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In one oí lus many able mieles on the recent movement of "conscieiüious lunacy" as the third party is aptly cal led, Dr. It. M. Ilattield aptly wiys : No man living can certainly anticípate the future, but certain results have löllowed tlie course ol this third party that seem lo me obvmus aud self-evident. Let me refer to a few of these. It has - r i. IL-lped lo mak.e (rover Cleveland president of the UniieJ Siales, with all that is involved in hüvlng a man ol his characlerin tho White House. 2. It has rejoiced the hearts of tlic great mass of whisky men, sa loon-keepeis and unrepeutant rebels of the wlioU; country. '. It has fiown the seeds of discord In mary of our churches- seed that is ilready producing au abundant and bitter erop. 4. It has caused divislona aud strife amonji thefriends of temperance, ïendering their co-operation for years to come almost impossible. It has driven thousands of mtelligent and influential men from the rankt of temperance, and disgusied them with the Ideaof proliibitory legialation. 6. It has tarn is iied the repu tat ion, i m pal red tlie inflnenüe, and crippled the work of the wouian's ohrtatlan temperance union. It any oue doubts ttie truth of this last declaration, he hasonly t--) keep his eyes and ears open for a little wnile, and liis doubts will be dispelled. Finally, and worst of has dlsheartened the noble men and women wbo are laboring for the elevatlon of the colored peopleof the south, and heaped intolerable burdens upon Mi is unhappy race, inauy of wliom ure DOW pressed out of measure, above at re neta, insomaeh that they are ready to despair even of 1 i fe. I do not impugn the motives of tliose wiio are the authors of theae untold calainiLles, but no good intenlions can Boodcr the connectiou betweeu cause and ertV'Ct. The raen wbo sow to tlie wind must reap the whirlwlud.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News