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De-iigiitiuuy cooi me winier s oreeze, Aud De-licious the breath of the Northern seas. And De-graded the niau who decries their worth, Though De-nuded tlie trees and frozen theearth ; Kor tliis is Do-llghtsome, de-leetable, de-mephltized De-cembei'. N. B. Patent applled for. Dou't steal. This is winter, according to the almanac. Bythe way, in whatshape is tliat goose bone this year ? A corrected mail time table at the head of this column. Bring your pamphlets and magazines to The Coukier bindery. A wlnter's fog will freeze a dog; we've liad the fog, look out for your dog. The gasoline street light company's contract with the city expires next April. The beautlful moonlight nights of the past week have been too mucli for the burglars wnen will tlip democrats cut tliat watermellon and pass it around, tlmt's the question. Bakers have not dropped on the price of bread yet, though tlour has tumbled wny down. The first person to pay taxes for this year was Fivd Reltich, Fred Scblamlerer being a close seoond. At Whitmore Lake, last week Friday, the 28tli, Mari i Hóggard died ol'old age, having reuuhed 86 years. A chlld of Clias. Binder, about 10 monthsold, feil down a flight of stairs Momlay ana Dioüe lis ;m„. A party of six or eight M mchesterites were over to the county capital Saturday night testing the roller riwk. Ir Bach et Abel will do wliat they advertise tliis week, the lndies of the couuty will get cloaks verv eheap. Ed. Kent, of the 5th ward would like to tï ud a roll of bilis eoutaining some $80 ora $100, thathe lost last week Wedne3day. Bnckwheat flour costs 4c. per Ib. or $4 per cwt. Slapjacks come high but we must come to the scratch if we have tliem . The flushed democracy have now ceased painting towns red, and confine their laborsin tliat direction strictly to their nasal organs. Company A's regular inspection and hop next IConday evening. Their regular Jiinuary hop will take place on New Year's eve. There is to be a leap year hop next Thursday evenfng, at Beethoven hall; and the ladies propose to inake the occasion a jolly one. Tlle Knights of Maecnbees are in a very prosperous eondition in this state, and for three years past have furnlshed thecheapest insurance known. Ben. F. Watts, city treasurer, has the rolls of the different supervisors' districts in his hands, and you can pay your taxes gentlemen and ladies. Dressed hogs bring $4.50 to $5percwt. in the market now, but smoked hams till retail at 14 cents per lb. by the whole ham. Hogs' hams are too high in proportion to the rest of their body. The reduction of taxes this year in the city, is about ten per cent. It is still greaterin many of tiie towns whose equalized valuation was lowered instead of being raised, as Ann Arbor has been. Gas costs to manufacture about $1 per thoinand feet, it is said; then why shoulü the city pay $2.35 cents per thousand for her street lampa, and then haveanumber of them not lit half the time? elen K., wife of Geo. Collins, of the lst ward, died on the 27th of November aited 45 years, of cáncer. Funeral services held Sunduy at 2 o'clock r m at the residence, cor. of División aud Jefferson sts. Thanksgiving Day was observed about ' s it always is. Some went to church, more remained at home. As far as the original intentioiis of the day is concerned the day might as well be abolished for all ' but the few. Special session of the council next Monday night to decide upon street lighting. % all means extend the electric light. If the gas company kicks, let the gasoline company step in and rill out the streets the electric light does not reach. Passenger agents, representing the Clncinnati, Harailton & Dayton, the Cincinnati Southern, atul the Chicago & Alton ' Hailroads, were in the city Friday last, looking up the interests of their roads in ' fespec-t to the New Orleans business. The Children's Missionary society of ' the Congregational church will hold a "ir tor the sale of artlcles made by 'ves, on Friday afternoon and evening, I december 5th, „ the church parlor. i"0's open at 8:30. A small admission f we will be charged. One of the old landtnarks of Ann 1 bo'- the lime kiln, which has stood by 1 ¦crailroad track near the city milis, at 1 ll'e north end of Main st., for yeart and ( .V(ars, diappeared last week. It has been 1 wken down, never to go again. The i on therefoie is that wood is soexpensive at lime can be imported cheaper than i " ii be burned here. Pension day at the county clerk's office to-morrow. The winter term of the public schools conimenceil Monda j'. One advertisement In your local paper is worth 40 on the fence. Special attentiongi vento holiday binding at The Coükikr biudery. A ladies' orange contest will take place at. the rink Saturdar evening. The Arbor tent of Maccabees will elect officers Wednesday evening of next week. M. C. Sheehan Is to hold a masquerade carnival next week Friday, at lus academy. The spinal column must soon perforni a curvature accompaniament to the snow ihovel. The rink will hereafter be open Wednesday afternoon insteadof Tuesday afternoon. Mary Schaflfer, the lower town female, will have her trial before Justiee Brennan today. The Ann Arbor Knights Templar have been invited to banquet at Jackson. Date not fixed yet. The order has goue forth to reduce the working f orce on the M. C. R. R. Hard times. Sorry. Tliere was sufflcient ice upon the river Sunday to tempt the skating propensities of several sinners. At each of the four entrances to the court house storm porches have been erected. Good idea. About 20,000 demócrata are posing for the Ann Arbor post.omce.