Real Estate Transfers
Hcnry Van Tuy), executor, etc., to Peter Meyer. lot, Ypslluntl i ooo Qeo. M. Redden to Franklln L. Parker. ' 80 acres. Augusta iqo anklln D. (JummingN to Geo. P. Ulazler. lot Chelsea 3 sgg Wm. Hulbert, by admlnlutrator, to J ' A. House !l aorei. Anu Arbor 1 500 Mlchael Kltzgerald et al. to David Ncott ' 10 acres, Northlield soy Wm J. Canfleld to Win. T. ito'bïüs, ÏÓ acres, Augusta 300 F'. D. CummingR to Mlchael Kalen, Jr lüt, I h I -,,-; ' 2()Q Robt. Brooks to M. J. Lehman, lot Ohel8"a 900 Mllo Hurdlck to Mllo West, 11 acros, Sylvan ]25 Andrew Burle to Chrlstlan Koth, lot, Ann Arbor ]qo .las. G Kulton to Harrlet Conklln and Helen E.Swllt, lot, Ypsllantl 500 Oeo. Harding, executor of C. B. Clark, to Wm. W. Whodou, lot, Aun Arbor... 3,000 Wm. W. Whedon to D. E. Wlnes, lot, Ann Arbor ri,4(0
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Dr. Henry Van Tuyl
Peter Meyer
George M. Redden
Franklin L. Parker
Franklin D. Cummings
George P. Glazier
William Hulbert
J. A. Rouse
Michael Fitzgerald
David Scott
William J. Canfield
William T. Robins
F. D. Cummings
Michael Kalen Jr.
Robert Brooks
Michael J. Lehman
Milo Burdick
Milo West
Andrew Burke
Christian Roth
James G. Fulton
Harriet Conklin
Helen E. Swift
George Harding
C. B. Clark
William W. Whedon
D. E. Wines