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Regvkr iiionthly meeting on Monday evening. Called to order by the Mayor. Holl called by ltecorder; quorum present. Minutes read and approved. REPOKTS OF ('OMMITTBBS. Finance comruittee reported tlie expcnditures tbr the month of November as follows, and the amounts were allovved : lst ward fund $ 2ï 75 Sd " - Uil IS Sd " ' 13 6S 4tli ' " 41 Sth " ' 7 25 til ' " 85 42 General street fund 69 25 Oeneral fund 899 54 Contingent fund 5Bii 27 Total 1,782 7S Fire ooininittee reported verbally that the bell and entine Louse furnishings wanted by the 6th ward liouse wouldcost about $Ü5. Also that the engine would eost $600. Also the committee had engaged Mr. Meyer to take charge of the Stil ward engine house tor $25 per year. The general fund committee reported throngh Chairmao Lawrence in reference to street liahtiiifr, givinfj three propositions of the gas comp.iny. One_to furnish, light, clean and extinguish 74 or moie stivet lights, 7 ft. Bray burners, froni sunset to 1:80 i. in., every tiight, when there is no moon - according to tlie gas nlman(ic&t $25 per post per annum. 2d. To furnish same number, etc. at $2.35 per thousand feet, the nmount of gas consumed to be arrived at by attaching meters to mains near posts, and obtain fair average. 3d. To light the city accordinor to present contract, at $22 per post. i -i ne Kccorcler tlien reaü two proposi I tions of the Van Depoele company t . funiisli for one year 6 or 12 electric ar . lights, from early dusk tn 11 o'clock p.m. l and Sunday nights to 11:30 p.m., for $It ; per light per nioiitb, prorlding tlie lighti ¦ are placed on the circuit and lhies of Uit company, extending south to Jefl'erson, west to First, north to Nortn, and easl to State sts. The 2d, to furnish for twu years 20 lights to 12 o'clock each niglit, for $12 per light per montb. On motion tlie whole matter was postpoued to next Monday night, whon a special meeting will be held for the purpose of considering the same, and Aids. Vaughan and Lu:ck were added to conimittee. KBrOJITS OP CITY CFFICERS. City Marshal Fall reportad tlie following Uistribution of the poor fund for tlie montb: lst ward, $27.31; 2d, $20.50; 3d, $0.92 ; 4tb, $56.87 ; 5th, f 16.01 ; total, $181.61. Recorder repoi-ted the following balances and overdrafts: Contingent fund, on hand .... ij 088 t General fund, overdralt . 1 '$& % Geneml street fund, overdraft. ¦ 0 lst ward fund, on hand '" 334 B] 'fa w w ;; :; 6 h overdraft:::"::::::::: sl'iï iW1 ' ouhaml 34 26 Ul overdraft 178 S7 City cemetery fund, overdralt ia 07 Doi? tax fund, od hand ' 72 o Delinquent tax fund, overdraft:::.'.:: 720 23 City Treasmer reported for the month of November: Balance on hand $7 682 89 Rec'd Interest on deposlts :... 1211)6 " liquortax ' " 4950 delinquent tax from C'o.freas-, 32 18 Tot' . ..TmxubÜ DISBUR8KD. ContlUKeiit fund :!8 S4 General ¦ 438 m lst ward " 21 l' -'} " " 205 u2 ' " " Btt ï'f " Ö00 otl) ' " lo 25 Gt-neral street fund 286 68 1,048 06 Leaviug bal. on hand of 86,237 86 NEW 1ÏUSINESS. The memorial of the Citizen's League 11 referenee to alleged faulty and w.u. less sureïleï upon liquor bonds heilig called up by Aid. Biggs, Mayor Harriman stated that in bis opinión the council had 110 ijower to nrt in Hi mi That liuving once approved the bond, and turned themover tothe county treasuier, they were beyond the control of the council. But in the event of the insolvency, death or reinoval of any snch surety, the law made t the duty of the county tieasurer to require new bonds. On motion of Aid. Vaufrlian, a special coinniittee consisting of Aid. Bijfgs. Vaughan and Lawrence was appointed to investígate the law and the power of the council in the matter. Moved by Aid. Henderson, that the council meet hereatter at 7 o'clock p. m. sharp. CaiTied. Moved by Aid. Vaufjhan, tliat the old coniniittee on the tramp nuisance be coulinued in (jower to couter witli like coniniittee of supervisors. Carried. Quite a lot of wild game carne to the expresa office Saturday froin Gaylord, eonsigned to Renwink & Nnylor, ainong Chem beiug a wild cat, the largest of its species ever seen in this " neck of wooils." It was a regular panther in looks. It is not generalij' known that there are ten deaf-mute resident of Anti Arbor, most of whom have been siven a good education at the state school at Plint. The Episcopal cluirch holds occasional religious services for thein, haring a rovintf missionary of their class, who travels over the western States. U. T. Foster, superintendent of machinery in the wafion works of the Jack8on state prison, has been In the city during the past week, visiting his brother, I. N. S Foster, of Ann Arbor town. Mr. F. has been In the prison since 1846, and has seen many changes there; in fact many life timers have finished their sentences since he has been there. He expecls to see another change soon In the management of the Inttftatlon, and tblnki that (Japt. Hatch, of Jackson, will be the new warden. At the annual election of VVashtenaw Chapter, No. O, R. A. M., held Monday evening, the tVllowing ofllcers were chosen: H. P.- Isaac C. Handy. KiiiR - Wm. (i. Doty. Scribe- Jax. L. Htone. K. A. C- John A. Gates. P. 8.- Chas. E Hiscock. O of H- L. C. Goodrich. G. M. M Veil- N. ü. Gates G. M. 2d Veil-Wiliard J. Pett G. M. Ist Veil-W. C. Hollauds. Treaisurer- Dewitt C. Fall. Secrelary- Zaeh. Roath. Seutinel-T. ïaylor. These officials will be installcd next londay evening.


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