-Müau Leader. Now what's the use of exago-eratin" ? nu. _ ..1 -¦ t m . Tbere are only 19,99 by actual couut. The delegates to the State Horticultural Society meeting are being entertained by citizens. About 125 are iti attendance. It looks as if Sheriff Wallace would have to give up the property held by htm in the tainous Worden whip-socket case at Ypsilanti. The liist sleigh bells of this winter sea9on greeted Ann ArborearsTliankseiving morning. But the snow was too scaree for good sleighing. Haven't you some books to be bound for Christnias or the holidays? If so bring tliem to The Courier bindery so to have them on time. We understand that C. Woodruft', editor of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, has been ofïered a position as editorial writer upon the Detroit Evening Journal. Au interestlng article in reply to "Outside" from the pen of Isaac Wyukup, is delayed untll ncxt week, because of the press of local matter this week. Friday morning Justice MeMahon sent James Blythman to the Ionia house of correction for live months, t'or being drunk and disorderly. It was the second órlense. Ellen FlunlgHD, mother of John Finnigan, of the 4th ward, dled Nov. 30th, aged 85 years, of oíd age. Funeral yesteiday, and remaius taken to the Nonhfield vault. Hev. M. J. Savage, of the clturch of Messiah, Boston, one of the mobt able Ultituriaii miuistpj'S Qt' tile daV, WÍ11 preacli at the Utiitarian church next Sunüay, morning and eveuing. Three weeks from this evening Old Santa Clause or Kriss Kringle, as you please, wül be due. Have your ehimueys all cleaned out for him, and your pocketbooks in a plethoric coudition. The iirst concert by the Ann Arbor School of Music, spoken of in our lust issue, will be given Tuesday evening, Dec. 16, at the university hall. To be tollowed Jan. 30th by Joseffy. The Courier bas the promise of an article from an old supervisor and a well informeel gentleman, in reference to the vexatious equalization business of the supervisors - In the near future. Senator Kempf talks of having the button holes on liis coats iron rimmed previous to going to Lansing. He says that every day brinjis letters begging for nis vote and intluence to obtain positions in the gift of the legislature. Why are a numberof our street lsmps like the topers In prohibition stales ? Tnal' easy ; becanse tliey liave lost thelr glasses - ConKiKR. Now, lriend, teil us what those lamp posta are like wbicb were oidered last spring and are not up yet ?- Chelsea Heruld. Ceitaiuly. 'J'hey are like the ones in Chelsea. According to statistics publislied n the Detroit l'ost, Wiishtenaw county heads the list of wheat grownig counties in the state, her average being21 bushels per acre for the past seven years, her nearest competitor producing but 19 busliels per acre. By some uiiaccountable reason an item in reference to the recent advanceinent of B. Frank Bower, from city editor of the Detroit Post to mauaging editor, was mislaid. We are pleased to note Frank's upwartl course. He is deserving of all the sood luck that falls to him. About Christrnas 1784, the Methodist church was first organized, and this year it is proposed to celébrate its centennary in an appropriate manner. Next week we shall publish the programnie to be observed during " Centennary week" - from December 24th to January 2d. Ainong the unrecorded deeds at the registers' office, are several government patents, beaiing the signatuie of John Q. Adains. One in particular we noticed, No. 1357, to Martin Davis, of Onondaga Co., N. Y, dated Sept. lst 1825, on the east }L of the southeast }L of sec. C, Pittstield. . It has been suggested that TnE Couribk issue a supplement this week, containing the balance of the names of aspirants for the post-ollice, as there are so many who feit hurt at being left off the list last week. But considering all things we hare concluded not to do so. The priuting of names calis for so many capital letters and periods that it wonld make us "out of sorts." John Allen, who resides on 4th st., met with quite a serious accident Tuesday evening. He was returning from his farm in Lodi with a load of hay, and when near the toll gate the tongue of the wagon feil down and the load upset throwing Mr. Allen into the ditch, breaking his left collar bone, and injuring him internally. Dr. Darling reduced the fracture. A crtain newpaper scribe not a thoiisand miles away, put on a heavy overcoat Thursday for the first time this year. Upon reachingdown into lefl hand pocket he discovered something. Pulllng it out he found himself In possession of a firstclass, fur-lined, satin-rinimed, gilt-edged, highly-perfumed mouse nest, composed principally of pieces of feather and plumes gnawed by the little varmints from his wife's winter nat that had hung near by. Wife cried. The editor swo- sigued.