, perhaps in Indiano, but we tliink in Alabama, wlio writlng tligcnuraging to his chleï In Washington, wm8 tdlcl lo Re p u[ li is spii it?, and "erow, Chapman cruw." We can't be mistaken about tliis, tbr we rcmember wel] huw the whlg boys in 1840 pastod up a line specillu.n, t4i.l tlio Priuwli Mnnr domMMlli'fl fïi "pour quoi uil grand coque," was tlms exhibtted before hini. lle was not up in American politics. Ever and ever it keeps rising up to waru the young to avoid temptation. The followiog is from' the Lanstng Republican : Tiiere is an old saying tliat "the prolitable cultivation ot qulck-sand and the practical refoi inatioM of a drunkard" are among the impnssibilitii ?. The quieksand part of the arnement is admiited, bilt men have been lifted from the gulter and lived for years the lives ot' sober, indiistrious citizens. lïut such instanees are not the rule, and the young wonian in choosinf; a companion for life, siiould shun tlie younii man who usos Intoxicante as alie woukl shnn a viper. These thoughts are called up by a recont decisión of the snpreine coiut of Indiana in a divorce snit in which occurs the following language: "You voluntarily chose a ilrunkiird for a husband, and you shouUl discharge the duties of a drunkard'g wife. His failnre to keep a pledge of refonnation made before maniate does not justify 5'ou in deserting liiin. Havin knowingly inarried a drunkard you maal mak yourself content with the relationship." The Jonesville Independent propon nds a conumdrum for those to answer whfl eau : The ]roliibitionist8 stood up md we re couiited on CODgreuman, and whlle tlie count was not largeenough to afford vei v great satisfacHon to Mr. Moslier, still enough votes were diverted from Capt. Allen to pi'obably defeat him. VVben some of our prohloltion friends consltler the results of tlieir efforts tliey will not be entirely satisfied with tlie leadership that has led to it. Capt. Allen has for many years been a temperaiice man. He lias advocated temperaiice and prohibition in the legislature, in conventions, on the platform and elsewhere. Re was nominatcd beeause he was a temperaiice man. Col. Eldredge, on the other band, has never been a temperance advocate and while not hunself in iutempenile man, s evidently in hearty ayinpalhy with the democratie platform plank de claring agaiust sumptiiary laws. Euough prohibitlouteu votad for Mr. Mosher to defeat Capt. Allen. Bow did tliey advanee the cause of proliibtion by so doing'? The Leelenau Enterprise has .1 tale of democratie woe to depict. Hear it: The demócrata of Traverse City, having determlned on liavinjf a bi; barbecue In honor of Cleveland's election, last weekpurcliased Charley Cuminings' tame beur, slaughtered and dressed it, aud hang it up in a small building of ('urn minga pending the dawn of thefes:al day. Meanwliile some naugbty republicana stole the bear, roasted and ate it, teuding to its fonner custodian, Cummingx, t he detached caadle apoeodage ei' the animal, which it is safd Chuilev wtuun next to lus heart as a souvenir nl his late pet. When the time carne for opening the orgies and the sad ta.le of Mirreptitions appropriation was unfolded by one of the weepinrand liunjri v hiuinitrs, it was unaniiiiously decidid toitliwitb to immolate a shoat on the democratie alter as the best nbtainable substitule for the bear. The speech of the eveninfr abounded in sharp and ringing hits and had In its inake-up the very soul of wit. It run like this: - "Öchentleinen ve hof lost dot bear, but ve hof jaii Cleveland .'.' (Tremendous applause.)


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